Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 9th July 2012 at St Faith’s Church, Wilsthorpe at 20:00hrs.

Present-Cllrs. D Kentish (Chairman) B Odell (Vice-Chairman), Mrs S Burgoin, P Milne, Clerk-Ms R H Woolley, C.Cllr. Trollope-Bellew.

Members of the Public – 24 G C Mastin, H Mastin, S Wells, M Bownes, V Hirst, F Wing, K A Wing, D Holden, A Mann, D E Woolsy, PC Jenkins, Andrew Hawley, Anna Hawley, Kelly Jackson, Peter Crowther, Yvonne Cutts, James Cutts, S Roberts, D Roberts, James Shorrock, Geoff Burgoin, PM Spence, NB Stroud, Jack Trollope-Bellew

Anglian Water – Claire Wotton, Ian Boon

Open Forum- commenced 20:00hrs

Ian Boon, Anglianwater gave a report on developments to date in regard to Wilsthorpe First Time Sewerage Scheme which is due to commence in November 2012. He informed the meeting that their preferred site for the pumping station was by the Church on the verge in front of land owned by Mr Mastin. Ian Boon explained that it would be a gravity fed system, pumps below ground, one pumping station, foul water only, very little noise. There would be two pumps working alternatively, they had storage capacity for up to 24 hours, if there was a problem a tanker would come to empty, no generator required. The final design would be completed by beginning of November 2012 with the road closed from 26th November to 26th March 2013. There would be access to properties. The decision for the site and design of the pumping station would be September 2012. The property owner is responsible for connection cost from their boundary onwards. Mr Boon said that the only problem they had with the preferred site was the existing culvert and services.

A question and answer session followed and the following points were raised:-

·  Those parishioners present did not want the pumping station to be situated at the proposed location but felt it should be on land at the end of the village to the south.

·  The suggested site of the pumping station would detract from the appearance of the church and surrounding properties.

·  It was also disputed as to the ownership of the land which had been proposed for the site of the pumping station.

Meeting commenced 21:00hrs

053/12 CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS- Cllr. Kentish thanked Ian Boon and Claire Wotton for attending and asked that they continue to contact the clerk with additional information.

054/12 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr. Mrs Campbell-Mathieson. Her apology was accepted by the council. D.Cllr Miss Channell.




It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs Burgoin & seconded by Cllr. Milne that the minutes of the last meeting held on Monday 21st May 2012` be accepted. It was resolved that the minutes of the last meeting be confirmed as a true record & signed by Cllr. Kentish. All agreed.

057/12 Adoption of Code of Conduct 2012 -

It was proposed by Cllr. Mrs Burgoin and seconded by Cllr Kentish to adopt the Members Code of Conduct in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. It was resolved that the Parish Council would adopt in accordance with South Kesteven District Council. All agreed. Action DK


1.  044/12 (a) Braceborough

·  On the road to the Church where the road has broken up they are going to put in 8 soak away boxes with a gulley, the verge will have to be dug upbut will be covered over, soiled and seeded. Baxter and King will do this as well as soil and seeding by the pumping station.

·  Quincey’s Lane has two existing gulley's with grips and they are going to concrete base those gulley's to stop debris build up and possible overflowing.

·  Between the Village Hall and The Elms on the corner of Church Lane and Quincey's Lane they are going to put in a patch but the object of this patch is to disperse water and they will monitor this for effectiveness.

·  At The Elms they are going to put in a gulley and connect it to an existing soak away and make good afterwards.

·  Along Main Road there is a possible problem with tree roots damaging pipes. The pipes are going to be jetted, water flow checked and highways will monitor to see if further work needs to be carried out.

·  The dropped kerb for disabled access at the village hall will be done mid-August.


·  Delaine buses stated that they initially parked away from the area but parents complained so they then parked at the current location. Chris Chandler LCC Highways has again requested that they park further back & then move forward when the children are in sight which should be done.

·  The surface works has been delayed until August.

2.  047/12 (1) potholes/roadside breakup at Obthorpe, Orchard bungalow, and layby have all been reported.

3.  047/12 (5) Neighbourhood Police Panel – there is a meeting to be held at Greatford Village Hall on Wednesday 11th July with a public forum at 6.30-7.00pm. The clerk has tried on three separate occasions to contact them but nothing to date.

4.  034/12 (2) Street Light map – the clerk has received a map but unfortunately it does not show the numbering system, to be dealt with at a later date. Action Clerk


a)  Report on balances since previous meeting

Current A/c b/f / 2,463.63
-cheques-cleaner/clerk/PAYE/SO Clerk / (438.60)
-S137 Churchx2, School / (600.00) / £1,425.03
BIAA/c / 1,056.01
Interest- May/June / 0.09 / £1,056.10
Melton Mowbray BS / 2,506.32 / £2,506.32
Balance / £4,987.45

·  It was resolved at the meeting on 5th March 2012 item 019/12 (i) that the clerk would be paid on a monthly basis as from April 2012. It was proposed by Cllr. Kentish and seconded by Cllr. Odell that the Parish Councils would register for PAYE as from 6th April 2012. It was resolved that the clerk would then be paid monthly. All agreed. Action Clerk.

b) Payment- 1. C Harris-2month’s com/cleaner £72.96

2. R H Woolley-Clerks 3 mths salary £231.03

3. HMRC-PAYE £57.60

It was agreed that Cllrs. Kentish and Mrs Burgoin sign cheques 291,292,293 for payment of Items 1, 2 and 3. All agreed. Action DK/SB/Clerk.

4. RH Woolley- salary £77.01

It was proposed by Cllr Odell and seconded by Cllr Milne that Cllrs Kentish and Mrs Burgoin sign the Standing Order instructions for monthly payment of the clerks’ salary. All agreed. Action DK/SB.

c) Additional - None


a)  S11/2619 Mr Bremner, Manor Farm – grass airstrip, a noise test to be carried out over the Spa. It was also reported that it should be going to Development Control committee in either August or September.

b)  Additional – None.


a)  It was reported that the usual strimming had not taken place at the barriers at the bridge over the river Glen at Wilsthorpe but grass round the village sign along the same stretch of road had been done.

b)  It was felt that the verges had not been cut to a very high standard to date and it was agreed that it had not been the regulation 1m width. It was agreed that the clerk would write a letter of complaint to LCC Highways department. Action Clerk.

c)  Council had also received complaints about the problem of parking outside Greatford Village Hall which created a blind bend and narrow road. It was agreed that the clerk would write to Greatford Village Hall and Greatford Parish Council. Action Clerk.

062/12 Village Concerns

1.  Neighbourhood Plan update – Cllr. Kentish reported that they were still gathering information. It was agreed that James Shorrock from Wilsthorpe would join the group. All agreed.

2.  Queen’s Diamond Jubilee –

·  Cllr. Burgoin reported that despite the weather on Sunday they all enjoyed the celebrations which started with a church service in the morning and then back to the church in the afternoon when the Jubilee Medals were presented. She reported that the church had been decorated and it was hoped that pictures would appear on the parish website.

·  Cllr. Kentish said that Braceborough enjoyed two days of celebrations which included games, hog roast, church service and again the presentation of Jubilee medals.

3.  Anglianwater – After a discussion it was agreed that the clerk would contact Anglianwater with the concerns of the residents of Wilsthorpe. All agreed. Action Clerk.


1.  LALC News – Spring 2012 which also includes information relating to the code of conduct which comes into force on 1st July and allows under the Localism Act 2011 for a Parish Council to adopt their own. .

2.  LUC – letter asking for comments on the scope of the SKDC Supplementary Planning Documents on wind energy. This is prior to a public consultation document which will be sent out in the Autumn.

3.  RSNonline – newsletter which includes LCC policy on wind turbines.

4.  LCC 4th Lincolnshire Local Transport Plan – consultation, asking for views on priorities for transport across the county in the next 10-15 year.

5.  LCC Highways travel & transport briefing – summer 2012.

6.  Communities Together Newsletter – Issue 5

7.  SKDC – Community drop-in sessions dates.

8.  SKDC – proposed modifications to the Grantham Area Action Plan & Site Allocation & Policy Documents.

9.  Letter of thanks from the Treasurer of Wilsthorpe Church for grant towards the upkeep of the churchyard.

10.  Great Casterton Parish Plan 2005


C.Cllr Trollope-Bellew informed the meeting that the level crossing at Banthorpe would be closed on the 14th and 15th July late evening.

He also informed the meeting that the County Council had approved a windfarm policy which had been well received by many other councils.

C.Cllr Trollope-Bellew also said that verge cutting had been late and the standard poor with sub-contractors not being appointed until April.

065/12 CLOSED SESSION - None


Date of next meeting- Monday 10th September 2012 at Braceborough Village Hall at 8pm.

Meeting closed 21:45hrs

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