Officials’ Expenses and Accommodation Procedures
As of September 2015
Mileagewill bereimbursedatarateof 30pamileupto themaximumclaimof300miles.
If youdodrive toanevent please tryandcar sharewith other officials.If youarecarsharingthen mileage willbereimbursed atarateof30p per mile up to 300miles with an additional 5p per passenger.
Pleaseconsiderwhetherdrivingtoan eventisthebestand mostcosteffective methodoftravel. Trainoptionsareavailableandcanbemoreeconomicalaswell as amorecomfortable journey.
The amount payable in respect of travel from home to a point of assembly and vice versa, using public transport is based on a second class rail fare only, plus other costs using public transport as necessary to and from rail stations. Where possible, cheap day or weekend return tickets must be obtained.To travel by rail,prior permission must be obtained from Welsh Athletics Ltd. All rail tickets must be produced to the office together with the claim form.
Any official who wishes to travel to a point of main assembly and vice versa by air do so under exceptional circumstances only and must obtain prior permission from Welsh Athletics Ltd.
Packed lunchesor alunchvouchersystemaretheusual practicesforprovidinglunches at the stadium.
Meal allowances are paid at the discretion of the Meeting Manager/ Welsh Athletics Competitions Department. A maximum of £15 per evening meal is payable. Please attach all receipts for meals to the claim form.
Accommodationwillnotbeprovided foronedaymeetings exceptwherethedutiesof anofficial require themtoattendtheTechnicalMeetingand/orbriefingbytheManagementTeamortobeon siteearlyinthemorninge.g. TechnicalManager/Clerkof Course. Provisionof accommodationin suchcaseswill beatthe discretionof theWelsh AthleticsCompetitionDepartmentandwillbe provided iftheofficialhas to travel75milesormore to thevenue. Intheeventof an elongated programmeofcompetitionwith early startor latefinishes,accommodationwillbeprovided toofficials whomeet thesecriteria fortheprovisionof accommodation.
Accommodationfortwo-daymeetings will beprovidedfor any official whohasto travel75milesor moretothevenue.Accommodationwillusuallybeprovidedonadinner,bed andbreakfastbasis.
Accommodationatalleventswillbeona twin basis. Officials whowouldpreferasingle roommay, whereavailable, paya singleroomsupplement tosecurea singleroom. This single roomsupplementshouldbepaidoneweekpriorto checkin.Welsh AthleticswillNOTpayanyexpensesforaccommodation bookedbyofficialsatother hotels. Whereofficials’ dutiesrequire themtobe onsitethe previous eveningor early on thefirstdayof competitione.g. TechnicalManager/ClerkofCourse,anadditional night’saccommodationmaybe provided.
Officials willalways beabletoselectwho they wouldprefertobetwinnedwithandthis will be grantedwherever possible.
Officials withmedicalconditionsmaybesuppliedwitha single room. Thiswill be lookedat onacase bycasebasis.Pleasereferto theWelsh Athletics CompetitionsDepartment.
It is vitallyimportantthatrequests for accommodationarereceived atthetimeof accepting your appointment toanevent.Requestscanbeamendedupto4weeksbeforetheevent bycontacting the Welsh Athletics Competitions Department.This will help us tomanageourroomallocationwithour accommodationprovider andwill mean thatwecan,inmostcasesensureallofficials areallocatedtothe samehotel.Late requests for accommodationoftenmeanwehavetoacquire rooms in additionalhotels whichmany officials findinconvenient.It alsosavesus bookingtoomanyrooms andcausingwastage.
Accommodationwillnotbeprovided for anynon-officiatingpartners.
Officials willberesponsiblefor settlinganyextras incurred beforeleavingtheaccommodation.
TheMeetingManager/ Welsh Athletics Competitions Department will beresponsibleforapproving yourexpenseclaimformontheday. Pleasekeepany relevant receipts; otherwisepayment willnotbemade.
Registered Office: Welsh Athletics Ltd · Cardiff International Sports Stadium · Leckwith Road · Cardiff · CF11 8AZ
Tel: +44 (0)29 2064 4870 e-mail: visit:
Registered in Wales No.6179841