Title of Book: The Emperor’s Egg

Author: Martin Jenkins

Publisher: Library of Congress Cataloging

ISBN: 0-7636-0557-3

Grade Levels for Recommended Use: 3rd Grade


§112.14. (9)Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms have characteristics that help them survive and can describe patterns, cycles, systems, and relationships within the environments. The student is expected to:

(A)observe and describe the physical characteristics of environments and how they support populations and communities within an ecosystem;

(10)Organisms and environments. The student knows that organisms undergo similar life processes and have structures that help them survive within their environments. The student is expected to:

(A)explore how structures and functions of plants and animals allow them to survive in a particular environment;

Brief Summary: This story explores an Emperor Penguin’s life cycle in the harsh Antarctic environment. While the male Emperor penguin stands around keeping his egg warm for two months, his mate is off swimming in the ocean catching fish. The egg finally hatches and a new chick is united with his Emperor family.

Materials needed: Post Activity Questions, Pencil, zip lock baggies, Ice

Suggested Activity:

  1. Read “The Emperor’s Egg” by Martin Jenkins to students.
  2. Put students in groups of 3 or 4.
  3. Give students two empty plastic baggies and a baggie filled with ice.
  4. Take one bag and zip it most of the way. Blow air into it to partly fill it up. Zip it up.
  5. Fill one bag with ice cubes and zip it up.
  6. Leave one bag flat and closed.
  7. Place both of your hands side by side and palms side up.
  8. Have someone lay the flat, empty plastic bag on your hands, and then lay the plastic bag filled with ice on the empty plastic bag.
  9. Leave this on for about a minute.
  10. Place both of your hands side by side again and palms side up.
  11. Have someone lay the plastic bag filled with air on your hands, then lay the plastic bag with the ice on top of the bag. Leave for about 1 minute.
  12. Answer the discussion questions.

References and or websites:

Questions to Discuss:

  1. What happened when you laid the bag filled with ice on the empty plastic bag? How did your hands feel?
  1. What happened when you laid the bag filled with ice on the plastic bag filled with air? How did your hands feel?
  1. Why do you think your hands didn’t get cold with the bag filled with air? How could this help penguins to keep warm?
  1. List other animals and how they have possibly adapted to their unique environment.

Adapted by (Annisa Longoria, 2013)