Website Unit Plan Template

UNIT 14:THE BEGINNINGS – “From conception to Early Childhood”

UNIT OVERVIEW:Students will develop knowledge of conception and early childhood

and an understanding of the choices facing a parent/s at this time.

ASSESSMENT: Oral report and Written presentation: research and present a

condition or problem of pregnancy.Written exam


No / Learning Goal / Success Criteria
(I Know I’ve got it when I can …)
1 / Discuss the decisions couples face in preparing for parenthood regarding the positives and negatives of the psychological and physical preparations / Identify the decisions parents will face in preparing and entering parenthood.
List the positives and negatives
Discuss and debate the decisions made by couples.
Identify the impact of parenthood on othe family members.
2 / Investigateand research the process of conception and analyse the genetic and environmental influences on conception. / Viewed DVD’s of the conception process.
Discussed with the school nurse the process of conception and the factors of influence on conception.
Tabled the results of discussion conception, developing embryo/foetus and influences of genetic and environmental conditions.
Research and investigate a condition that has a direct influence on the birth of a healthy baby and the health of the mother.
3 / Investigateand research for reproductive technologies available to childless couples. / Define the technologies available.
Chart the pros and cons of each technology.
4 / Outline the stages of development of the embryo/foetus throughout the pregnancy / Chart the roles of the placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic sac at each stage of gestation and birth.
Create a checklist for each trimester of the pregnancy
5 / Describe the procedures involved in monitoring pregnancy. / Discuss and record with the school nurse the medical tests conducted during gestation and purpose of antenatal classes for both parents.
6 / Analyse and investigatethe effects of lifestyle and complications in pregnancy.
  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Chemical substances
  • Miscarriage
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Still birth
/ Discuss the nutritional requirements of the pregnant woman ( particularly protein, calcium, iron and folic acid)
Outline the problems associated with chemicals during pregnancy such as tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, prescription drugs and illegal drugs.
Discuss and record the causes and possible physical and psychological repercussions of such conditions/results.
Research and investigate one drug in relation to its use during pregnancy for example thalidomide, marijuana, etc.
7 / Describethe choices available to parents during:
  • The stages of labour and delivery
  • The options for birth
  • The pain relief process (epidurals, etc.)
Discuss the positive and negative results of each option during labour, delivery and birth. / List the stages of labour.
Detailthe stages of labour.
List the pain relief offer to the delivering mother and the likely effectiveness of each option.
Compare the safety of different delivery options
8 / Investigate and analyse the birth defects occurring in newborns
Classify the newborn baby as:
  • Full term
  • Pre-term
  • Special care
/ Research, investigate and chart the description, cause/s and effect/s, detection and treatment of birth defects.
Determine the definition of pre-term and special care babies.
Examine the testing of newborns prior to releasefrom hospital and the 6 week post natal check-up
9 / Analyse evaluate and justifythe benefits and choices made by parents to breast feed or formula feed their infant.
Compare breast versus formula feeding practices. / Interview mothers to examine reasons for choice (circumstance, change, preference, time).
Prepare a timeline for weaning baby and introducing solids to baby’s diet.
Determine the best sterilisation procedures and develop guidelines to minimise risks to the baby of contamination and choking.
10 / Discuss and evaluate contemporary issues in today’s society.
  • Circumcision
  • IVF
  • Single mothers
  • Same sex parents
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • Delaying parenthood
  • Childless by choice
  • PND
/ Define and describe the issues facing our society regarding cultural practices
Compare and contrast the options of choice for parents (traditional, cultural, legal, and fashionable).
Summarise the choices available to people and evaluate their place in our society.
Debate the pros and cons of each contemporary option