The Civil War Outline (based on the U.S. History textbook)

  1. Resources, Strategies, and Early Battles
  2. What did the North call itself? (48)
  1. What was the Union’s main goal? (48)
  1. What were the Union’s advantages in the war? (48-49)
  1. What were the Union’s disadvantages in the war? (48-49)
  1. What did the South call itself? (48)
  1. What was the Confederacy’s main goal? (48)
  1. What were the Confederacy’s main advantages? (49)
  1. What were the Confederacy’s main disadvantages? (49)
  1. What was the Northern Strategy to defeat the South? (49)
  1. Why did the Civil War quickly lead to a stalemate? (50)
  1. What kinds of new weapons were used in the Civil War? (50)
  1. Lincoln Proclaims Emancipation
  2. What was Lincoln’s position on slavery at the beginning of the Civil War? (50)
  1. Why did Lincoln’s position change by late 1862? (50)
  1. What was the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863? (50)
  1. How did this Proclamation affect most African Americans? (50)
  1. How did most African Americans interpret this Proclamation? (50)
  1. What did many African Americans do because of it? (50)
  1. War affects Daily Life
  2. How did the North raise revenue for the war? (50)
  1. What did Congress offer to soldiers who fought in the Civil War? (50)
  1. What did the Union do when it experienced a shortage of volunteers in 1863? (51)
  1. Who could get out of this? (51)
  1. Why did this lead to a riot in New York City? (51)
  1. How did Abraham Lincoln deal with dissenters in the North? (51)
  1. How did the Supreme Court view Lincoln’s actions?
  1. How did the Civil War effect the South? (52)
  1. What did the Confederacy do to raise money? (52)
  1. What did this lead to? (52)
  1. The Union Prevails
  2. What Union general was responsible for most of the Union’s major victories? (52)
  1. What kind of victory did the Union win at the Battle of Gettysburg in July, 1863? (52)
  1. How did Lincoln re-define the purposes of the war in his Gettysburg Address? (52)
  1. How did Union general William T. Sherman destroy the Confederacy? (54)
  1. What was Sherman’s strategy? (54)
  1. When and where did the Confederacy surrender? (54)
  1. How many soldiers were killed and wounded in the Civil War? (54)
  1. Where did many white Southerners end up going because of the War? (54)