The Digital Media Project
Source / GA19 / Date / 2008/07/16
Title / State of the WIM TV trial at GA19 / No. / 1164/WIM TV

State of the WIM TV trial at GA19

Table of contents


The Web, IP and Mobile TV (WIM TV) trial is represented by

Figure 1 – WIM TV trial schematics

Purpose of this document is to check the progress of the WIM TV trialdevelopment.

2WIM TV trial

Purpose of the first milestone is to set up the full end-to-end WIM TV chain. The possibilities offered by this set up are described by the following walkthroughs that is used to identify what is still missing (in red).

Italian version


Creation phase

  1. Creator visits the WIM TV trial web site
  2. Site at
  3. Professional designer is working to make good-looking web site
  4. Need to install CPD + CID +Feng
  5. Need to design new CPD interface
  6. Download software
  7. Table more compact
  8. Show icon for each video
  9. Show whether it is audio or audio-visual (based on resource mimetype)
  10. Search support based on metadata (any word)
  11. Many videos
  12. Package resource +metadata from partner’s system
  13. Need to convert partner’s video format
  14. Separate machine does software conversion (e.g. FFMPEG) of format from FLV to AVC, audio stay MP3
  15. Get a hardware converter
  16. AV File format: MP4
  17. Metadata conversion to DCI
  18. Content created on purpose for WIM TV trial by any user or inside worker
  19. Downloads CCD from WIM TV server
  20. Generates resource in a list of formats
  21. Video
  22. AVC
  23. Audio
  24. MP3
  25. AV File format: MP4
  26. Creates DCI
  27. Uploads DCS (i.e. 1 DCI + 1 resource on CPD)
  28. Convert (if needed) to AVC+MP3
  29. Promotion pages
  30. Why WIM TV, what is the purpose etc.
  31. What you should do to upload your content – link to CCD installer
  32. What you should do to watch WIM TV content – link to EUD
  33. What is the WIM TV technology
  34. Awards, …
  35. Creator downloads the CCD for
  36. Windows
  37. Linux
  38. Mac
  39. Creator instals the CCD on his PC
  40. Creator launches the CCD
  41. CCD requests Creator’s data
  42. CCD makes a Certificate containing Creator’s data
  43. CCD identifies itself with DID sending the Certificate
  44. DID signs the Certificate
  45. DID stores Creator’s data
  46. DID sends signed Certificate to CCD
  47. Creator makes a Resource
  48. CCD presents input forms for
  49. Metadata (as from CCD panel)
  50. Update design of CCD panel removing useless input data
  51. CC Licence
  52. Select one of 6 from CCD panel
  53. Creator fills out input forms
  54. CCD creates a Laser object using the Laser template filled with metadata and licence etc., we need (dmp1165)
  55. A storyboad
  56. Graphic assets
  57. Laser objects
  58. CCD presents (renders) the Laser object
  59. CCD adds the Laser object to the DCI
  60. CCD presents a further panel containing four scenes as they would be seen by the End User (e.g. free-text annotation on top, banner on the left etc.)
  61. Creator chooses one Laser object from 13
  62. CCD inserts the selected Laser object in the DCI
  63. CCD Registers the DCI with the CID
  64. CCD Stores DCI and Resource on the CPD
  65. CPD updates the data base of available content

Provision phase

  1. As soon as DCS is stored, a thread
  2. examines the length of each resource
  3. generates metadata packets (to be streamed) using the repository of banner images
  4. DCS is streamed
  1. Video is streamed
  2. Metadata is streamed

Consumption phase

  1. End User visits the WIM TV trial web site
  2. End User downloads the EUD
  3. End User instals the EUD on his PC
  4. End User launches the EUD
  5. EUD requests End User’s data
  6. EUD makes a Certificate containing End User’s data
  7. EUD identifies itself with DID sending the Certificate
  8. DID signs the Certificate
  9. DID stores End User’s data
  10. DID sends signed Certificate to EUD
  11. End User browses the CPD with the EUD browser
  12. End user searches the CPD
  13. End User clicks on the content of his choice
  14. EUD downloads the DCI
  15. End User clicks on the DCI
  16. EUD presents (renders) the resource Laser object in the DCI
  17. End User accepts the CC Licence
  18. EUD sends request content message to CPD
  19. CPD returns
  20. URLwith RTSP transport for resource
  21. URLwith TCP transport for metadata
  22. EUD requests resources as per a. using VLC/GStreamer
  23. CPD streams resources
  24. EUD presents resources
  25. EUD requests metadata as per b. using metadata client
  26. CPD streams metadata
  27. EUD presents metadata (where? In a separate panel?)

2.2Supported platforms

Linux / MacOS / Windows
CCD / Content Creation Device / x / x / x
CID / Content Identification Device / x / x / x
CPD / Content Provider Device / x
DID / Device Identification Device
ECD / Event Collection Device
EUD / End-User Device / x / x

3The WIM TV trial web site

The web site should have

  1. A WIM TV web site manager
  2. URL as
  3. A 24/7 CPD
  4. Downloadable CCD and EUD installers
  5. Easy to navigate structure