November 5, 2013

This regular meeting of the Jerome City Council was called to order by Mayor Shine at 5:32 p.m.

Present: Mayor John Shine, Councilwoman Dawn Soto, Councilman Dale Ross, Councilman Chris Barber, and Councilman Robert Culver.

Also present were staff members: City Clerk Shonna Fraser, City Attorney John B. Lothspeich, Information Services Director Kathy Markus, Fire Chief Tom Hughes, Building Official Dave Richey, Finance Director Burke Richman, Community Development Director Zoe Monahan, Human Resource Specialist Ida Guffy, Librarian Linda Mecham, Public Works Director Walt Appell, Engineer Rick Wuori, Police Chief Dan Hall, Wastewater Superintendent Gilbert Sanchez, and Assistant Finance Director Kathy Cone.


Mayor Shine led the audience in recitation of the pledge of allegiance.


Mayor Shine announced there is an amendment to the agenda.

Councilman Culver made a motion to add an item to the agenda which was received after the deadline to post, “Approval for Archibald’s Roofing to repair the roof on the Depot Building currently being used for the Jerome County Historical Museum at a cost of $43,640.” Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilwoman Soto, Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, and Councilman Barber. NAYS: None.


Those items contained in the consent calendar are as follows:

1.  Approve the minutes of the October 15, 2013 regular meeting

2.  Approval to pay $6,394.50 to Weschem Inc. for Chemfloc Alum

3.  Approval to pay $6,405 to Weschem Inc. for Chemfloc Alum

Councilman Culver made the motion to approve the consent calendar as presented. Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilwoman Soto, Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, and Councilman Barber. NAYS: None.


The clerk read a letter from Mike and Gretchen Stone thanking staff for their part in the jail project meeting.

Marjorie DuBois thanked staff for sending an excellent explanation of why the utility billing went up. She noted even though it doesn’t make her like it, she understands it.


Councilman Culver made a motion to approve the proposed changes to the City Kinds and Levels chart to establish a progressive career path for police officers and authorize the Chief of Police and City H.R. Specialist to implement the approved career path. Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilwoman Soto, Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, and Councilman Barber. NAYS: None.

Chief Hall addressed council regarding proposed changes. He stated this project has been in the works for a couple of years now. At the request of council last spring a salary survey was completed on all police positions. They found the city’s salary is a bit lower than surrounding cities as a whole. The proposed changes would put a career track in place for the officers. This would allow a gap to be closed by giving opportunities for moving up to a higher position and salary. He noted this would be good for morale in the department. He wants to be able to encourage his staff to advance in their careers. He went over the proposal and explained the grade changes. The levels have specific requirements that would be met. He noted many area agencies have a similar path for their officers. Upon inquiry from Mayor Shine he stated no additional funds are allocated in this fiscal year. The criteria must be met prior to any change; the budget will be adjusted next year. He anticipates the first year’s increase to be about $4,000. The program is set at an approximate 3% increase per step.


Councilman Culver made a motion to participate in the Physical Activity Connection Planning Opportunity provided by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilwoman Soto, Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, and Councilman Barber. NAYS: None.

Ms. Monahan stated this program is a community assessment. She was contacted by Chris Danley, Vitruvian Planning, because of our participation in the High Five Grant. She noted they were selected by the Department of Health and Welfare to conduct a few assessments in three to five communities. This specific opportunity would focus on active transportation and recreational facilities. It is funded by center for Disease Control. The only cost to the city is staff time. There will be a meeting held on Friday Nov 8th to kick off the effort.

Councilman Culver likes the opportunity to receive information without cost. Ms. Monahan has asked parks and public works staff to participate. It was noted other community leaders will be participating in the assessment as well.


Councilman Culver made a motion to allocate the High Five Community Grant Funding of $1,000 to be used toward a drinking fountain at the new Skate Park. Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilwoman Soto, Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, and Councilman Barber. NAYS: None.

Ms. Monahan stated although the city was not awarded the grant we were awarded $1,000 to be used for physical activity benefit. Mr. Appell stated staff can install the water line and drinking fountain to keep the costs down.


This item was postponed to a later meeting. Mr. Appell is waiting for information from the manufacturer.


Ms. Guffy gave council an update on some of the benefits. The health insurance increase is about 12%; however, it is much lower than the 20% that was budgeted. A change was made from BPA to Health Reliance. This move will save the city $1 per month per employee. With the changes in federal law Integra-flex will be administering the Benny Card program. There could be a slight delay in activation in January. One great change in the federal laws will allow employees to roll over $500 per year.

Ms. Guffy also announced the annual health fair sponsored by the wellness committee will be held from 11:30 to 2:00 on November 20th at Con Paulos. Many of the benefits vendors will be there to answer questions.


Mayor Shine announced the city is seeking public input on the Jerome Wastewater Collection System Master Plan. To satisfy federal funding requirements, both a public comment period and public meeting are planned to solicit public involvement. The public comment period begins with initial publication of a notice. A presentation summarizing the findings of the study will be given during a public meeting to be held on November 12, 2013 at Jerome City Council Chambers, 100 East Avenue A, at 5:30 p.m.


Councilman Culver made a motion to award a contract to low bidder Archibald’s Roofing for $43,640.00 to replace the Depot building roof with a steel roof. Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilwoman Soto, Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, and Councilman Barber. NAYS: None.

Mr. Wuori stated bids were requested from four local roofing contractors; two bids were received on November 1, 2013 as follows:

Archibald’s Roofing Lump Sum Bid $43,640.00

(Acknowledged Addendum #1)

McCliman’s Construction, Inc. Lump Sum Bid $58,300.00

(Acknowledged Addendum #1)

Mr. Wuori also stated the entire roof will be replaced with a steel roof and soffit. There is a forty year guarantee. He noted these prices continue to go up. There is $21,000 budgeted; there is also $21,640 remaining in other funds to make up the shortfall.

Councilman Culver stated our history is in that building and we need to protect it. It was noted the building is currently being used for the county museum.


Councilman Ross invited everyone to the American Legion program for veterans being held on Sunday at 3:00 p.m. in South Park. A spaghetti dinner will be served at the American Legion Hall. He stated the ceremony will be brief in case the weather is bad.


There being nothing further to discuss, this November 5, 2013 regular meeting of the Jerome City Council adjourned at 6:03 p.m.

John Shine, Mayor


Shonna Fraser, City Clerk