Name ______Switch ______Date _____

Due Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Your poster will be graded using this rubric. Turn in with your project. (NOT stapled)

Use 8 ½ x 11 paper only. You may use the computer or hand-write it with markers.

Heading (Name, Switch #, Date)
Title (Order of Operations)
Make your own phrase to remember the correct order of operations. Make the letters PEMDAS bigger than the words for your phrase and include the symbol for the operation.
Pick onenumerical expression from the list below. Evaluate it correctly, showing one step per line, with your arrows, working down, and circle your final answer.
The original expression will be done in black at the top of the paper. Choose a color for each step of the operation – this color will be used for your letter, word in phrase, symbol, and step being done. The rest of the equation will be black. Thefinal answer written at the bottom should beblack and circled.
Attractiveness: Creative, neat, easy to read, and correct spelling.

Rubric Points:

4 - Above expectations

3 - All criteria fulfilled

2 - Some criteria missing

1 - Most criteria missing

0 - Not done

(3 + 12) - 3 + 8 2 4

(7 + 5) 2 - 4 8 + 7

3(8 + 2) - 6 9 + 1

6 + (5 – 3) 3 9 - 3

(6 + 4) 4 + 6 8 - 2

26 – 2(8 + 2) + 6 9

(13 – 8) + 6 4 + 112

(16 + 10) – 54 20 + 3

Mrs. Heil Switch # 1 January 10, 2016

My Problem: 3 + (7 + 5) 2 - 4 8


Pie ( ) 3 +(7+5)2 - 42÷ 8

Eaters x2 3 +122- 42÷ 8

Might 3 + 122– 16÷8


Do ÷ 3 + 24 – 16 ÷ 8

Awesome + 3 + 24 – 2


Stuff - 27 – 2