
University of Gothenburg

Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences

Box 461

SE-405 30 Göteborg


Phone: +46 31 7862532,

Fax: +46 31 7862984,


Degrees and positions

2009 Deputy head of department

2005 Promoted to professor in Applied Environmental Science

2000 Lecturer in Applied Environmental Science at the University of Gothenburg

1998 Docent (associate professor) in Plant Physiology, University of Gothenburg

1994 Doctoral degree in Plant Physiology 1994, thesis: Ozone impact on Swedish cereals

1987-1999 Employed at the Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Gothenburg

1985 Master of Science in Biology University of Gothenburg

Supervision of PhD students

Principal supervisor:

Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, exam 2003

Helena Danielsson, exam 2003

Kristin Piikki, exam 2006

Jenny Klingberg, started 2004

Maria Grundström, started 2009

Deputy supervisor:

Katinka Ojanperä, exam 1997

Ebe Sild exam, 1999

Johanna Gelang, exam 2001

Karin Lindblad, exam 2007 (ass supervisor during the later part of the PhD period)

Eva Nyberg, exam 2009

Mark of honour

Awarded a stipend of 50 kkr from ”Stiftelsen Carl XVI Gustafs 50-årsfond” for research related to the abatement of transboundary air pollution – ozone effects on crops, in 2003.

Commissions etc

Member of the Editorial advisory board for the international scientific journal Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 2003-2010.

Guest editor of international journals:

Ozone deposition special issue of Atmospheric Environment 38/15

Ozone exposure and impacts on Vegetation in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Ambio 38/8

Member of the board of department of Environmental Science and Conservation (2000-2003).

Member of the board of the Faculty of Science at the University of Gothenburg (2003- 2006).

Member of the steering committee of the Mistra research programme ASTA (1999-2006).

Member of the evaluation committee for six PhDs.

Faculty opponent for two PhD students (Finland and Norway).

Responsible for questions concerning equality of the Faculty of Science GU 2003-2006.

Deputy director of studies at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences 2006-2009.

Review commissions for

Atmospheric Environment, Environmental Pollution, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Experimental Botany, Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment, Global Change Biology, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Journal of Plant Physiology, The Scientific World, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.

Publication list for Håkan Pleijel 2004-2010

Scientific publications

Klingberg, J., Engardt, M., Uddling, J., Karlsson, P.E. & Pleijel, H. (2010)Ozone risk for vegetation in the future climate of Europe based on stomatal ozone uptake calculations. Tellus A, Accepted Article Online: May 26 2010 DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2010.00465.x

Klingberg, J., Björkman, M., Pihl Karlsson, G. & Pleijel, H. (2009). Observations of ground-level ozone and NO2 in Northernmost Sweden, including the Scandian Mountain Range. Ambio 38, 448-451.

Karlsson, P.E., Pleijel, H., Danielsson, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., Piikki, K. & Uddling, J. (2009). Evidence for Impacts of Near-Ambient Ozone Concentrations on Vegetation in Southern Sweden. Ambio 38, 425-431.

Karlsson, P.E., Pleijel, H. & Simpson, D. (2009). Ozone exposure and impacts on vegetation in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. Ambio 38, 402-405.

Piikki, K., Klingberg, J., Pihl Karlsson, G., Karlsson, P.E. & Pleijel, H. (2009). Estimates of ozone indices from time-integrated ozone data and hourly air temperature measurements in southwest Sweden. Environmental Pollution 157, 3051-3058

Pleijel, H. & Danielsson, H. (2009). Yield dilution of grain Zn in wheat grown in open-top chamber experiments with elevated CO2 and O3 exposure. Journal of Cereal Science 50, 278-282.

Klingberg, J., Tang, L., Chen, D., Pihl Karlsson, G., Bäck, E., & Pleijel, H. (2009). Spatial variation of modelled and measured NO, NO2 and O3 concentration in the polluted urban landscape – relation to meteorology during the Göte-2005 campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. 9, 2081-2111.

Pleijel, H. (2009). Observations of temperature and air humidity during the total solar eclipse 29 March 2006 at Side, Turkey. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 18, 107-109.

Uddling, J., Gelang-Alfredsson, J., Karlsson, P. E., Selldén, G. & Pleijel, H. (2008). Source-sink balance of wheat determines responsiveness of grain production to increased [CO2] and water supply. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 127, 215-222.

Piikki, K., De Temmerman, L., Högy, P. & Pleijel, H. (2008). The open-top chamber impact on vapour pressure deficit and its consequence for stomatal ozone uptake. Atmospheric Environment 42, 6513-6522.

Pleijel, H., Klingberg, J. & Bäck, E. (2009). Characteristics of NO2 pollution in the city of Gothenburg, south-west Sweden – relation to NOx and O3 levels, photochemistry and monitoring location. WASP Focus 9, 15-25.

Pleijel, H. (2008). Concentration gradients of ozone and other trace gases in and above cereal canopies. Meteorologische Zeitschrift 17, 1-6.

Klingberg, J., Danielsson, H., Simpson, D. & Pleijel, H. (2008). Comparison of modelled and measured ozone concentration and meteorology for a site in south-west Sweden – implications for ozone ozone uptake calculations. Environmental Pollution 155, 99-111.

Karlsson, P.E., Tang, L., Sundberg, J., Chen, D., Lindskog, A. & Pleijel, H. (2007). Increasing risk for negative ozone impacts on the vegetation in northern Sweden. Environmental Pollution 150, 96-106.

Piikki, K., DeTemmerman, L., Ojanperä, K., Danielsson, H. & Pleijel, H. (2008). The grain quality of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) in relation to elevated ozone uptake and carbon dioxide exposure. European Journal of Agronomy 28, 245-254.

Mills, G., Buse, A., Gimeno, B., Bermejo, V., Holland, M., Emberson, L. & Pleijel, H. (2007). A synthesis of AOT40-based response functions and critical levels of ozone for agricultural and horticultural crops. Atmospheric Environment 41, 2630-2643.

Pleijel, H., Danielsson, H., Emberson, L., Ashmore, M. & Mills, G. (2007). Ozone risk assessment for agricultural crops in Europe: deriving stomatal flux and flux-response relationships for European wheat and potato. Atmospheric Environment 41, 3022-3040.

Uddling, J., Gelang-Alfredsson, J., Piikki, K. & Pleijel, H. (2007). Evaluating the relationship between leaf chlorophyll concentration and SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter readings. Photosynthesis Research 91, 37-46.

Piikki, K., Vorne, V., Ojanperä, K. & Pleijel, H. (2007). Impact of elevated O3 and CO2 exposure on potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Bintje) tuber macronutrients (N, P, K, Mg, Ca). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment118 55-64.

Uddling J. & Pleijel, H. (2006). Changes in stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis during phonological development in spring wheat – implications for gas exchange modelling. International Journal of Biometeorology 51, 37-48.

Sundberg, J., Karlsson, P.E., Schenk, L. & Pleijel, H. (2006). Variation in ozone concentration in relation to local climate in south-west Sweden. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 173, 339-354.

G. Krause, B,. Köllner, L, Grünhage, H.-J. Jäger,, J. Bender, H.-J., Weigel, M. Ashmore, L. Emberson, P.-E. Karlsson and H. Pleijel. (2005). New Directions: Discussion of “A new generation of ozone critical levels for the protection of vegetation in Europe” by Ashmore et al. Atmospheric Environment 39, 5213-5217.

Karlsson, P.E., Hansson, M., Hoglund, H.-O. and Pleijel, H. (2006). Ozone Concentration Gradients and Wind Conditions in Norway Spruce (Picea abies) Forests in Sweden. Atmospheric Environment 40, 1610-1618.

Pleijel, H., Berglen Eriksen, A., Danielsson, H., Bondesson, N. & Selldén, G. (2006). Differential ozone sensitivity in an old and a modern Swedish wheat cultivar – grain yield and quality, leaf chlorophyll and stomatal conductance. Environmental and Experimental Botany 56, 63-71.

Karlsson, P.E., Pleijel, H., Belhaj, M., Danielsson, H., Dahlin, B., Andersson, M. Hansson, M., Munthe, J. & Grennfelt, P., (2005). An economic assessment of the negative impacts of ozone on crop yield and forest production at the estate Östads Säteri in south-west Sweden. AMBIO 34, 32-40.

Vandermeiren, K., Black, C., Pleijel, H. & De Temmerman, L. (2005). Impact of rising tropospheric ozone on potato: effects on photosynthesis, growth, productivity and yield quality. Plant, Cell and Environment 28, 982-996.

Ashmore, M., Emberson, L., Karlsson, P.E. & Pleijel, H. (2004). Editorial: introduction for ozone deposition special issue. Atmopsheric Environment 38, 2211-2212. Contribution as geust editor of the journal.

Uddling, J., Günthardt-Goerg, M.S., Matyssek, R., Oksanen, E., Pleijel, H., Selldén, G., Karlsson, P.E. (2004) Biomass reduction of juvenile birch is more strongly related to stomatal uptake of ozone than to indices based on external exposure. Atmopsheric Environment 4709-4719.

Uddling, J., Pleijel, H. & Karlsson, P. E. (2004). Measuring and modelling leaf diffusive conductance in juvenile silver birch, Betula pendula. Trees 18, 686-695.

Pleijel, H., Pihl Karlsson, G. & Binsell Gerdin, E. (2004). On the logarithmic relationship between NO2 concentration and the distance from a highroad. Science of the Total Environment 332, 261-264.

Ashmore, M., Emberson, L., Karlsson, P.E. & Pleijel, H. (2004). New Directions: A new generation of ozone critical levels for the protection of vegetation in Europe. Atmospheric Environment 38, 2213-2214.

Pleijel, H. (2004). Air pollution effects of ozone on crop yield and quality. Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science 13-16. Marcel Dekker Inc.

Piikki, K., Selldén, G. & Pleijel, H. (2004). The impact of tropospheric ozone on two potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje and cv. Kardal) in an open-top chamber experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 104, 483-492.

Hultengren, S., Gralén, H. & Pleijel, H. (2004). Recovery of the epiphytic lichen flora following air quality improvement in south-west Sweden. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 154, 203-211.

Skärby, L., Ottosson, S., Karlsson, P.E., Wallin, G., Selldén, G., Medin, E.L. & Pleijel, H. (2004). Growth of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in relation to different ozone exposure indices. Atmospheric Environment 38, 2225-2236.

Karlsson, P.E., Medin E.L., Ottosson, S., Selldén, G., Wallin G., Pleijel, H. & Skärby, L. (2004). A cumulative ozone uptake - response relationship for the growth of Norway spruce saplings. Environmental Pollution 128, 405-417.

Pihl Karlsson, G., Soja, G., Vandermeiren, K., Karlsson, P.E. & Pleijel, H. (2004). Test of the short-term critical levels for acute ozone injury on plants – improvements by ozone uptake modelling and the use of an effect threshold. Atmopsheric Environment 38, 2237-2245.

Pleijel, H., Danielsson, H., Ojanperä, K., De Temmerman, L., Högy, P. & Karlsson, P.E. (2004). Relationships between ozone exposure and yield loss in European wheat and potato – A comparison of concentration based and flux based exposure indices. Atmospheric Environment 38, 2259-2269.

Piikki, K., Vorne, V., Ojanperä, K. & Pleijel, H. (2003/4). Potato tuber sugars, starch and organic acids in relation to ozone exposure. Potato Research 46, 67-79.

Selected other publications

Pleijel, H. (Ed) (2009). Air pollution & climate change. Two sides of the same coin? Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Stockholm. 167 pp. Pleijel also co-author of one of the eleven chapters.

Piikki, K., Karlsson, P.E., Klingberg, J., Pihl Karlsson, G. & Pleijel, H. (2008) Mätningar av marknära ozon och meteorology vid kustnära och urbana miljöer i Halland, Skåne och Växtra Götlands län. Rapport till Länsstyrelserna I M, N och O län.

Pleijel, H. (2008). Miljön i korsvägen mellan fakta och värdering. In: Andersson, E. A. & Jagers, S. C. (Eds) Global Hållbar Utveckling. Folkuniversitetet, Stockholm. Pages 57-73.

Persson, K. & Pleijel, H. (2008). I sanden på stranden – svampar längs Laholmsbuktens dyner. Svensk Mykologisk Tidskrift 29, 33-43.

Piikki, K., Karlsson, P.E., Pihl Karlsson, G., Klingberg, J & Pleijel, H. (2008). Förslag till mätprogram för marknära ozon i bakgrundsmiljön i södra Sverige med hänsyn till ozonets variation i landskapet. Rapport till Länsstyrelserna i södra Sverige.

Gipperth, L. & Pleijel, H. (2008). Har miljkvalitetsnormer förbättrat utomhusluften? Naturvårdsverket Rapport 5915. 128 pp.

Pleijel, H. (Ed) (2007). Transboundary Air Pollution, Scientific understanding and Environmental Policy in Europe. Studentlitteratur, Lund. 231 pp. Pleijel co-author of four out of nine chapters of the book.

Danielsson, H., Pleijel, H., Klingberg, J., Simpson, D. & Hellsten, S. (2007). Assessment of ozone effects on wheat and potato in Sweden. Application of flux-based methods with comparison to AOT40 based methods. Report for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Karlsson, P.E., Pleijel, H., Danielsson, H., Belhaj, M., Andersson, M. & Hellsten, S. (2006). En ekonomisk utvärdering av inverkan av marknära ozon på växtligheten I Sverige i relation till föreslagna miljömål. IVL Svenska Miljöinstiutet Rapport B 1678.

Hultberg, H., Hultengren, S. & Pleijel H. (eds) (2006). Air Pollution, Environment and Future. 35 years of research on forest, soils and water. The Gårdsjö Foundation and Naturcentrum Consultants Ltd, Stenungsund.54 pp.

Hultengren, S. & Pleijel, H. (2005). Kusthedar, sältor och ängar. Natur och människor i ett kustområde. Naturcentrum AB, Stenungsund. 88 pp.