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KIDZ TV "GIVING? I’M BROKE” - Part Three "Series B - 44

CAST:Cast Two

PUPPETS:P1, P2, P3, P4, Historical Hal, Swish the Fish, Advertising Alfred, Exclusive Eddie

HUMAN CHARACTERS:Anchorperson Annie, Handy Sandy, The Boy Next Door

PROPS: Book – Zechariah, trashcan

BIBLE USED: NIV (please insert the Bible translation your Church uses)

______Scene 1

(Play the opening theme song KIDZ TV CD 4 – Track 1 as the scene opens onto a television studio.)

AA:Welcome to KIDZ News at ten. I’m Anchor Annie and here at KIDZ TV News we have certain rules that our viewing audience must abide by, so before we get started I need help with the rules of the KIDZ TV. (take the audience’s answers and fill in what they miss from the list)

  1. Please keep your feet and hands to yourself.
  2. Please raise your hand if you have something to say.
  3. Please do not talk while someone else is talking.
  4. When anyone up here raises their hand and forms a fist (do so) everybody else raises their hand and gets real quiet. Lets try it and don’t try to be the last one talking. (raise your hand and watch as the whole place goes quiet without a word).

(open with a prayer if desired)

And now over to our World History Desk


Scene 2

(Historical Hal enters. Mark 12:41-44.)

HH:Hello and welcome to KIDZ World History report.

AA:Hello, Historical Hal. What’s our history lesson for today?

HH:Hello, Annie. It’s about how much we should give.

AA:Give to whom?

HH:To God.

AA:How much should we give to God?

HH:For the answer to that we’ll go once again to our Bible.

AA:Where at?

HH:Genesis chapter 28.

AA:That’s way back there.

HH:Yes, it is and it’s also one of the first examples of how much we should give.

AA:What happened?

HH:Jacob was traveling and when it got dark he stopped for the night.

AA:It was hard to travel in the dark back then.

HH:It was and when Jacob fell asleep he had a dream.

AA:What did he dream of?

HH:Jacob saw a stairs.


HH:Yes, and they went all the way to heaven.

AA:Did he go up?

HH:No, but there were angels going up and down.

AA:That’s sounds cool.

HH:At the top stood God.

AA:Did he say anything?

HH:He told Jacob he would have many children.

AA:Anything else.

HH:His children would one day own all the land Jacob was now sleeping on.

AA:What a great promise.

HH:The next morning Jacob woke up.

AA:What did he think about the dream?

HH:He said the place he was at was awesome. It was the house of God and the gate to heaven.

AA:What did he do then?

HH:He took the stone he was using as a pillow and set it up as a reminder.

AA:Of his dream?

HH:Yes, and he called the place Bethel.

AA:What does Bethel mean?

HH:Bethel means house of God.

AA:That’s a good name.

HH:Then here is where we get how much to give to God.


HH:Jacob made a promise to God.

AA:What was the promise?

HH:If God was with Jacob on his journey and Jacob returned home safe...


HH:Jacob would give God on tenth of everything God gives to him.

AA:So, if I make a dollar I would give one dime back to God.

HH:Exactly. A lot of people follow this rule today.

AA:It’s a good example.

HH:This is Historical Hal signing off.

AA:(turns back to audience) And now it’s time for a commercial break. (exits)


Scene 3

(Advertising Alfred is a puppet and enters with trashcan.)

AA:… (exits)


Scene 4

(Swish the Fish enters. He is a Fish Puppet CD 4 Track 10)

SW:I’m Swish the Fish and I’m here to sing to you.

Everyone should give one tenth to you know who.

But to find how much you should really give.

Ask Jesus and he’ll show you just how to live.

I’m Swish the Fish and I’m here to sing to you.

Giving one tenth is an example to do.

Some people give way more than that.

But again ask Jesus for where you’re at.

So live your life the Bible way. So live your life the Bible way.



Scene 5

(Advertising Alfred enters with a Bible.)

AA:The sponsor for that last story is the Word of God. And in the Word of God, this is what it says about giving. Matthew 6:3 "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, (4) so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:3 (exits)


Scene 6

(A3 and P1 enter and sit at a table.)

A3:Welcome to “Giving or Not? – Part Two”

P1:That’s right and the audience will tell us if this is giving or not.

A3:Remember giving doesn’t have to just be your money.

P1:You can give your time or things you are good at.

A3:We’ll give you a statement and then we’ll take the quietest hand for an answer. Ready?

P1:Passing out lunches to the needy. Giving or Not?

A3:Cleaning the church. Giving or Not?

P1:Picking on your little brother. Giving or Not?

A3:Taking all the cookies for yourself. Giving or Not?

P1:Helping your mother with the dishes. Giving or Not?

A3:Picking up trash along the road. Giving or Not?

P1:Cutting in line. Giving or Not?

A3:All of our answers today on “Giving or Not?” were great.

P1:They sure were, so join us next time when we ask a different question. (both exit)


Scene 7

(Anchor Annie enters and sits at her news desk. Handy Sandy enters. Handy Sandy can make things with his/her hands.)

AA:Hello, Handy Sandy.

HS:Hello, Annie.

AA:Welcome back.

HS:Thank you.

AA:I can’t wait to see what you have for us.

HS:(Make up a couple of hand creations and ask the audience what they are. Try to fit them into the theme if possible. )

AA:That was great.

HS:Thank you.

AA:And thank you. (both exit)


Scene 8

(Break if desired. Do birthdays, take an offering, welcome visitors and present an easy plan of salvation. )


Scene 9

(Advertising Alfred enters.)

AA:This week our sponsored verse is, Matthew 6:3 "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, (4) so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:3 (exits)


Scene 10

(Annie enters and sits at her desk.)

AA:Welcome back to KIDZ TV News at ten. Now it’s time for a local report from Exclusive Eddie. Take it away, Exclusive Eddie.

EE:(Enters and is a puppet. Have him/her tell of a real news story that is relevant to the audience. )

AA:Thank you very much for that report, Exclusive Eddie. Before our next very exciting show, “The Boy Next Door”, here is a word from our sponsors. (exits)


Scene 11

(Advertising Alfred enters with the book of Zechariah.)

AA:One of our sponsors making today happen is the book of Zechariah. Zechariah is also in the back part of the Old Testament.

(P2 and P3 enter)

P2: You called us again?

AA:No. It’s a book in the Bible remember?

P3: No. (to P2) Do you Zach?

P2: No I don’t Ry-Ah.

P3: (to AA) Are you sure you aren’t messing with us?

AA:Zechariah really is a book in the Bible. It’s just one word.

P2: Let’s go Ry-Ah. (P2 and P3 exit)

AA:So, please get to know our sponsored book of Zechariah today. From the Word of God. (exits)


Scene 12

(The Boy Next Door is dressed like a little boy.)

TBND:Hello, I’m the boy next door. I’m the one your mother would rather you not play with because I like getting you into trouble. Hey, look, here comes (A4 enters) my friend ______(A4) now. Hey, ______(A4) come on over here.

A4:Hello Boy Next door.

TBND:How’s my giving best friend today?

A4:I’m not...

TBND:(putting his arm around A4’s shoulder) You’re not what?

A4:Giving you any money.

TBND:Did I ask for money.

A4:(pulls away) Not yet.

TBND:How about three bucks.

A4:What for?


A4:I don’t think so.

TBND:But my doctor said I need them.

A4:Right. (exits)

TBND:I’ll make him bad just like me, the next time on “The Boy Next Door”. (exits)


Scene 13

(P3 and P4 enter and alternate saying books.)

P3/P4:Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, II Kings, I Chronicles, II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah.

P4:One more to go.


P4:Let’s go. (both exit)


Scene 14

(Handy Sandy comes in and does an animal for the kids and then exits.)


Scene 15

P4:(pops up) Matthew 6:3 "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, (4) so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:3 (exits) (NIV)


Scene 16

(Annie enters and sits at the news desk.)

AA:This just in. Giving of yourself makes the world a much better place. So, please stay tuned to KIDZ TV News as this story unfolds. (exits)


Scene 17

A1:(enters) Our verse is Matthew 6:3 "But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, (4) so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:3. Does anybody have any questions about what this verse means? (Take questions, answer them and then exit)


Scene 18

(Lip Sync to the Song “Giving - Song Three”. KIDZ CD 4 - Track 11)

SONG:Giving– Song Three

(verse 1)I carefully count the pennies I earn.

I’ll share them with God as I learn.

Learn about how much I should give.

Give from my heart with the right motive.

(chorus)How much should I give back.

To God from my money sack.

The Bible says about ten percent.

Give it up before it’s all spent.

(verse 2)For every ten pennies I give one.

To God I’ll give until I’m done.

I do it because I love Jesus so.

I love to give from all my dough.

(chorus)How much should I give back.

To God from my money sack.

The Bible says about ten percent.

Give it up before it’s all spent.

(all exit)


Scene 19

(Advertising Alfred enters with the book of Zechariah.)

AA:The book of Zechariah has sponsored many parts of today’s program. Don’t forget to support this sponsor by reading or having some one else read Zechariah to you this week. Brought to you by the Word of God. (exits)


Scene 20

(Handy Sandy enters does an animal and exits.)


Scene 21

(Annie enters with all available members of the cast)

AA:Well that’s the news and stories on this day the ______(enter today’s date. Eg. First day of the month of June in the year of 2003) here on KIDZ TV News.

(close with a prayer if desired and dismiss the audience)