Kilkenny Photographic Society

Safety Precautions

Burning steel wool is potentially dangerous

This article summarises the precautions you need to take

Today’s technique brings all these elements together in a way that creates beautiful, dramatic and unusual images. It’s called steel wool spinning. The photos may look complicated but in reality it is easy to try out if you have the right equipment, a willing partner and paying attention to safety.

Here’s what you need:

·  Steel wool (you can get this from hardware stores, the finer grades (0000) are best) and a scissors to cut it.

·  9v Battery

·  A stainless steel whisk and a length of strong cord to tie it to the whisk securely or a dog lead.

·  Protective clothing: old jacket, gloves and hat (to cover your hair)

·  Safety goggles.

·  A container with water to cool down the whisk as it gets very hot

·  A torch (so you can see what you are doing)

·  A dramatic location. One that looks good when viewed through a wide-angle lens. Also one where people are unlikely to suddenly walk into the immediate area and be hit by flying sparks, or with anything that is likely to catch alight.

·  Calm weather. The less wind the better.

·  A camera with a manual mode.

·  A cable release or remote (the self-timer will do in a pinch)

·  Good tripod

·  Wide-angle lens, UV filter and lens hood.

·  Live View is also useful.

·  A willing helper.

·  You can use your camera’s self-timer and spin the steel wool yourself, but getting somebody to do it for you is much easier.

How to do it

Steel wool spinning really is very simple. Simply stuff the steel wool inside the whisk, set it alight with the 9v Battery, and get your helper to whirl it around in a circular motion. The burning sparks of steel wool fly out and fall to the ground, creating bright orange trails of light.

Put your camera on a tripod, and set your exposure using manual mode. Aim for a shutter speed of around eight to 15 seconds – there’s no harm in underexposing the background for dramatic effect (I find the steel wool burns for about 10 to 20 seconds). You’ll need to be shooting at twilight, otherwise it will be too bright. The sparks won’t show up in daylight.

If you shoot while there’s still a little light left in the sky you will have a nice deep blue color. Some people use this technique at night and combine it with painting with light (using either torchlight or portable flash) to build up an image or to capture star trails.

Live View (if your camera has it) helps with focusing, as it may be too dark for you to focus on your subject properly. On my camera, there is enough detail in Live View to focus manually, even when it is too dark to see anything through the viewfinder. Set your camera to manual focus, focus on the person doing the steel wool spinning, and use a small aperture (f8-16) to compensate for any focusing errors. As this is a kind of landscape photo you’ll no doubt want the entire scene in focus anyway.

Shoot Raw so you can make fine adjustments to color temperature and exposure in post-processing. In the meantime, set white balance to daylight – that will help the camera record the colors accurately.

If you’re using a wide-angle lens (recommended for the dramatic perspective) then move as close as you can to the arc of the burning sparks of steel wool for a strong composition. It is wise to wear clothing that covers as much skin as possible, plus a hat and safety goggles, in case one of those sparks lands on you. You should also use a UV filter to protect the front element of your lens from burning sparks.

1. Work in Manual

2. Turn off VR (Vibration Reduction)

3. Use Live View

4. Use wireless remote control or cable

The Kilkenny Photographic Society or any Member

are not responsible if you get burnt or set something alight.