Vermilion Minor Hockey Executive Meeting
March 8, 2011
Members Present: Carolyn White, Bev Denis, Dot Cleland, Karen Brown, Leslie Johnson, Sandy Boomhower, Stan Boomhower, Megan Howard, Ryan Isley, Michelle McIntyre, Darcy Wasylik, Lori Wilhelm, Diane Budzilka, Randy Martin, Kathy Eyben, Mike Webb
- Darcy Wasylik called the meeting to order at 7:03pm
- Approval of Agenda: Leslie Johnson approved the agenda and Mike Webb seconded it. All in favour. Carried.
- Approval of minutes: Carolyn White approved the February 9, 2011 minutes. Megan Howard seconded it. All in favour. Carried.
- Treasurer’s Report: Helen Millar provided a Profit/Loss statement. The November Fundraiser showed a profit of $7600. We are currently showing a loss of due to the $25000 donation to The Town of Vermilion for stadium renovations. One of VMH GIC’s was cashed to cover some expenses.
- Team Accounts: Karen Brown reported $26,877.23 in Team Accounts. Some of this money will be transferred back to the general account at the end of this hockey season. There is $4433 in Tiger Pride.
The Midget Tier I team, who will be attending Provincials in Rimbey, AB, have requested that their coach’s, Tom Youngberg, hotel room and their team room be paid for by Vermilion Minor Hockey. Approved. Randy Martin made a motion those teams attending Provincials or Winter Games, if money is available in their team accounts, may be reimbursed up to $25 for everyone on team roster attending event to be used for water, snacks, and meals or as needed. Receipts must be provided. Megan seconded it. All in Favour. Carried. This motion will be an addition to the Vermilion Minor Hockey handbook.
- Directors Report
- Initiation: Leslie Johnson said the KFC team will have their wind up next weekend and the Apple Drugs team wind up is done.
- Novice: Ryan Isley reported the novice teams have a couple more practices and games and then wind-ups to complete a successful season.
- Atom: Megan Howard is going to organize the presentation of the Garry Ferby awards to the atom players. An atom coach has forwarded a letter regarding his concerns with the re-tiering of the atom league this year. Mike Webb has collected another $300 in donations to Vermilion Minor Hockey; therefore, the 2 atom teams $30 deficit will be covered by this last donation.
- Atom Girls: Dot Cleland: The girls had a fun tournament in Sylvan Lake and went swimming for their wind-up party.
- PeeWee: Bev Denis: Tier I won the A final in Bonnyville tournament and Tier III lost the A final in Bonnyville tournament.
- Bantam: Tier I won the Zone against LacLaBiche and won the League against Midwest. They are busy hosting Provincials on March 17-20, 2011. Tier III will be going bowling for their wind-up.
- Midget Girls: Their home tournament was successful and they will be attending a tournament in Onoway on March 17-20.
- Midgets: Sandy Boomhower: Tier III did very well in league playoffs and are attending a tournament in Cochrane March 25-27. Tier I will be attending A Provincials in Rimbey on March 24-27.
- Operations: Jersey sponsors require letter yearly explaining where to send their donation. The Stan Hartwell Award and the Midget Heart & Hustle Award need to be presented. Darcy Wasylik will write a letter to Wainwright Minor Hockey commending their association and referees for the outstanding attention Kurtis Farkash received when he was injured in Wainwright.
- Business
Old Business
- Photocopier: The contract will be terminated because the photocopier in the office is not used.
- The Scotia Bank cheque for Novice were re-issued
- Volunteers still required to work at draw table for Provincials
- Spring Registration: Advertise when it is available
- Meeting with Town: The Town assured Vermilion Minor Hockey their staff would provide proper maintenance of the stadium during Provincials. Vermilion Minor Hockey needs to provide a written account of their concerns to the Town of Vermilion.
New Business
a.NEAHL General Meeting – Vermilion – Darcy Wasylik will attend. Information to be discussed is to clarify if you win by more than 10 goals in the first game of league playoffs, do you need to play the second game, playoff format, and the re-tiering process.
b. By-laws, constitution and handbook: It is updated and complete
c. Surveys: Tabled
d. Promotion for girl’s hockey: Vermilion Minor Hockey is currently in a growth stage for their girl’s hockey program. We are exploring suggestions on how to keep our program competitive. Should we start a girl’s team at Novice or should we merge our girls program with other associations?
- Annual General Meeting: Wednesday April 20, 2011. It will be held in Reunion Hall and begin at 7:00pm.
- Other Business
- Next Meeting: April 6, 2011
- Adjournment: Darcy Wasylik adjourned meeting at 9:00pm
President Secretary