Virginia Public Health & Healthcare Preparedness Academy

Field Epidemiology Seminar

May 31 – June 2, 2017 Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center Fredericksburg, Virginia

Visit copies of presentations and resources. Tweet about the conference using #VaPrep17.

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May 31, 2017 – Pre-conference Workshops (Attendance is Optional)
8:30-11:00 am / Be Prepared to “Revive” with Naloxone
Susan Pauley
REVIVE! Coordinator, Office of Adult Community Behavioral Health Services
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Lay Rescuer Training of Trainers covers everything in the lay rescuer training with additional focus and discussion of each specific training objective to ensure a thorough understanding of the materials trainers will be presenting on. This training teaches trainers how to conduct trainings and is appropriate for individuals who intend on leading trainings in the community. / Ballroom C
9:00-11:00 am / Spokesperson Boot-camp Part I
Limited to 12 participants, Pre-requisite: VDH Spokesperson Training
Lorrie Andrew Spear, Public Information Officer, VDH Office of Risk Communication and Education
NOTE: Part II is offered during the breakout sessions, and is optional. / Ballroom D
10:00-10:30 am / Operation of Mobile STARS Radios-
This hands on session is for VDH Staff that have mobile STARS radios in vehicles.
Bill Webb and Brad Bradley, VDH Office of Risk Communication and Education / Exhibit Hall A
10:00-11:00 am / Satellite Phone Open House
Bring your satellite phone to test and troubleshoot problems.
Bill Webb and Brad Bradley, VDH Office of Risk Communication and Education / Exhibit Hall A
10:00-11:00 am / PAPR Technical Assistance
Eileen J. Simmons, 3M Account Executive
Marc Roe, CIH, Technical Service , 3M Personal Safety Division
Andrew Gross, Safety Specialist, 3M Personal Safety Division
Christopher Ware, Government Healthcare Specialist, 3M Personal Safety Division / Meeting Room #1
May 31, 2017
9:00 am-5:00pm / Exhibits / Exhibit Hall A
9:00-11:00am / Registration
11:00-11:03 am / Presentation of Colors / Ballrooms ABEF
11:03-11:30 am / Welcome
Marissa Levine, MD, MPH, FAAFP, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Health
Tom Ryan, MD, MSHA. Senior Medical Advisor and Administrative Director, Emergency Preparedness, Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association / Ballrooms ABEF
11:30-12:30 pm / Public Health and Healthcare Role in Building Resilient Communities
Rahul Gupta, MD, MPH, FACP, Commissioner
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services Bureau of Public Health
12:30-1:30 pm / Exhibitor-sponsored Lunch / Exhibit Hall A
1:30-3:30 pm / Facilitated Discussion: Winter Weather Event / Ballrooms:
A Near SW
B Far SW
C Central
D Northwest
E Northern
F Eastern
3:30-4:00 pm / Viewing Mobile Medical Assets and Break
4:00-5:30 pm / Facilitated Discussion: Winter Weather Event / Ballrooms:
A Near SW
B Far SW
C Central
D Northwest
E Northern
F Eastern
6:15 -7:30 pm / Yoga (Optional, bring a mat or towel and a change of clothes)
Dr. Haering, Director, Alexandria Health Department
Virginia Department of Health
June 1, 2017
7:30 am-1:10 pm / Exhibits / Exhibit Hall A
7:30-8:00 am / Registration
8:00-9:15 am / HPP and PHEP changes
Melissa Harvey, R.N., MSPH, Director, Division of National Healthcare Preparedness Programs, Office of Emergency Management, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Christine Kosmos, R.N., B.S.N., M.S., Director, Division of State and Local Readiness, Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / Ballrooms ABEF
9:15-9:45 am / Break / Exhibit Hall A
9:45 – 10:30 am / Breakout Sessions I (Choose one)
How to Prepare for an Active Shooter in Your Facility
Sargent Channing Bordeaux, Virginia State Police / Ballroom E
Local Public Health Response to a Community Outbreak
Angela West, Central Region Epidemiologist, Virginia Department of Health
Mary Laurel Castle, Emergency Coordinator, VDH Prince William Health Department
Andrea Young, Epidemiologist, VDH Prince William Health Department
Cindy Cosio McKelvy, Environmental Health Technical Specialist, VDH Henrico Health Department / Ballrooms AF
Legal Considerations in an Emergency
Brent Rawlings, Vice President and General Counsel, VHHA
Steve Gravely, Partner, Troutman Sanders LLP / Ballroom D
Spokesperson Bootcamp Part 2
Pre-requisite: VDH Spokesperson Training
Lauren Cunningham. Public Information Officer, VDH Office of Risk Communication and Education
Mylam Ly, Clinical Liaison, VDH Office of Risk Communication and Education / Ballroom B
How the Incident Management Team supported the 2016 Tornado in Essex and Appomattox Counties
Kenneth Smith AAS,MEP, Emergency Management Coordinator, HCA Chippenham and Johnston Willis Hospitals
Bryan Swanson, Central Virginia All Hazards Incident Management Team / Meeting Room #1
Respecting Cultural Differences in a Disaster
Karla Ramos, Manager of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Richmond City / Ballroom C
10:35-11:20 am / Breakout Sessions II (Choose one)
Ethical Decision Making During a Disaster
Dr. Rebecca Bigoney, Vice President of Medical Affairs, Mary Washington Healthcare / Ballroom C
Planning for the Vice Presidential Debate in a Rural Area
James Moss, Central Region Emergency Coordinator, VDH Office of Emergency Preparedness
David Martin, Emergency Planning Coordinator, VDH Piedmont Health District
Rhonda Pruitt, Epidemiologist, VDH Piedmont Health District
Andrew Slater, Manager, Regional Healthcare Coordination Center, Central Virginia Healthcare Coalition / Meeting Room #1
Understanding the Media and their Use of Social Media
Steve Hawkins / Ballroom D
CASPER Rapid Assessment Tool
Jessie Habourn, Senior Emergency Planner, Fairfax County Health Department
Shawn Kiernan, Emergency Planning Coordinator, Fairfax County Health Department / Ballroom E
Traveler Associated Illness
Dr. Costi Sifri, Hospital Epidemiologist, Associate Professor of Medicine, UVAHS / Ballroom B
Blurred Lines: Exploring Emergency Management and Business Continuity and the Relevance of Both in Healthcare Today
Roger Glick, Senior Emergency Management Consultant, Carilion Medical Center / Ballroom AF
11:25 am-12:10 pm / Breakout Sessions III (Choose one)
Using Social Media to Discover and Characterize Public Health Threats
Bryan Lewis, PhD, Computational Epidemiologist, Virginia Tech / Ballroom C
Evacuating 445 Patients from 2 Hospitals, 2 Nursing Homes, in 2 Days
Charlie Wolverton, Director of Safety & Security, Southeast Georgia Health System / Ballroom AF
Leveraging Resources During an Incident
Jennifer Freeland, State MRC Coordinator, Virginia Department of Health
Jason Eaton, Logistics Coordinator, Virginia Department of Health / Ballroom D
Planning for the Presidential Inauguration
Jeffrey Walker, Northern Region Emergency Coordinator, VDH Office of Emergency Preparedness
Glenn Blanchette, Regional Administrator/Regional Emergency Coordinator National Capital Region, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services / Meeting Room #1
Addiction and the Preparedness Community
Dr. Susan Fischer Davis, Health Director, VDH Henrico County Health District
Carole Pratt, Policy Analyst, Virginia Department of Health / Ballroom E
Integrating MRC and EMS into Real Events and Exercises
Hilary Jacobson, Emergency Planning Coordinator, Central Shenandoah County Health Department
Chris Rini, RC Coordinator, Central Shenandoah County Health Department / Ballroom B
12:10-1:10 pm / Exhibitor Sponsored Lunch / Exhibit Hall A
1:10-5:00 pm / Discipline-Specific Meetings
Healthcare Breakout Session- Open to RHCCs, Hospitals, Long Term Care, etc / Ballroom AF
VDH Health Directors / Ballroom C
VDH Emergency Coordinators / Ballroom E
VDH Epidemiologists and CD Nurses / Ballroom B
VDH MRC Coordinator / Ballroom F
VDH Public Information Officers / Meeting Room #1
June 2, 2017
7:30-9:00 am / Registration
9:00 am-4:15 pm / Field Epidemiology Seminar / Ballroom
12:05-1:15pm / Lunch – on your own

Session Objectives

May 31, 2017

Be Prepared to “Revive” with Naloxone

Learning objectives:

·  Describing addiction, opioids, how to recognize an overdose, and how naloxone works

·  Identifying causes and risk factors for opioid overdose

·  Recognizing common myths about overdose reversal

·  Describing how to assist in the reversal of an opioid overdose

·  State how to schedule and lead a successful training

Spokesperson Boot-camp Part 1

Learning objectives:

·  Describe communication challenges during emergencies

·  Describe best practices for preparing for an interview/press conference.

·  Demonstrate an effective on-camera interview and press conference “live” questioning

·  Formulate and deliver improved responses to media

PAPR Technical Assistance

Learning objectives:

·  3M will have a Technical Service Specialist and local Safety Specialists available to provide hands-on overview of their PAPR systems, Breathe Easy PAPR, TR-300 PAPR and TR-600 PAPR.

·  They will be providing the latest updates on most recent changes and provide technical assistance for your PAPR programs.

Overview of Emergency Preparedness Issues in Virginia in 2017

Learning objectives:

·  Describe the type of emergencies affecting communities in Virginia

Public Health and Healthcare Role in Building Resilient Communities

Learning objectives:

·  Identify lessons learned building community resilience after an emergency

·  Describe the role of public health and healthcare in building resilient communities

June 1, 2017

Latest HPP and PHEP Changes: What Do We Need to Know?

Learning Objectives:

·  Identify changes in the PHEP and HPP grant requirements

·  Describe desired outcomes as a result of the PHEP and HPP grant changes

How to Prepare for an Active Shooter in Your Facility

Learning objectives:

·  Differentiate the roles of law enforcement and facility staff after threat neutralized

·  Describe what can and can’t be done by facility staff if the facility is an active crime scene

Local Public Health Response to a Community Outbreak

Learning objectives:

·  Describe the roles of central office and local health districts in a multi-district outbreak

·  Describe the complexity coordinating a simultaneous case investigation and restaurant inspection

·  Identify communication, coordination and planning best practices and less learned managing a community outbreak

Legal Considerations in an Emergency

Learning objectives:

·  Describe liability protection for employees, state employees and volunteers

·  Describe what laws still apply during an emergency such as an evacuation (ex HIPPA)

·  Describe remedies if they can’t abide by laws and how

Spokesperson Boot Camp Part 2

Learning objectives:

·  Identify and describe new interview technology techniques

·  Recognize and react appropriately to Social Media challenges

How the Incident Management Team Supported the 2016 Tornado in Essex and Appomattox Counties

Learning objectives:

·  Describe what an Incident Management team will/can do and will not do

·  Describe the role of Central Virginia’s AHIMT in the 2016 Appomattox Tornado response

Respecting Cultural Differences in a Disaster

Learning objectives:

·  Identify cultural differences to be aware of to respond effectively in a disaster

·  Describe techniques to communicate with people from different cultures

Ethical Decision Making During a Disaster

Learning objectives:

·  Identify the major ethical issues which arise in disaster management

·  Identify ethical principles to guide provision of care and resource distribution in a disaster

·  Describe practical guidance for policy and procedure development

Planning for the Vice Presidential Debate in a Rural Area

Learning objectives:

·  List the key elements, features and programs necessary to plan a large scale event in a rural area

·  Describe the challenges associated with planning for a large event in a rural area

Understanding the Media and their Use of Social Media

Learning objectives:

·  Describe how to prepare for your organization being in the news

·  List the six steps to successfully working with the media

Traveler Associated Illness

Learning objectives:

·  Describe the current situation with Zika in the U.S.

·  List other traveler associated illnesses that may affect citizens of Virginia

CASPER Rapid Assessment Tool

Learning objectives:

·  State the purpose of the CASPER program

·  Describe the assessment components of the program (questionnaire, sampling, analysis)

·  Describe operations of the CASPER and use of ICS, response tools, etc.

Blurred Lines: Exploring Emergency Management and Business Continuity and the Relevance of Both in Healthcare Today

Learning objectives:

·  Define emergency management and business continuity

·  Describe the nuance and distinction between emergency management and business continuity

·  Describe how to apply best practices in each, to their own organization

·  Recognize how to improve the communication, cooperation and collaboration between EM and BC professionals for improved organizational preparedness

Using Social Media to Discover and Characterize Public Health Threats

Learning objectives:

·  Describe social media data available for use in surveillance

·  Discuss strategies for using social media data for surveillance

·  Identify benefits and challenges of using social media data

Evacuating 445 Patients from 2 Hospitals, 2 Nursing Homes, in 2 days

Learning objectives:

·  Describe how the decision was made to evacuate – partners involved in making that decision, are there trigger points for evacuation and reentry, legal considerations

·  Describe resource coordination for evacuation – transportation, bed identification, staff, supplies, etc.

Leveraging Resources During an Emergency

Learning objectives:

·  Describe the process for requesting MRC Volunteers

·  Describe the process for healthcare facilities requesting state and federal resources

Planning for the Presidential Inauguration

Learning objectives:

·  List the key elements, features and programs necessary to plan a large scale event

·  Describe the challenges associated with planning for a large event with multiple jurisdictions

Addiction and the Preparedness Community

Learning objectives:

·  Describe the infrastructure in place at the state and regional level to support response to the opioid addiction emergency

·  Describe the successful elements of the Henrico County multi-discipline response to the opioid addiction crisis

Integrating MRC and EMS into Real Events and Exercises

Learning objectives:

·  Describe how EMS and MRC volunteers can be successfully integrated into a public health exercises

·  Describe how the public health department ensures competency of EMS and MRC volunteers