English Year 9 Scope and Sequence Draft 1

Term 1 / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8 / Week 9 / Week 10
The Detective Genre: Narrative Writing
This unit has a focus on the crime detective genre but other extracts outside the genre will be covered to learn new concepts. Students will learn about: Social and cultural contexts, how language is used to create characters and context, showing not telling, Narrator using 1st or 3rd person, past and present tense narration, character motivations, euphemisms, using character relationships to drive a plot, Standard Australian English vs Colloquial English, vernacular, and naturalistic dialogue. There will be a particular focus on the characterisation of the detective and his idiosyncrasies and . As well as the contextual background to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and teacher modelling of a detective story.
Suggested Texts: Sherlock Holmes, Brooklyn 99, Monk, Castle, Tin Tin, Lamb to the Slaughter, extracts from various detective texts such as Arthur Conan Doyle, #1 Ladies Detective, ….
ASSESSMENT: Detective Genre Short Story. Learning Objective: ‘show, not tell’, ‘drafting and editing’, creating an effective character / Overcoming Adversity: Persuasive Language
This is an area of study with a particular focus on overcoming adversity. Students look at various non-fiction texts, particularly TED talks and spoken texts, and look at the way persuasive language is used to gain rapport and manipulate an audience. Students use persuasive language devices:
Focus outcomes: EN5-1A, EN5–3B, EN5-4B, EN5-5C / Focus outcomes: EN5–1A, EN5-2A, EN5-3B, EN5-5C, EN5-7D
Term 2 / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8 / Week 9 / Week 10
Overcoming Adversity: Persuasive Language (cont’d)
Simple, compound and complex sentences, sentence fragment, comma splices, evocative language, parallelism, cohesion, commas and semi-colons, Explicitly teach inferring information and ‘reading between the lines’.
Suggested Texts:
ASSESSMENT: Listening/Viewing short answer test.
Learning objectives: Inferring information, persuasive language techniques and structures – both recognising and applying. / Science Fiction Novel Study
This unit focuses on the study of a novel, as well as looking at the conventions of the Science Fiction genre, and looking at the way their chosen novel conforms to or challenges these conventions.
Suggested Texts: The Giver, The Hunger Games, Divergent, War of the Worlds
ASSESSMENT: Representing and Writing. Students choose one of three ways of representing their information. Assessment content focuses on the difference between the world of the novel and our own context.
Assessment Due: Term 3 Week 3.
Focus outcomes: EN5-1A, EN5-2A, EN5-3B, EN5-4B, EN5-6C, EN5-7D, EN5-8D
Term 3 / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8 / Week 9 / Week 10
Science Fiction cont… / Globalisation, Japan and Anime: Film Study
This unit looks at globalisation and the effect it has had on individual country’s cultures, with a specific focus on the homogenization of Japanese culture as a western “uber culture” has taken over in the years since WW2. On the back of this, students view Miyazaki’s film Spirited Away and consider the film from an analytical perspective in term of i’s aesthetic and themes, but also in terms of the statement Miyazaki is making about the corruption that has occurred to his own traditional Japanese culture.
Suggested texts: Spirited Away
ASSESSMENT: Analytical Writing. Students respond to the film in the form of an academic essay.
Focus outcomes: EN5-2A, EN5-3B, EN5-4B, EN5-6C, EN5-9E / Focus outcomes: EN5-1A, EN5-3B, EN5-6C, EN5-7D
Term 4 / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8 / Week 9 / Week 10
Shakespearian Comedy
This unit has no assessment and is just an opportunity to have some fun and engage with Shakespearean comedy.
Suggested Text: The Taming of the Shrew
Focus outcomes: EN5-1A, EN5-2A, EN5-3B, EN5-4B, / Focus outcomes: EN5-2A, EN5-3B, EN5-7D, EN5-9E