Biomedical Board Member Instructions
Log in to IRBNET:
Go to and log in using your username and password.
Access Study Documents:
Step 1: Make sure Tulane University Biomedical IRB is selected next to “Submissions for” at the top.
ClickSUBMISSION MANAGER to view a list of studies awaiting your review.
Step 2: Select the correct MEETING DATE AND TIME using the drop down menu next to view by agenda. Make sure the box below next to “only show submissions awaiting board action” is NOT checked.
Note:For each study, one star next to the submission date means you are the primary reviewer and two stars means you are the secondary reviewer. Expedited reviews will not have stars.
Step 3: To view submission detailsfor a study, click on the study title that appears in blue font.
Execute Review Process:
Step 1: Click VIEW next to the reviewer comment that states “reviewer sheet attached” in the reviewer section at the bottom of the Submission Details page to access your reviewer sheet. Scroll to the bottom of the page then click on the document title in blue to download your reviewer sheet and save it to your computer for editing.
Step 2: Click SUBMISSION DETAIL to return to the study, then click each document type in blue to view study documents.
Step 3 (optional): Click SEND COMMITTEE MAIL to send email to other reviewer(s) to discuss the study. Make sure the box under send mail is checked for only the reviewer you would like to email and then type your message and send.
Step 4: Fill out the reviewer sheet and save once completed.
Click ADD next to comment and reviewer documents to this submission.
Add reviewer comments in the text box, give a recommendation for approval, CHECK the box next to mark my personal review as complete. Click SAVE.
Step 5: Click ADD NEW DOCUMENT in the Reviewer Documents section to upload your completed reviewer sheet.
Select the DOCUMENT TYPE, then click BROWSE to find the completed viewer sheet on your computer then click ATTACH.
Step 6: Click SAVE & EXIT and you are finished.
Step 7: Click SEND COMMITTEE MAIL and select the person’s name who sent you the review. Send a message letting them know you have completed your review.
Step 8: Log out of IRBNET.
Review Agenda and Minutes:
Step 1: ClickSUBMISSION MANAGER to get to the main page.
Step 2: Select the correct MEETING DATE AND TIME using the drop down menu next to view by agenda. Make sure the box below next to “only show submissions awaiting review” is checked.
Step 3: Scroll down and go to Agenda, Minutes and other Administrative Documents for this Meeting. Click on either Agenda or Minutes. To view individual documents click on the document title in blue.
1. Go to
2. Click on the ‘New User Registration’ link in the upper right-hand corner of the screen
3. Create your username and password. Fill out the required information. Your password must contain 8 characters. Click ‘Continue’
Note: This system does not interface with Tulane University’s system, but you may choose to use your Tulane University username and password if you would like.
4. Read and accept the Individual User Terms of Use
5. To add your affiliation, type the word ‘Tulane’ into the search box. UNCHECK ‘Research Institutions’ and ‘Sponsors’. Click ‘Display’. Select ‘Tulane University Biomedical IRB’ from the organization box. Click ‘Continue’
6. Enter your contact information. Enter the email address you would like to receive communications through the IRBNet system. (e.g. notification of IRB decisions, communications from your research team or administrator). Click ‘Continue’
7. Review your provided information and edit as necessary. When you are satisfied, click ‘Register’
An email will be sent to the email address you provided in Step 6, with ‘IRBNet Activation Required’ in the subject line. You will need to click on the link provided in this registration email in order to activate your account. Clicking on the link will take you to the IRBNet homepage.