The Civil War Outline (based on the U.S. History textbook)
- Resources, Strategies, and Early Battles
- What did the North call itself? (48)
- What was the Union’s main goal? (48)
- What were the Union’s advantages in the war? (48-49)
- What were the Union’s disadvantages in the war? (48-49)
- What did the South call itself? (48)
- What was the Confederacy’s main goal? (48)
- What were the Confederacy’s main advantages? (49)
- What were the Confederacy’s main disadvantages? (49)
- What was the Northern Strategy to defeat the South? (49)
- Why did the Civil War quickly lead to a stalemate? (50)
- What kinds of new weapons were used in the Civil War? (50)
- Lincoln Proclaims Emancipation
- What was Lincoln’s position on slavery at the beginning of the Civil War? (50)
- Why did Lincoln’s position change by late 1862? (50)
- What was the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863? (50)
- How did this Proclamation affect most African Americans? (50)
- How did most African Americans interpret this Proclamation? (50)
- What did many African Americans do because of it? (50)
- War affects Daily Life
- How did the North raise revenue for the war? (50)
- What did Congress offer to soldiers who fought in the Civil War? (50)
- What did the Union do when it experienced a shortage of volunteers in 1863? (51)
- Who could get out of this? (51)
- Why did this lead to a riot in New York City? (51)
- How did Abraham Lincoln deal with dissenters in the North? (51)
- How did the Supreme Court view Lincoln’s actions?
- How did the Civil War effect the South? (52)
- What did the Confederacy do to raise money? (52)
- What did this lead to? (52)
- The Union Prevails
- What Union general was responsible for most of the Union’s major victories? (52)
- What kind of victory did the Union win at the Battle of Gettysburg in July, 1863? (52)
- How did Lincoln re-define the purposes of the war in his Gettysburg Address? (52)
- How did Union general William T. Sherman destroy the Confederacy? (54)
- What was Sherman’s strategy? (54)
- When and where did the Confederacy surrender? (54)
- How many soldiers were killed and wounded in the Civil War? (54)
- Where did many white Southerners end up going because of the War? (54)