Transferor of cutting right (hereinafter the Seller) / Representative
Basis: / Acquirer of cutting right (hereinafter the Buyer) / Representative
Name / Name
Personal ID code/reg. code / Personal ID code/reg. code
Address / Address
Phone / Phone
Identity document no. / Identity document no.
The Seller sells the crop standing on the following land unit / Submission of a forest notification
County / Rural municipality / Village / Cutting is permitted according to forest notification no. ______
The legal basis for cutting is subsection 41 (14) of the Forest Act
Land unit / Cadastral unit number / Registry part no.
Cutting right to be sold / Crop density / Information on marking the limits of the cutting area / Seed trees and old crop trees
Allocation / Area, ha / Cutting type / Approx. prescribed cut, cubic metres / In the event of thinning, the crop density after cutting / Marked in nature
YES/NO (with paint or a ribbon) / The limits are indicated on a map
YES/NO (the map has been annexed to the contract) / Marked with paint or a ribbon
YES/NO / Qty
Exercise of cutting right / The Buyer cleans the cutting areas as follows
Cutting date ______/ ______/ ______
Deadline of removal of timber obtained ______/ ______/ ______
Cutting area cleansing date ______/ ______/ ______
Work to be performed only in summer winter all year round / Cutting waste is piled
Cutting waste is burnt over the total area
Drag roads are strengthened with cutting waste
Cutting waste is chopped and spread
Cutting waste is removed from the area
Additional requirements for cutting / Condition of the area used for exercising the cutting right at the time of signature of the contract
Buyer’s rights of use of land units in dragging timber and storing it on the immovable of the seller and/or third parties / Drag roads
Width of dragging roads ___ - 4 m (no more than 20% of the cutting area in total)
The material is transported and stored only on the seller’s immovable / The drag roads are marked in nature
The material is transported and stored only on third parties' immovable
The use of the third parties' land units is coordinated with the landlords by the
Buyer Seller Land units used: / The scheme of the drag roads has been annexed to the contract
Calculation of the sales price of the cutting right on the basis of the value of the standing crop (indicate in the event the price of the standing crop is specified as a specific sum)
Sales price ______kroons, VAT 20% ______kroons. Total: ______kroons.
Calculation of the sales price of the cutting right on the basis of measuring the timber (filled in if the Seller is paid on the basis of the measuring results of the timber. The quality and prices of the types of the timber have been specified in the annex to the contract)
The timber is measured by the:
by agreement of the parties, a third party / The measurement method, place and time (where and how and when the felled timber is measured):
Log and block ______
Paper and firewood ______
Other ______
Timber left to the Seller
Assortment ______
Quantity ______
The assortment left to the Seller is stored
______/ The costs of felling the assortments are paid to the Buyer:

By way of offsetting cutting revenue

In the amount of ______kroons

Payment of the sales price and contractual penalty

The sales price is fully paid before commencement of cutting not later than ______/______/______
(if the price has been set on the basis of the value of the standing crop)

The sales price is paid within ______days after the measuring results have become clear (if the price is set on the basis of measuring the timber), taking into account that ______% of the approximate cost of the cutting right is paid by way of a down payment before commencement of cutting not later than ______.

The following is paid in instalments: Payment I of ______kroons on ___ /___/______Payment II of ______kroons on
___/___/______(may be used regardless of the manner of setting the price)
Bank account ______/ Contractual penalty for a breach of the contract: ______kroons
Other terms and conditions
Seller’s name and signature / Buyer’s name and signature
The Contract has been made on ______/______/______in ______(place).

By signing the contract the parties warrant and represent that they have accessed the terms and conditions annexed to the contract and consent to their validity with regard to this contract. If a standard term is in conflict with the terms agreed on separately by the parties, the special term shall apply.