Council rock high school south

Pennsylvania Council


Social Studies

Student Honor Society

Name / Grade:

E-mail address:


Pennsylvania Council for Social Studies

Student Honor Society


This is an honor society for the recognition of achievement and excellence in the discipline of social studies at the high school level. This society is open to juniors and seniors who meet the entrance criteria. Although the statewide name of the organization is RHO KAPPA, individual chapters may be established by school districts and/or schools, which may be named after noteworthy contributors in the field of social studies. (See affiliation agreement for details.) Our name, RHO KAPPA, is taken from two words of Semitic origin. RHO is derived from “resh” meaning “head” and KAPPA is derived from “kapf” which means “palm of the hand.” Both these terms symbolize our firm belief that knowledge, without service, is useless.


All Junior applicants must have successfully completed two Social Studies courses with a cumulative academic earning of:

Foundations and Academic earnings: A/A

Honors earnings: A/B (combination as one)

Gifted/Advanced Placement: A/B (combination as one)

Juniors must be currently enrolled in a Social Studies course with the intent to enroll in a Social Studies course in their Senior Year. Failure to do this will result in the dismissal as an active member in the Pennsylvania Council for the Social Studies Student Honor Society.

All Senior applicants must have successfully completed three Social Studies courses, based on the above chart, and must be enrolled in a Social Studies course in their Senior year. Failure to do so will result in their dismissal as an active member in the Pennsylvania Council for Social Studies Student Honors Society.

Students must exhibit qualities of leadership, service and citizenship in either their school or in a community group/organization. The signatures, e-mail address, and phone numbers of two adult sponsors on each page of the student application will serve as testimony to the student’s having met the leadership, service and citizenship criteria.

Conditions for Dismissal

Section 1 Any disciplinary suspensions or expulsions, plus failure to maintain academic requirements are conditions for dismissal.

Section 2 All Rho Kappa members are expected to maintain a grade of 4.0 or higher in Social Studies (Academic or Accelerated Social Studies courses require an A- average, Honors or Gifted courses require a B+ average, and an Advance Placement course requires a B average).

Section 3 All Rho Kappa members are expected to attend all meetings. Members having more than one unexcused absence will result in dismissal.


1. Member requirements

a. 15 completed LINCS hours.

b. A recommendation by two teachers of the social studies department to be accepted into RHO KAPPA.

c. Application must be submitted by Thursday, March 10, 2016.

2. Dues

a. Once admitted, each active member must contribute $10 in dues each year as a qualified member of the RHO KAPPA Pennsylvania Council for Social Studies Student Honor Society.

3. Meetings

a. The Executive Committee shall meet on the first Monday of each quarter or upon the request of the Principal or the sponsor


Pennsylvania Council for Social Studies

Student Honor Society

Student Membership Form:

Student’s Name

(Please print)

Student’s E-mail

Students must have a minimum of two adult sponsors who certify the student has met the criteria of scholarship, leadership, service and citizenship. The adult sponsors may be teachers, school administrators, and / or community sponsors. Students are required to attach a school transcript copy to this form which also shows a minimum of 15 LINCS hours of volunteer service.

Students must meet rigorous academic criteria. Students must complete this form in order to qualify for membership eligibility.

List of Social Studies Courses taken to date: DATE ______

Title of Course Grade / GPA Teacher

(First sponsor signature and date) (Second sponsor signature and date)

I. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. List all activities in which you have participated. Include non-service clubs, teams, musical groups, etc., and major accomplishments in each. Do not include service clubs in this section — you will do that in section IV.

Activity / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / Accomplishments

II. LEADERSHIP POSITIONS. List all elected or appointed leadership positions held in school, community or work activities. Only those positions in which you were directly responsible for directing or motivating others should be included. For example, elected student body, class or club officer, committee chairperson; team captain; newspaper editor; work area manager, community leader or organizer of an activity.

Activity / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / Office Held

III. SERVICE ACTIVITIES AND COMMUNITY SERVICE. List service activities and community service in which you have participated. These can be service projects done with a group whether in or out of school, or done as individual projects performing service. Generally speaking, service activities are those that are done for, or on behalf, or others (not including immediate family members) for which no compensation (monetary or other) had been given. Please list the names of an adult supervisor, plus contact information, who can verify your participation in each activity. *Must amount to at least 15 hours (proven by LINCS transcript).

Service or Community Activity / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / Hours Total / Major Accomplishments (Leadership qualities, etc.) / Signature of Adult Sponsor

I understand that completing this form does not guarantee selection to Rho Kappa, and that the information presented here is accurate.

Student Signature Student Name (Printed) Date

I have read the information provided by my son/daughter on this form, and can verify that it is true, accurate, and complete in its presentation.

Parent Signature Parent Name (Printed) Date

Dates to Remember

Thursday, February 25th 2016, please attend the General Informational Meeting in the Cafeteria at 2:30. Application forms are available then and on the Social Studies web site, or in Mr. Perry’s room, 211 or Mr. Fash’s room, 218.

Thursday, March 10st, 2016, all completed applications must be submitted on this date no later than 3:00pm in either room 218 or 211.

On Tuesday, April 19th, 2016, the induction ceremony for RHO KAPPA will take place from 6:30 to 8:30pm in the CRHS South school auditorium. All members must report by 6:00pm.

There will be four general meetings held throughout the school year. Members must attend unless excused by Mr. Fash or Mr. Perry (.5 credits a meeting).


ü  Complete packet

ü  Transcript with LINCS hours (from guidance office)

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