Jaffrey Rindge Rotary Club

Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

October 8, 2013

Present: Bruce Edwards, Jim O’Neill, Tom Doane, Jed Brummer, Gail Therriault, Andy Lawn, Bill Raymond

Bruce called the meeting to order at 7:30am and asked Bill Raymond to take the meeting minutes.

Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. No changes were made. Motion to accept by Jed. Second: Jim. Motion passed

Charitable Giving:

Gail reported on committee visit to the FPU “Bubble”. Two giving options:

1.  Upstairs Game Room refurbishment. Request: $15,00 over 2 years.

2.  Downstairs Entry Room refurbishment. Request: $6,000.

After discussion, Jim suggested $2500/year over 4 years to do the upstairs room.

Andy suggested and Moved $5,000 in year 1, and $2,500/year in years 2 & 3 for a total of $10,000 to refurbish the upstairs lounge and viewing room. Motion Seconded by Tom. Unanimous vote. Motion carried.

A request to “buy” a brick for the Old Man of the Mountain Memorial Park in Franconia for $100. Motion: Tonya. Second: Tom. Motion Carried.

Gail reported on the requests that were denied by the CG Comm. Also mentioned the need for a CG Budget. After discussion it was agreed that this matter will be discussed at the next Board Meeting on 11/5/13.

Bruce reminded the Board of the Memorial Service for David Sullivan and noted that several Rotarians had volunteered to park cars.

Jed Brummer is the new Chair of the Membership Committee. He will attend the District Membership Conference in Brattleboro on10/19/13.

PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) will be held from March 6-8, 2014 in Nashua. Andy Lawn will attend.

Bruce asked the group how they thought weekly Club meetings were going. Most felt the speakers have been OK but feel that we should have more emphasis on Rotary matters.

A press release will be sent out regarding the award to QUEST by the N.E. Higher Education Council.

Bruce recommended that the Board approve Jeffrey Clark-Kevan for membership in the Club. Motion: Tonya. Second: Tom. Motion carried. He will be brought in on October 24, 2013.

Bruce reminded the Board that the Reverse Raffle Party is coming up on Nov. 1 and urged all Club members to get their tickets sold. Susan Emerson usually does the 50-50 Raffle sales, but in her absence, two non-Rotarians will handle it. They have helped Susan in the past and know how to do it. Tonya mentioned that she thought a Rotarian should be involved in selling those tickets.

Andy reported on a Club Service Project to paint the anchor chain at Humiston Park. Apparently the Town of Jaffrey will only supply one gallon of black paint, which is not enough. Andy is working on trying to find paint donations.

Bill Raymond reported on Club finances. The Club has total cash in excess of $43,000. Bill reported that the bill for QUEST meals has not been paid because it has not been submitted by FPU. Bill & Tonya will work on getting this resolved and paid. Bill noted how important the Reverse Raffle is to the Club treasury.

Bruce informed the Board that the October 10, 2013 meeting would be a Club Assembly.

There being no further business, the Meeting was adjourned at 8:35am

The next Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday November 5, 2013 at 7:30am at the Jaffrey Chamber office.