Minutes of a Parish Council Meeting held at Barham Village Hall on Thursday 7th June 2007 at 7.30 p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Mrs L.J. Davies and Cllrs J. Callan, Mrs M. Jenkins, Mrs H. Pechey, Mrs V. Steer and D. Tamsitt.

103/2007 Public Speaking:

(a) Trevor Skelton, Parish Plan Support Worker of Action With Communities in Rural Kent attended the meeting, as he helps groups to put actions forward, advises of training events coming up or perhaps offer assistance and/or advice on issues there may be with proposals set out in the Village Plan, offering help were needed. Murray Simpson advised that the Barham Parish Plan Steering Group had been set up by himself and Cllr E. Mullett and gave details of what the group’s plans were and what they had already done. Murray Simpson to contact Trevor Skelton in due course to discuss matters further;

(b) County Councillor Michael Northey attended the meeting. Cllr Northey advised that if we had any questions that the Parish Council wished raised with Kent County Council, we were to let him know. Wished to advise that the Kent County Council pushed very hard to keep the postbus, to no avail. The Chairman extended the Parish Councils great appreciation for the money granted by the Kent County Council towards the refurbishment of the junior play area and the building of a multi sports area;

(c) Nancy Bell wished to know whether the Parish Council would be objecting to the stopping of the postbus. The Parish Council confirmed that they would convey their objections to the Post Office;

(d) A parishioner spoke about the pub changing hands, the postbus that has been stopped and with the closing of Post Offices all over the country, the likelihood that Barham could be one of them and what it might do to the village and asked whether the Parish Council would take pro-action in respect of the Post Office, as if it closed, so would the shop. The Clerk is to place this matter on the Agenda.

104/2007 Apologies: Vice Chairman E. Mullett on holiday.

105/2007 Minutes:

(a) Parish Council Meeting of 3rd May 2007:

Proposed by Cllr Mrs M. Jenkins and seconded by Cllr Mrs H. Pechey

(b) Annual Parish Council Meeting of 22nd May 2007:

Proposed by Cllr D. Tamsitt and Cllr Mrs V. Steer

106/2007 Co-Option of Members:

Section 21 of the Representation of the People Act 1985 gives the Parish Council the power of co-option to fill vacancies remaining unfilled following an ordinary election.

There are two vacancies.

That the Council believes that it is in the interests of the Parish that the vacancies on the Council are filled, and that this is achieved by co-option.

The Chairman put forward Murray Simpson for co-option, previously a Councillor who was unable to submit his election forms in time due to being out of the country on work commitments. On a show of hands, there were five for the co-opting of Murray Simpson and one abstention. It was thereby agreed that Murray Simpson be co-opted to the Parish Council. A Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed by Murray Simpson.

The Chairman advised that two candidates had put forward their names for the remaining vacancy of Councillor. The candidates are James Brown and Julie Symons, who are to put forward a written application to the Clerk, for the remaining position. It was confirmed that the two candidates were eligible for co-option, having met the following criteria:

(a) Over the age of 21 years;

(b) Are on the electoral role and have resided in the village for more than 12 months.

Once the applications had been received, a closed meeting will be held to peruse the applications submitted, whereafter a vote by ballot will be held. Deadline for co-opting is 22nd June 2007.

107/2007 Matters Arising: None

108/2007 Finance:

(a)  Balances as at 31 May 2007

Current Account…………………………………….. £ 2,455.43

Capital Reserve Account……….…………………… £37,424.79

Includes Social Fund Balance of………..…………… £ 3,754.41

(b) To pay any Accounts received prior to the meeting:

(i)  Folkestone & Dover Water for the period 01/04/2007 to 01/05/2007 - £10.43;

(ii) Canterbury City Council re delivering of Youth Sessions for the period 01/01/2007 to 31/03/2007 - £639.90;

(iii) Barham Methodist Church for use of hall on 03/05/2007 - £10.00;

(iv) Pay any other Accounts received prior to the meeting:

(1)  Grassmow for 11/05/2007 & 06/06/2007 - £632.00;

(2)  Grassmow re cutting of both churchyards on 25/05/2007 - £160.00.

(c) Any other financial matters:

(i)  Clerk confirmed that the Annual Insurance had been paid. Clerk further confirmed that following an enquiry, the Parish Council’s current Policy could not be extended with Alliance Cornhill to cover the Village Hall Trustees. However, that had a specific Policy that can be taken out by Village Hall Trustees to cover them for Personal Liability. The documentation to obtain a quote had been sent to the Clerk. It was confirmed that these documents are to be sent to Roger Allin;

(ii) The Clerk confirmed that she was now in receipt of the sum of £8,888.00 from County Councillor Northey in respect of a grant from Kent County Council for the refurbishment of the junior play area and the building of a multi sports area.

109/2007 Town and Country Planning Matters:

(a)  CAL07/00051/BAR – Days Cottage, Railway Hill, Barham – Installation of solar panels on garage roof – Planning Application Granted – Noted;

(b)  CA/07/00478/BAR – Days Cottage, Railway Hill, Barham – Installation of solar panels on garage roof – Planning Application Granted – Noted;

(c)  CA/07/00430/BAR – 1 Broome Park Villas, Derringstone Hill, Barham – Single-storey extension to rear of dwelling – Planning Application Granted – Noted;

(d)  Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area – Bridge Cottage, The Street, Barham – Fell three Sycamore trees – No objections;

(e)  Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area – Sidney House, Derringstone Hill, Barham – Coppice three Poplar trees on boundary with “Byways” and remove secondary shoot from young Larch on driveway – Noted;

(f)  CA/07/00599/BAR – 12 Fox Way, Barham – Single-storey extension to rear of dwelling – No objections;

(g)  CA/07/00627/BAR – 11 Fox Way, Barham – Single-storey extension to rear of dwelling – No objections;

(h)  CA/07/00649/BAR – Greenbanks, Green Hills, Barham – Single-storey extension to rear of residential home;– No objections;

(i)  Any other Planning Applications received prior to the meeting:

(i)  CA/07/00472/BAR – 13 Fox Way, Barham – Two-storey extension to side and single-storey extension to rear of dwelling – Planning Permission Granted – The Clerk advised that a stipulation had been made in the Decision Notice that the first floor flank windows of the development shall be permanently glazed in obscured glass and shall be incapable of being opened below a height of 1.8 metres from the internal floor level and no windows, doors or openings of any kind, other than those shown on the submitted plans, shall be inserted in the flank elevation of the side extension permitted;

(ii)  CA/07/00711/BAR – 5 The Shrubbery, Valley Road, Barham – Conservatory to side of dwelling – No objections;

(iii)  Notice of Proposed Work to Trees in a Conservation Area – The Red House, Old Valley Road, Barham – Remove one Yew tree and one Laurel tree at front of property – Clerk to advise that the parish Council object to the removal of the Yew tree and would prefer that the tree be coppiced instead, as the removal of the Yew tree will change the aesthetics of Valley Road. Clerk to ascertain more information on the Laurel tree and the reasons why an application has been made to remove it, so as to enable the Parish Council to make a decision in this regard.

110/2007 Roads and Footpaths:

(a)  The Clerk is to report the following:

(i)  Pothole just below Courtlands in Church Lane;

(ii) The grass, right on the bend at the junction of Brickfield Road and Gravel Castle Road needs cutting back, as it is obscuring the sight line for motorists pulling out at this junction;

(iii) The vegetation is growing both sides of the length of Mill Lane at Derringstone Downs, into the road and requires cutting back;

(b)  KHS News May 2007 for circulation with Councillors;

(c)  Clerk advised that Church Lane, between Rectory lane and ‘Tirril’, would be closed from Monday 6 August 2007 for two weeks in order to investigate and repair the surface water sewer, in which there are at least two problems, one to the side of ‘Little Oak Hall’ and the other opposite this property, with the pipe work between the gullies being blocked and it is suspected they are broken. Kent Highways have advised that they will be writing to all residents in The Street, Church Lane and Rectory Lane advising them of this closure and signed diversion routes will be provided approximately three weeks prior. Access to the Church will only be possible from Gravel Castle Road;

(d)  Clerk to request a copy of Southern Gas Networks complaints procedure. The road to the left, at the bottom of Out Elmstead Lane, is a listed 13th Century road. When recent work was carried out, shingle was dropped on the listed road and when it was moved, half of the bank and road was removed as well. This was reported to an Inspector at Canterbury City Council, who inspected the site and advised that the road and bank were to be put back as it was.

111/2007 Parish Maintenance:

(i)  The transfer of the electricity supply from the old street lamps to the new ones on the two streetlights in Railway Hill and the one outside ‘Marshall Ney’ in Valley Road had not yet been done and the Clerk was to chase EDF Energy New Networks plc;

(b) Clerk to report that the ‘No Left Turn’ sign at the exit at the top of Rabbitt Hole needs repairing, as it continue to slips down the pole;

(c) The street nameplate ‘Walderchain’ on the north side at the junction has been knocked over and needs reinstating;

(d) Cllr E. Mullet will look into arranging an arboriculturist to look at the Beech tree and the Elm tree on the Parish Council land that Kent Highway Services have advised require attention.

112/2007 Social:

(a) The Chairman is still looking into the cost of a new gate at the play area;

(b) It was agreed that the Chairman is to order the same amount of fireworks for the forthcoming bonfire night as were ordered for the last one;

(c) The Chairman will see if it is possible to perhaps have a firework display at the event to be held on the 25/08/2007.

113/2007 Village Hall:

A copy of a letter dated 07/05/2007 from Barham Village Hall, had been circulated to all Councillors. A request was made for the following:

(a) That the grass cutting and hedge trimming be included in the Parish Council’s grass cutting contract. The Clerk is to ascertain the cost of same;

(b) That a fingerpost be made and installed on land opposite the Village Hall signed, ‘Village Hall’ and possible also ‘Bowling Green’, to assist visitors in finding the Village Hall, especially at night. Cllr D. Tamsitt will enquire as to the cost of a fingerpost. After some discussion, Cllr D. Tamsitt will also do some research on milestones and/or directional signs.

114/2007 Safety First Report:

The clerk to chase Kent Highway Services with regards the date implementation of the 30mph speed limit extension will be effected.

115/2007 Youth Club:

Murray Simpson advised that Amanda Sparkes of Canterbury City Council was very active in securing funds for a teen shelter to be erected somewhere near the bus shelter near the toddler play area. She has written to the school and will be talking to the youth at the Youth Club on 14/06/2007. She will report to the Parish Council after her consultation with the youth. It was agreed that the Parish Council would support the erection of a teen shelter and that a letter of support be addressed to Amanda Sparkes at Canterbury City Council.

116/2007 Open Areas:

(a) The Clerk confirmed that an e-mail had been received from Mr Talbot on 15/05/2007, advising that he would look into the encroachment of his fence onto Parish Council land. Clerk to chase a response;

(b) The Chairman read out an e-mail received by the Clerk from Reverend David Roper. The Clerk is to confirm that whereas the Parish Council had in the past contributed 50% towards the grass cutting/trimming of hedges and trees, it had been agreed at our Council Meeting of 1st June 2006, that the Parish Council would take over the full cost of the grass cutting/trimming of hedges and trees each year, instead of the 50% normally paid, with Grassmow’s accounts being sent directly to the Parish Council for payment. The Clerk is also to advise that they will be happy to support any external funding application they would like to make for the repair of pathways, walls, etc.

117/2007 Village Plan:

Murray Simpson advised that the Tennis Club was putting in an application with ‘Awards For All’ for a £10,000.00 grant to match the £12,000.00 they already have. The Parish Council confirmed that they were in support of the Tennis Club and the Clerk is to address a letter to Simon Cavalier of the Tennis Club confirming the Parish Council’s support. The Clerk is to ascertain and advise Murray Simpson as to the acreage of the Recreation Ground. A draft plan of the proposed work to be carried out over time on the Recreation Ground was shown to all Councillors.