Questionnaire Feedback Report – May 2015

Parents were asked to complete a questionnaire relating to the care of their child, the facilities on offer and the policies in place at the nursery.

Are you happy with the care that is provided at Green Roots?

31 out of 31 of parents said yes

Sample responses:

  • We are extremely happy with the care provided at Green Roots
  • The staff genuinely care for the children
  • The staff are excellent – fun, professional and caring

Is your child happy at Green Roots?

31 out of 31 of parents said yes

What does your child find enjoyable/like doing whilst at Green Roots?

Sample responses:

  • The amazing garden and playing in the sand
  • Crafts and painting
  • Joining in with singing/dancing/music sessions

Is there anything your child does not enjoy/does not like doing whilst at Green Roots?

27 out of 31parents said no

Sample responses:

  • He is not very keen on messy play
  • Lunchtimes – but this is because she is new and getting used to the setting
  • Still has trouble at drop off times but someone is on hand to distract him so I know within minutes he is happy
  • She had been anxious at meal times but seems much happier now

Are you happy with the current routines and activities that we do, or would you like any new ones introduced?

29 out of 31 parents said yes

Sample responses:

  • Would like more regular music/sensory classes such as Boogie Bum Bums
  • I’d like more emphasis on letters and recognising numbers
  • Love the focus time in preparation for big school
  • We love that he comes home and says a few words in Spanish!


  • CR investigating more class options with the view to holding an Art/Craft class on a Friday
  • BL to feedback to team r.e focused activities particularly for pre-school aged children

Are you happy with the menu provided at Green Roots?

30 out of 31 parents said yes

Sample responses:

  • The variety of food that he is open to eating has notable broadened since he has attended Green Roots
  • The menu is varied and healthy
  • I love the varied fruit that you provide for them
  • It would be nice if the snack after naps wasn’t always sweet

Would you like to introduce any new foods/recipes?

4out of 31 parents said yes

Sample responses:

  • Would like to see more savoury/vegetable snacks rather than fruit/cake/biscuits
  • Cheese scones, cheese straws, samosas might be a nice substitute for afternoon snack
  • Less ‘sweet’ puddings
  • Sourdough bread and seeded rolls, hummus & crudities for snack, refined sugar free cereal, buckwheat pancakes
  • Maybe an alternative cereal for breakfast when porridge is on the menu


  • RC to look into menu options and see if a healthier alternative can be offered at afternoon snack

Have you any concerns about your child’s diet that you would like to discuss with us?

28 out of 31 parents said no

Sample responses:

  • Discussed concerns with Key worker who is sitting him with good eaters to try and encourage him to eat
  • You have been fab supporting us with my child’s diet and monitoring
  • Fruit juice should be fresh and not from a carton


  • RC to investigate healthier juice options

Are you happy with the policies and procedures in place for managing your child’s behaviour?

100% of parents said yes

Are you happy with the way we communicate with you?

29 out of 31 parents said yes

Sample responses:

  • All staff are very approachable
  • Reviews are good and the frequency is fine
  • Baby Days updates are fantastic
  • The communication is excellent, the staff are very approachable if I have any questions
  • We would have liked to have known our child’s key person had changed
  • I’d like a little more contact at drop off/pick up times


  • Room Leaders to ensure team are communicating any Key Person changes
  • Room Leaders to ensure, where possible, a child’s Key Person or Co-Key Person is available at drop off and pick up times

Are you happy with the online system Baby Days for daily diaries?

29 out of 31 parents said yes

Sample responses:

  • Amazing – I feel part of her day
  • I talk through it with my child and he shows me which children he’s been playing with and always looks like he’s having fun
  • I love this system is sets you apart from other nurseries
  • I don’t always feel like I know her toilet habits
  • I would like to see the menu on Baby Days as I don’t always have time to check the menu
  • It clearly takes time to complete but often the standard of English is not great


  • Weekly menu is always available on Baby Days under The Setting – Food Menus
  • Room Leaders to ensure team are completing ‘top box’ accurately and grammatically correct

Are you happy with using Baby Days for monitoring your child’s learning and development progress?

31 out of 31 of parents said yes

Do you have any worries/concerns over your child’s development, either at home or at Green Roots?

31 out of 31 of parents said no

Are you happy with the toys, resources and equipment provided?

31 out of 31 of parents said yes

Are you happy with the safety and cleanliness of the premises?

31 out of 31 of parents said yes

Are you confident your child’s individual needs are met?

31 out of 31 of parents said yes

Do you feel all children, parents and carers are treated with equal respect?

31 out of 31 of parents said yes

Are there any aspects of the care provided at Green Roots which you think we could improve upon?

31 out of 31 of parents said no

Would you welcome the opportunity to meet other Green Roots parents, perhaps during a social evening?

31 out of 31 parents said yes


  • GL/HL/CR to arrange an opportunity for parents to get together one evening

Would you be interested in attending classes, if so, which subjects?

Subjects of interest:

  • Phonics
  • Food & Nutrition
  • Toilet/Potty Training
  • Early Years Foundation Stage
  • First Aid
  • Learning Through Play
  • Communication & Language


  • CR to look into the most popular courses and see if we can arrange to hold them at Green Roots over a weekend or an evening

Are you happy with the tea/coffee facilities available in the Parents Area or is there anything else you would like us to introduce?

31 out of 31 parents said yes

Are there any other services you would like us to introduce?

Sample responses:

  • Early drop off
  • Term time only childcare
  • More formal pre-school activities
  • Toddler area for 2-3 year olds
  • First Aid course for parents
  • Outings

Any other comments or suggestions?

  • Safety concerns during drop off and pick up
  • Staff pictures and names on your website
  • More contact at drop off/collection
  • Focused activities in preparation for school
  • After school care


  • ‘’I am so grateful to all of the team …………you all do a great job’’
  • ‘’We think you are a wonderful nursery and are always recommending you and bragging about where we send our kids’’
  • ‘’I appreciate all the staffs work and commitment. I understand that your job is demanding and appreciate the care and affection XXXX receives daily’’
  • ‘’Thank you for doing a great job. I know it’s a tough job and must be exhausting! I think you’re all brilliant’’
  • ‘’I feel a real warmth and calmness’’
  • ‘’A lot of the staff are very attentive and caring – to parents and children alike’’
  • ‘’We’ve been delighted with Green Roots – fabulous facilities, opportunities for outdoor play ………..additional classes, approachable, friendly and flexible management; absolutely wonderfully caring and attentive staff’’
  • ‘’We couldn’t be happier’’
  • ‘’We think all the staff are fantastic, they are always smiling and take time to talk to you’’
  • ‘’We are so happy that we found Green Roots and made the move, we just wish we had done it sooner. You have restored my faith in childcare…………..Green Roots take so much pride and professionalism in their service’’
  • ‘’You are doing a truly fantastic job of creating a very positive and nurturing pre-school…… are making a real difference to his and our lives as a family’’