City of Anaheim


DATE: MAY 19, 2015




200 S. Anaheim Blvd.
Suite #620
Anaheim, CA 92805
Tel: (714) 765-5110
Fax: (714) 765-5288

Agreement for School Crossing Guard Services

May 19, 2015

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That the City Council, by Motion, accept the proposal and approve an Agreement with American Guard Services, Incorporated, Carson, California for school crossing guard services, in an amount not-to-exceed $2,000,000 for the initial two-year period, with up to three one-year optional renewals; and authorize the Purchasing Agent to exercise the renewal options, all in accordance with RFP #8429.


The Anaheim Police Department contracts with a vendor to provide crossing guards at 63 sites serving local school districts. The vendor is required to recruit, hire, train, and manage employees, conduct background checks and drug screening, provide equipment and gear, and furnish regular staffing reports to the Police Department.

This contract will provide up to 62,640 hours of crossing guards and 3,840 hours of supervisory services each year. The City will be invoiced only for the actual hours of service provided. The term of the Agreement will be for a two-year period with up to three one-year, optional renewals. Pricing for the renewal periods will be negotiated each year, but in no case will any increase exceed the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Orange County, California, or the direct dollar impact resulting from increases in the applicable minimum wage laws and/or government mandated benefits for the preceding contract term. Contractor will be required to submit adequate documentation to justify any requested price increases.

Purchasing solicited proposals from known crossing guard companies and posted the request for proposal on the Internet. Sealed proposals were received by 2:00 p.m., Friday, March 06, 2015, from six companies: All City Management Services Inc., Santa Fe Springs, CA; Alltech Industries Inc., Monterey Park, CA; American Guard Services Inc., Carson, CA; Andy Frain Services Inc., Aurora, IL; Prestige International Security Inc., Northridge, CA; and Unified Protective Services Inc., Hawthorne, CA. Proposals were evaluated and scored by a committee comprised of representatives from the Police and Finance Departments.

Prestige International Security’s proposal was non-responsive and immediately disqualified for failure to include most of the required information and documents.

The remaining five proposals were evaluated on numerous criteria including the firm’s qualifications, responsiveness and thoroughness of their proposal, training programs and implementation plan, experience of key personnel and working with other public agencies, client references and proposed pricing. Unified Protective Services and Alltech Industries scored significantly lower than the other companies and were therefore eliminated from further consideration. The evaluation team determined that the remaining three companies each had sufficient experience and resources to successfully perform the work to the City’s specifications. Thorough reference checks were completed for the top three companies and each of the finalists acknowledged their acceptance of the City’s contractual terms and conditions and provided their best and final pricing offer. Upon completion of all steps in the evaluation process and factoring in each vendor’s pricing, final scores (out of a possible 150 points) for the three top companies were as follows:


American Guard Services, Inc. 137

Carson, California

Andy Frain Services, Inc. 125

Aurora, Illinois

All City Management Services, Inc. 122

Santa Fe Springs, California

Staff recommends awarding to the highest scoring and lowest priced bidder, American Guard Services.


Sufficient funds have been allocated in the Police Department’s proposed Fiscal Year 2015/16 budget. Funding for subsequent years will be subject to Council’s approval of budget appropriations.

Respectfully submitted, Concurred by:

Carole A. Ayuso Raul Quezada

Purchasing Agent Chief of Police


1. American Guard Services Agreement