To:Summer Developmental Program Participants

From:Diane Blansett, Director

Subject:Summer Developmental Program – Summer 2011(May 31 – July 28)

Thank you for your interest in the Summer Developmental Program at Delta State University. We at DSU hope to have the opportunity of being your home-away-from-home for the next four years.

The Summer Developmental Program (SDP) is a nine-week academic program designed for students who desire an alternate route to admission to a four-year university. At Delta State University, the SDP extends from Tuesday, May 31, 2011, through Thursday, July 28, 2011. To allow students time to check into their residence halls, the first day will begin at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 31, 2011. Delta State will operate a four-day week (Monday – Thursday) throughout the summer. The normal class day begins at 8:00 a.m. and extends until 3:35 p.m. Each Tuesday, students will be required to stay until 4:30 p.m. to allow time for students to participate in orientation activities.

If you choose to live in the residence hall during the summer program, you will need to contact our housing office. A $50 room deposit is required prior to your being assigned a room for the upcoming summer. One of the housing staff, located in Bailey 108, will be glad to help you with your request. You may reach them at 662-846-4151.

For your convenience, I am including the fee information for the summer program.



Tuition and Fees (May 31 – July 28) $ 2424$2424

Living Expenses – Residence Hall 880
Meals* 700*
Total for Summer Program$2424$4004

Payable on Entrance $2424$4004

- or -

Payment Plan

First Payment (due on entrance) $1262**$2052**

Second Payment (due June 30)$1212$2002

Additional Fee for Private Room $320

Additional Fee for Out-of-State Student $3852$3852

*The amount of $700 will be deposited in your Flex Bucks account which will allow you to dine at the campus Food Court or at the Young Mauldin Cafeteria.

**This amount includes a $50 handling fee. The out-of-state tuition and the private room fee may also be divided into two equal payments.

If you desire financial aid for the summer program, please refer to the flyer that I included in your materials.

1. Complete the Summer 2011 Institutional Financial Aid Application (see 2ndattachment).You do not have to attacha printed copy of your summer schedule to this application. Just write "Summer Development Program" at the top of the completed application.

2. Complete the 10-11 FAFSA online at using the information from your 2009 tax return.This will determine the amount of your Pell Grant award for the summer. Your Summer Developmental Program Grant award will also be contingent on you completing this form and meeting other eligibility requirements.

3.Complete the Mississippi Summer Developmental Grant application. This award is available for qualified individuals who desire tuition assistance and provides funds in addition to Pell Grants. To apply for the grant, go to Scroll down and click the Undergraduate Programs dropdown box just below the gray box that reads CHECK AWARD HISTORY. Toward the bottom of the list you will see Summer Developmental Program Grant. Click that option and follow the directions provided.

Additionally, the following documents must be submitted IMMEDIATELY:

4. Complete the 11-12 FAFSA using the information from your 2010 tax return. This will determine the

amount of your Pell Grant award for the fall and spring terms.

5. Complete the11-12MTAG applicationonline at Scroll down and click the Undergraduate Programs dropdown box just below the gray box that reads CHECK AWARD HISTORY. Toward the middle of the list you will see Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG). Click that option and follow the directions provided.

If you have questions regarding summer financial aid or the application process, contact Mrs. Mullins at

662-846-4670 or the Mississippi Office of Financial Aid at 1-800-327-2980.

I am also including a supply list for the Summer Developmental Program. It outlines the books and supplies that each student must purchase for this program. All students who will be attending the SDP must have all supplies and books when they report to room 311 in the Union Building promptly at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 31, 2011. The textbooks are available at the DSU Bookstore. Please understand that if you choose to purchase your textbooks from another source, you are responsible for having the appropriate books and access codes, if required. Additionally, since most of these are workbook style texts and you will be required to turn in pages from the texts, the textbooks you purchase cannot have writing in them. If you purchase used books from an online source, you are taking a risk of there being missing pages or pages with writing already on them. You will be required to have an active access code for math lab. The access code accompanies a new textbook. If you choose to purchase a used textbook, you will be required to purchase an access code for an additional $20 from the textbook company. Most likely, you will save money by purchasing the new textbook rather than a used book and access code separately.

Required Texts:

CRD 090 Ten Steps to Improving College Reading Skills, 5e by John Langan……….…….……….….$34.25

Improving Vocabulary Skills –4e by Sherry Nist/Carole Mohr ….……………….…….…..$13.50

ENG 090 Evergreen With Reading: A Guide to Writing, 9e by Susan Fawcett………..………....……..$104.50

MAT 090 Introductory Algebra – Concepts and Graphs, 1e by Charles McKeague …...... $ 61.50

TOTAL COST OF BOOKS:………………………$213.75

Additional Required Supplies and Materials:

Pens, pencils, notebook paper, graph paper (I will provide the notebook), scientific calculator (suggested: Casio 115 - available at WalMart for around $16), and a jump drive for the computer. As you see, you will need between$215 and $240up front to purchase the books and supplies that are required for this program. You will not be able to wait on your financial aid to cover these items. Please plan accordingly.

If you have any further questions about the program, fees, or supplies, please do not hesitate to contact me. Again, I look forward to seeing you Tuesday,May 31, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. in Union 311.


Diane W. Blansett, Director
