The Department of Economics welcomes applications from undergraduate students to become teaching assistants (UGTAs) for Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, Microeconomic Theory, Macroeconomic Theory, Statistical Methods, and other courses.

What UGTA opportunities are available??

·  Students who lead discussions sections associated with larger lectures (ECON 491, 4 credits, letter grade or P/F)

·  Students who assist faculty with grading and office hours (ECON 391, 2 credits, P/F only)

UGTAs in ECON 491, which is the more common of the two types of positions, are assigned to lead TWO discussion sections of ECON 160, 162, 360 or 362. They may take the course for a letter grade.The department’s grading policy for this course is at

ECON 391 is open by invitation only. UGTAs assist with grading, office hours and/or other projects as designated by the faculty supervisor, but do not lead discussion sections. This is a two-credit, P/F course. Positions become available when a faculty member has specific needs for such assistance, and students are advised in class by faculty when such positions are available.

What are the requirements for becoming a UGTA?

Applicants should have grades of B+ or better in the core courses (ECON 160, 162, and either 360 or 362, or statistics), and an overall GPA of 3.0 or better. We give preference to juniors and seniors, but we encourage all qualified students to apply.

What will I gain from being a UGTA?

Although the credits earned in ECON 391 and 491 do not otherwise count towards fulfillment of requirements for a major in economics, nor do they satisfy all-college or Gen-Ed requirements, these courses offer substantial, tangible benefits to those who are selected. Most employers are impressed by applicants who have demonstrated leadership and public speaking skills. As a UGTA, students also have the opportunity to work closely with a faculty member who can write detailed and specific reference letters for jobs or graduate school.

What are UGTAs required to do?

UGTAs in ECON 391 generally meet with their faculty supervisor to discuss the expectations and obligations. Because each course is different, faculty usually discuss responsibilities when announcing the position.

UGTAs in ECON 491 are expected to:

·  Attend all scheduled lectures and all assigned discussion sections

·  Maintain at least 1 hour of regularly scheduled office hours per week (or as specified by the instructor)

·  Maintain regular communication with the instructor, including prompt responses to e-mail

·  Proctor/monitor any/all exams as required by professor

·  Assist in any class projects as required by the professor

·  Assist in grading at times as required by professor

·  Hold review sessions as required by professor

·  Attend up to two TA orientation sessions scheduled after classes begin for the semester

What will I teach? How do I register?

Students chosen to be UGTAs receive their specific assignments shortly before the start of the semester. During the Advance Registration period all TA applicants should register for a full course load. Those students who are selected to be a TA will have ECON 391 or 491 added to their schedule by the Economics Department during the "Add Period" of the semester in which they are working and can adjust their schedules at that time.



Please type directly in the gray boxes

Last Name: First: B#

Cell Phone: Other Phone : E-Mail Address:

Current Status: FR SO JR SR Total credits at end of this semester:

Major(s): Cumulative GPA Economics GPA

Courses Taken and Grades Received: If not taken, leave blank. List as IP (In Progress) courses you are currently taking.

Grade Received or IP Name of Faculty (or Name of Transfer School)

ECON 160 taken with Prof.

162 taken with Prof.

360 taken with Prof.

362 taken with Prof.

* 366 taken with Prof. * Or equivalent statistics course

Other taken with Prof.

Course Preferences to TA: 1 2 3 Instructor Preference (if any):

Note: Listing a preference does not guarantee you will be given that assignment. Please read the statement** at the bottom before signing.

Please meet with an Economics faculty member of your choosing who is willing to endorse you as a TA by signing below:

Faculty Name (print) ______Signature______Class student was in: ______

(Note: Endorsement does not guarantee that the department will be able to assign a particular student to you)

Please answer the following questions (Use as much space as you need to elaborate, this is a writing sample):

1.  What is your greatest strength?

2.  What is your greatest weakness?

3.  Why do you want to be a TA?

4.  Have you had previous experience with teaching/tutoring? Please provide details (subject, etc.).

* * I understand that if I am selected as a Teaching Assistant I will be assigned according to the following priorities: * *

1) My qualifications 3) The Economics Department’s needs

2) My schedule 4) My preferences (where possible)

I further understand that the Economics Department will be depending on me, and I will accept this responsibility.


If selected as a UGTA, I plan to drop this course that I am currently registered to take in Spring 2018:

THIS IS FOR SCHEDULE/INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY – You will NOT be dropped from any courses.

I do not plan to drop any courses from my schedule as showing in the BU Brain.

Resignations at a late date can cause severe scheduling problems for the Economics Department.