Safety DataSheet

Product: Candy Crush FragranceOil


TradeName:Candy Crush FragranceOil

1.2Relevant identified productuse

Intendeduse:Compound used in customersubstance/mixture/product

1.3Details of the manufacturer/supplier of the safety datasheet

Supplier:Sensory Perfection

135 Hughenden Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3TF, UK.

Tel: +441424532737 Email: Contact: Jo Cateley

2.1Classification of the substance ormixture

Thismixturehasnotbeentestedas awhole.Theeffects,listedbelow,arebasedonevaluationofindividualcomponents inaccordance with the provisions of the regulation(s) notedbelow.

Classification according to GHS Regulation (EC) No1272/2008

Acute Toxicity Oral, Category5H303: May be harmful ifswallowed

Acute Toxicity Dermal, Category5H313: May be harmful in contact withskinSkin Corrosion/Irritation, Category2 H315: Causes skinirritation

Sensitization, Skin, Category1AH317: May cause an allergic skinreactionEye Damage/Eye Irritation, Category2A H319: Causes serious eyeirritation

Acute Toxicity Inhalation, Category5H333: May be harmful ifinhaledAquatic Acute Toxicity, Category1 H400: Very Toxic to aquaticlife

Aquatic Chronic Toxicity, Category2H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lastingeffects

Classification EU (67/548/EEC,199/45/EC)

NDangerous for theEnvironment

R51/53:Toxictoaquatic organisms,maycauselong-termadverseeffectsintheaquaticenvironmentXiIrritant

R43 : May cause sensitization by skincontactXnHarmful

R22 : Harmful ifswallowed


Labeling (REGULATION (EC) No1272/2008)


Signal Word:WarningHazardstatements

Safety DataSheet

Product: Candy Crush FragranceOil

H303May be harmful ifswallowed

H313May be harmful in contact withskin

H315Causes skinirritation

H317May cause an allergic skinreaction

H319Causes serious eyeirritation

H333May be harmful ifinhaled

H400Very Toxic to aquaticlife

H411Toxic to aquatic life with long lastingeffects


P264Wash hands thoroughly afterhandling

P272Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of theworkplace

P273Avoid release to theenvironment


P302 +P352IF ON SKIN: Wash with soap andwater

P304 +P312IFINHALED:CallaPOISONCENTERordoctor/physicianifyoufeelunwell

P305 + P351 +P338IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes Remove contact lensesifpresent and easy to do. Continuerinsing

P312Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feelunwellP333 +P313If skin irritation or a rash occurs: Get medicaladvice/attentionP337 +P313 If eye irritation persists: Get medicaladvice/attention

P362Take off contaminated clothing and wash beforereuse

P363Wash contaminated clothing beforereuse


2.3OtherHazardsno dataavailable


This product is a complex mixture of ingredients, which contains among others the following substance(s), presentingahealth or environmental hazard within the meaning of the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and LabelingofChemicals(GHS):





120-51-4204-402-960 - 70%H302; H313; H400;H411N - R51/53; Xn -R22


127-51-5204-846-310 - 20%H315; H317; H320; H401;H411N - R51/53; Xi - R36, R38,R43


1222-05-5214-946-95 - 10%H316; H400;H410N -R50/53


Safety DataSheet

Product: Candy Crush FragranceOil





105-95-3203-347-82 - 5%H401N -R51/53


140-11-4205-399-72 - 5%H303; H316; H401;H412


121-32-4204-464-72 - 5%H303; H320;H402


57378-68-4260-709-82 - 5%H302; H315; H317; H318; H400;H410N - R50/53; Xi - R38, R43; Xn-

delta-1-(2,6,6-Trimethyl-3-cyclohexen-1-yl)-2-buten-1-one (delta-Damascone)R22

123-29-5204-615-72 - 5%H227;H316

Ethyl nonanoate (Ethylpelargonate)

104-61-0203-219-11 - 2%H316


106-27-4203-380-81 - 2%H226; H316; H402;H412R10,R52/53


628-63-7211-047-31 - 2%H226R10,R66


See Section 16 for full text of GHS classificationcodesTotal Hydrocarbon Content (% w/w) =0.38

4.1Description of first aidmeasures

Inhalation:Remove from exposure site to fresh air and keep atrest.

Obtain medicaladvice.

EyeExposure:Flush immediately with water for at least 15minutes.

Contact physician if symptomspersist.

SkinExposure:Remove contaminated clothes. Wash thoroughly with water (andsoap).

Contact physician if symptomspersist.

Ingestion:Rinse mouth with water and obtain medicaladvice.

4.2Most important symptoms and effects, both acute anddelayedSymptoms:no data available

Risks:Refer to Section 2.2 "HazardStatements"

4.3Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatmentneededTreatment:Refer to Section 2.2"Response"


Suitable:Carbon dioxide (CO2), Dry chemical,Foam

UnsuitableDo not use a direct water jet on burningmaterial

5.2Special hazards arising from the substance ormixture

During firefighting:Water may beineffective

5.3Advice forfirefighters

Safety DataSheet

Product: Candy Crush FragranceOil

Furtherinformation:Standard procedure for chemicalfires

6.1Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergencyprocedures

Avoid inhalation and contact with skin and eyes. A self-contained breathing apparatus is recommended in case ofamajorspill.


Keep away from drains, soil, and surface andgroundwater.

6.3Methods and materials for containment and cleaningup

Clean up spillage promptly. Remove ignition sources. Provide adequate ventilation. Avoid excessive inhalationofvapors. Gross spillages should be contained by use of sand or inert powder and disposed of according to thelocalregulations.

6.4Reference to othersections


7.1Precautions for safehandling

Apply according to good manufacturing and industrial hygiene practices with proper ventilation. Do not drink, eatorsmoke while handling. Respect good personalhygiene.

7.2Conditions for safe storage, including anyincompatibilities

Store in a cool, dry and ventilated area away from heat sources and protected from light in tightly closedoriginalcontainer. Avoid plastic and uncoated metal container. Keep air contact to aminimum.

7.3Specific enduses

No informationavailable







TWA ppm STEL ppm TWA ppm STELppm

140-11-4Benzyl acetate10

628-63-7Amyl Acetate50100100

EngineeringControls:Use local exhaust asneeded.

8.2Exposure controls - Personal protectiveequipment

Eyeprotection:Tightly sealed goggles, face shield, or safety glasses with brow guards and side shields, may be appropriate for theexposure

Respiratoryprotection:Avoid excessive inhalation of concentrated vapors. Apply local ventilation whereappropriate.

Skinprotection:Avoid Skin contact. Use chemically resistant gloves asneeded.

Safety DataSheet

Product: Candy Crush FragranceOil

9.1 Information on basic physical and chemicalpropertiesAppearance:Conforms toStandard

Odor:Conforms toStandard

Color:Colorless to YellowTint





Flashpoint:>200 F (93.33C)




Vapor Pressure (mmHg@20C):0.0662


Specific Gravity @ 25C:1.0545

Density @ 25C:1.0515

Refractive Index @ 20C:1.5360




10.3Possibility of hazardousreactionsNoneknown

10.4Conditions toavoidNoneknown

10.5IncompatiblematerialsStrong oxidizing agents, strong acids, andalkalis

10.6Hazardous decompositionproductsNoneknown

11.1 ToxicologicalEffects


Acute toxicity - Oral - mg/kg(LD50: 2,002.10) May be harmful ifswallowed

Acute toxicity - Dermal - mg/kg(LD50: 4,231.82) May be harmful in contact withskin

Acute toxicity - Inhalation -mg/L/4hr(LC50: 71.97) May be harmful ifinhaled

Skin corrosion /irritationCauses skinirritation

Serious eye damage /irritationCauses serious eyeirritation

RespiratorysensitizationNot classified - the classification criteria are notmet

SkinsensitizationMay cause an allergic skinreaction

Safety DataSheet

Product: Candy Crush FragranceOil

Germ cellmutagenicityNot classified - the classification criteria are notmet

CarcinogenicityNot classified - the classification criteria are notmet

ReproductivetoxicityNotclassified-theclassificationcriteriaarenotmetSpecific target organ toxicity - singleexposure Not classified - the classification criteria are notmetSpecific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Not classified - the classification criteria are notmetAspirationhazard Not classified - the classification criteria are notmet


Acute aquatictoxicityVery Toxic to aquaticlife

Chronic aquatictoxicityToxic to aquatic life with long lastingeffects

Toxicity Data onsoilno dataavailable

Toxicity on otherorganismsno dataavailable

12.2Persistence anddegradabilityno dataavailable

12.3Bioaccumulativepotentialno dataavailable

12.4Mobility insoilno dataavailable

12.5Other adverseeffectsno dataavailable

13.1 Waste treatmentmethods

Do not allow product to reach sewage systems. Dispose of in accordance with all local and nationalregulations.Send to a licensed waste management company. The product should not be allowed to enter drains,watercourses or the soil. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemical or usedcontainer.

RegulatorClassPackGroupSub RiskUN-nr.

U.S. DOT(Non-Bulk)Not Regulated - Not DangerousGoodsChemicalsNOI

ADR/RID (InternationalRoad/Rail)


IATA (AirCargo)







Safety DataSheet

Product: Candy Crush FragranceOil

Additional EuropeanRegulations:

European Union (EINECS, ELINCS orNLP):100.00% (by Wt) of the components are listed orexempt.

Additional AsianRegulations:

AustralianAICS:100.00% (by Wt) of the ingredients on AICS ornotified.

ChineseIECS:100.00% (by Wt) of the ingredients onIECS.

JapanENCS:100.00% (by Wt) of the ingredients on ENCS, fall within the1000kilogram per annum exemption or have beennotified.

KoreaKECL:99.98%(byWt)oftheingredientsonKECL,fallwithinthe100kilogramper annum exemption or have beennotified.

New ZealandNZIoC:100.00% (by Wt) of the ingredients onNZIoc.

PhilippinesPICCS:100.00% (by Wt) of the ingredients onPICCS.


Lists noted within > brackets aftername

41519-23-7255-424-00.01 - 0.1%cis-3-Hexenyl isobutyrate : <KECL>

GHS H-Statements referred to under section3

Total FractionalValues

(TFV) Risk(TFV) Risk

(1.46) Skin Corrosion/Irritation, Category2(25.00) Sensitization, Skin, Category1A(3.96) Eye Damage/Eye Irritation, Category2A (2.87) Aquatic Acute Toxicity, Category1(7.43) Aquatic Chronic Toxicity, Category2


Thissafetydatasheetisbasedonthepropertiesof the materialknowntoSensory Perfectionatthetimethedata

sheet was issued. The safety data sheet is intended to provide information for a health and safety assessment of thematerialandthecircumstances,underwhichitispackaged,storedorappliedintheworkplace.Forsuchasafetyassessmentwehold no responsibility. This document is not intended for quality assurancepurposes.