
From $129.95

Wondershare QuizCreator helps educators quickly and easily creates Flash-based rich, interactive quizzes for online tests or Web assessments. Besides SCORM compliance for LMS, the built-in service FREE Quiz Management System (QMS) also help track, analyze and report quiz results for effective learning.

  • Samples


Quick Question Creation

Create Questions One by One in QuizCreator

  • True or False
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Word Bank
  • Multiple Choice (Single Answer)
  • Matching
  • Click Map
  • Multiple Choice (Multiple Answers)
  • Sequence
  • Short Essay

Insert Math Symbols with Equation EditorNEW!
Insert and edit mathematical or scientific symbols with Equation Editor in QuizCreator. This useful tool will greatly help educators to make tests or quizzes which will inspire their learners.Explore More >

Multimedia Integration and Quiz Settings

Multimedia Integration

– Insert Images or Screenshots to Questions
–Import Audio/Record Narration for Questions
– Add Flash Animations into Questions
– Support Hyperlinks in Questions
– Customize Sound Scheme for Events

Quiz Settings

– Quiz Attempts | Time Limit | Quiz Submission | Template Editor
–Set Feedback Levels | Question Bank | Quiz Merger | Quiz Bank

–Set Access Control with Password, User Accounts or Domain Limit

Customizable Quiz Player

–Customize Player from Layout, Color Scheme to Audio Effects

Results Tracking and Score Reporting

Quiz Management System (QMS)


QMS is a built-in online reporting service for QuizCreator and helps users track results online without expensive LMSes or setting up a new reporting system. It provides effective statistical analysis for quizzes, answers and scores, presenting in intuitive chart reports.

More details >

  • Real–time Reporting
    View samples and get report >
  • E-mail Reporting
    Send quiz reports via e-mail >
  • Database Integration
    Send reports to Web database >
  • LMS Tracking
    Build SCORM compliant quiz >
  • How-tos

Quick Question Creation

Create Questions One by One in QuizCreator

  • True or False
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Word Bank
  • Multiple Choice (Single Answer)
  • Matching
  • Click Map
  • Multiple Choice (Multiple Answers)
  • Sequence
  • Short Essay

Insert Math Symbols with Equation EditorNEW !
Insert and edit mathematical or scientific symbols with Equation Editor in QuizCreator. This useful tool will greatly help educators to make tests or quizzes which will inspire their learners.Explore More >

Multimedia Integration and Quiz Settings

Multimedia Integration

– Insert Images or Screenshots to Questions
–Import Audio/Record Narration for Questions
– Add Flash Animations into Questions
– Support Hyperlinks in Questions
– Customize Sound Scheme for Events

Quiz Settings

– Quiz Attempts | Time Limit | Quiz Submission | Template Editor
–Set Feedback Levels | Question Bank | Quiz Merger | Quiz Bank

–Set Access Control with Password, User Accounts or Domain Limit

Customizable Quiz Player

–Customize Player from Layout, Color Scheme to Audio Effects

Results Tracking and Score Reporting

Quiz Management System (QMS)


QMS is a built-in online reporting service for QuizCreator and helps users track results online without expensive LMSes or setting up a new reporting system. It provides effective statistical analysis for quizzes, answers and scores, presenting in intuitive chart reports.

More details >

  • Real–time Reporting
    View samples and get report >
  • E-mail Reporting
    Send quiz reports via e-mail >
  • Database Integration
    Send reports to Web database >
  • LMS Tracking
    Build SCORM compliant quiz >

Edit Questions and Answers

  • - Insert Math and Science Symbols with Equation Editor
  • - Import question from existing Excel document
  • - Insert images, background images and background color
  • - Insert screenshots and Flash animations
  • - Import music or record sounds to questions
  • - Customize fonts of questions and answers
  • - Add notes to questions
  • - Add feedback: Answer lever feedback & Quiz level feedback
  • - Insert hyperlink to questions, answers and images
  • - Set difficulty level of questions
  • - Create Question Bank
  • - Shuffle Question and Answers
  • - Randomize Quizzes

Customize Quizzes

  • Insert intro page to a quiz | Protect with password
  • Attempts to take a quiz | Passing score | Background music
  • Sound scheme | Set time limit | Flexible submit options
  • End actions: go to URL | Quiz Merger | Quiz Bank

Feedback Levels

  • Answer Level Feedback | Quiz Level Feedback
  • Question Level Feedback | Grade-based Feedback

Quiz Access Control

  • Password Access | Web Authentication
  • User Account and Password | Quiz Hosting Restriction

Publish Quizzes

  • Publish on a webpage | Publish for PPT2Flash
  • Publish to LMS (AICC/SCORM) | Publish as EXE/CD
  • Publish via E-mail | Publish for Microsoft Word/ExcelNEW !

Tracking and Reporting

  • Quiz Management SystemNEW ! | E-mail Reporting
  • Database Integration | Publish for LMS Tracking


Edit Questions and Answers

  • - Insert Math and Science Symbols with Equation Editor
  • - Import question from existing Excel document
  • - Insert images, background images and background color
  • - Insert screenshots and Flash animations
  • - Import music or record sounds to questions
  • - Customize fonts of questions and answers
  • - Add notes to questions
  • - Add feedback: Answer lever feedback & Quiz level feedback
  • - Insert hyperlink to questions, answers and images
  • - Set difficulty level of questions
  • - Create Question Bank
  • - Shuffle Question and Answers
  • - Randomize Quizzes

Customize Quizzes

  • Insert intro page to a quiz | Protect with password
  • Attempts to take a quiz | Passing score | Background music
  • Sound scheme | Set time limit | Flexible submit options
  • End actions: go to URL | Quiz Merger | Quiz Bank

Feedback Levels

  • Answer Level Feedback | Quiz Level Feedback
  • Question Level Feedback | Grade-based Feedback

Quiz Access Control

  • Password Access | Web Authentication
  • User Account and Password | Quiz Hosting Restriction

Publish Quizzes

  • Publish on a webpage | Publish for PPT2Flash
  • Publish to LMS (AICC/SCORM) | Publish as EXE/CD
  • Publish via E-mail | Publish for Microsoft Word/ExcelNEW !

Tracking and Reporting

  • Quiz Management SystemNEW ! | E-mail Reporting
  • Database Integration | Publish for LMS Tracking


Here are some sample quizzes created by QuizCreator for your reference. You may like to Download QuizCreator Free Trial to create you own quizzes now.

Wondershare Quiz Management System (QMS)

The Quiz Management System is a hosted quiz reporting service for Wondershare QuizCreator and provides smart tracking and reporting kits for quiz data. When a participant completes a quiz online, quiz results will be sent to QMS instantly. Click here to explore QMS now!

Math Symbols Sample Quiz

Sample Quiz - Capital City

Sample Quiz with Narrations

Sound-based Quiz Sample

Quiz of Question Types

  • True or False
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Word Bank
  • Multiple Choice (Single Answer)
  • Matching
  • Click Map
  • Multiple Choice (Multiple Answers)
  • Sequence
  • Short Essay

Theme Quiz

  • UFO Sample Quiz
  • Christmas Sample Quiz
  • Sales Sample Quiz

Sample Quiz for Features

  • Answer Level Feedback
  • Quiz Level Feedback
  • Quiz Bank & Manager


Here are the step by step how-tos to accomplish a specific task when you are using QuizCreator. You can follow the instruction here to create your own quiz.

Create and Edit Questions

  • How can I import questions to QuizCreator from Excel Documents?

Import Questions from Excel

Did you know?

Wondershare QuizCreator provides users with two options of adding different question types to a quiz.
1. Create questions one by one in QuizCreator
2. Import questions from an external source: An existing Excel document

Using the import Excel feature is a quick solution to creating questions and saving you time. How does one do that?
QuizCreator includes an Excel template file named template.xls to help users create a formatted document that can be imported into the program. Browse to the directory of your program (for example: C:\Program Files\Wondershare\QuizCreator\help) and find the template.xls for your reference.

1. Start Mark and End Mark

The start mark and end mark are indicators for Excel to communicate with QuizCreator and therefore are unchangeable. You need to retain these two cells at the beginning and the end of the worksheet.

2. Question ID & Question Number

Every question type has a unique question ID assigned to in the Excel template. When imported to QuizCreator, the ID will tell it which question type it falls into. This is a mandatory field of a question created in Excel.
ID Question Type
90001 True/False
90002 Multiple Choice (single answer)
90003 Multiple Choice (multiple answers)
90004 Fill in Blanks
90005 Matching
90006 Sequence
90007 Essay
Every question created in Excel must have a question number to go with it. All question numbers must be in consecutive order, otherwise, they can not be imported into QuizCreator.

3. Quiz Title

The cell next to the Start Mark is the quiz title.

4. Create a question

When creating questions in the Excel document, there are three required items and one optional item which need to be entered.

Required Items:

Question Number, Question ID, Question Content

Optional Item:

QuizCreator has a unique feature which allows quiz designers to insert a static image or animated Flash into a question. In Excel, this feature is also available. By putting the full file path of the image or Flash in the Image Path field, you can add an image to a specific question.
If an image file named image.jpg in the MyPicture folder of drive C is to be insert into a question, you will need to input the full filename path into the Image Path cell.

C:\Backup\My Documents\My Pictures

You will not be able to create a click map question using the Excel template as this format is not yet supported.

5. Add Answers
True/False Questions

For True/False questions, insert TRUE and FALSE as the possible answers and indicate the correct answer by putting Y in the same row.

Multiple Choice (single answer)

For multiple choice (single answer) questions the maximum number of possible answers is 8. Indicate the correct answer by putting Y in the same row.

Multiple Choice (multiple answers)

For multiple choice (multiple answers) questions, the maximum number of possible answers is 8.Indicate the correct answers by putting Y in the same rows.

Fill in Blanks

To add answers to a Fill in the Blanks question, you may add up to 8 answer items and leave the correct answer area blank.


For Matching questions, you may add up to 8 answer items in the left column and put the corresponding matches in the right column.


With a Sequence question, you can put the answer items in random order in the left column and in the correct order in the right column. The maximum number of answer items is 8.

Short Essay

For Short Essay questions, you can either insert a model answer for reference here or just leave it blank.

  • How to build a SCORM compliant quiz with QuizCreator?

Create a SCORM Compliant Quiz

QuizCreator has a unique, built-in feature which allows you to create a quiz package with SOCRM compliance thus allowing the quiz to integrate with popular Leaning Management Systems.
Follow this step-by-step instruction to create your own SCORM compliant quiz.

1. Create a quiz in QuizCreator:

Create your quiz using a variety of questions types such as true or false, multiple choice, multiple selects, short essay, click map, matching or sequence. You can also use the Excel template included in QuizCreator to deign an excel-based quiz and then import it into QuizCreator.

2. Publish the quiz with SCORM compliance

3. Upload the SCORM quiz package generated by QuizCreator to the LMS

  • How do I insert sound in questions to create quizzes with music?

QuizCreator: Create Quizzes with Sounds

  • Created:25 Aug 08,4:23 PMAuthor:������Hits:2348

You can learn a lot when you listen!
Quizzes utilizing sound stimulate young minds. The activity of listening encourages learners to use their sense of hearing to interpret the world around them.
Now QuizCreator allows you to easily add sounds, narration or music to any question, incorporating listening as a skill within your learning material. This useful feature of QuizCreator is especially helpful for language and music teachers where the addition of auditory resources is beneficial to your learning material.

Here are some sound-based sample quizzes create by QuizCreator.
1. Late for Lunch -Listening Comprehension

2. Lost City of Mu- News Report

3. Who is the artist- Listen to the Song

Here are instructions as to how you can use QuizCreator to help you design a professional lookingquiz with sounds. You can also download a free demo of 30 days trial of QuizCreator and create your own quizzes.

QuizCreator provides two options for the incorporation of sounds when creating quizzes.
Option 1.Record Narration for Questions
Option 2.ImportAudio for Questions

Option 1. Record Narration for Questions
First, it is important to set the Volume Control properties.
1.Double click the volume icon on the taskbar (it should appear as a "speaker" in the lower right hand corner of your screen),
2. When the volume control dialogue boxappears, click "options", "properties", and select the "recording", enable "line in" and "microphone", then click OK.
If you are using a microphone to record, please select the checkbox next to "Microphone" on the recording control dialogue box and adjust the volume slider to maximum.
3.Close the Recording Control dialogue box.

Second, record narration in QuizCreator.
1.Create a new question or open an existing question
2.Click the Record Icon to add your voice over to the question.

3.Once complete, the file path of the narration will appear in the Path Text Box.
View this sample quiz with recorded narration.

Option 2. ImportAudio for Questions
If you already have sound files on your computer,you canimport these directly into the appropriate question in QuizCreator. Within a matter ofminutes, you will have created a wonderful quiz,with sounds, music and more.
1.Click theImport Sound icon to import audio

2.Browse to the folder containing your audio files to import MP3 or WAV audio

3.Once complete, the file path of the imported audio will appear in the Path Text Box.

View this sample quiz with imported songs.

  • If I want to create a question bank in QuizCreator, how can I do that?

Create a Question Bank in QuizCreator

Fulfill your purpose as a teacher and eliminate cheating during testing!

QuizCreator provides a feature which enables you to create many quizzes with different questions one time by utilizing a question bank. Use your time effectively as a teacher and eliminate cheating during testing.
Use QuizCreator to efficiently create quizzes!
Below are instructions for creating a question bank in QuizCreator.
Step1. Add Questions
To add questions to a question bank, you have two choices. You can either import questions from a pre-created Excel document

or just create question one by one in QuizCreator.
Step2. Shuffle Questions and Answers
QuizCreator-> Quiz Properties-> Settings

By checking “Randomize questions”, the order of questions in the quiz is at random and is different from the original order of questions added to the question bank.
For example, you add question in order
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, ...
They are possibly shown when published
Q4, Q2, Q5, Q4, Q1...
The feature of “Randomize answers” is easy to understand. Answers of a question will appear randomly.
Step3. Randomize Quiz
When you randomize a quiz, you truly randomize everything in it. Of course, you will need to randomize the questions and answers first, then you can randomize your quiz. If you have added more questions than you require to be used in the same quiz, you will need to specify the number of questions to be used.
You have now created a question bank and you will be able to create a variety of quizzes with different questions.
Each time you publish a quiz from the question bank, you will create a new quiz.
Each time you run same quiz in a web browser, the order is also randomized.

  • How to use images, screenshots and Flash animations in QuizCreator?

Images, screenshots and animations

If you are a quiz designer who uses Wondershare QuizCreator to create interesting quizzes or tests, you will find some useful features in QuizCreator that allow you to add graphics and visuals to enhance your questions.

In total, QuizCreator supports three kinds of graphics and visuals.
1. Images
2. Screenshots
3. Flash Animations
Part I Add Images
1. Add images to Intro Page of quizzes
In QuizCreator, adding images is just a click away. You can add images to either or both the intro page of the quiz or the questions within the quiz.
To add images to the intro page of your quiz, go to
QuizCreator -> Quiz Properties -> Info
On the Info Pane, you will see the Quiz Image Section. Click the + button to import an image from your computer to add to the quiz intro page.
Supported image format includes: .jpg, .jpeg, . bmp, .emf, .wmf, .gif.
View a sample quiz to see what an intro page with images looks like. >

2. Add images to quiz questions and answers
To add images to questions within a quiz, go to the Add question Pane. If you have already created a question, just click the question to edit it and add an image.

On the Add Question window, you can click the Image -> Question to add images for the questions. Here you click the + button to browse your local image folder on your computer and choose the image to be added.
Supported image format includes: .jpg, . bmp, .emf, .wmf, .gif
In addition, you can also add a text description and hyperlink for the inserted image thereby providing further information for the quiz takers or your students.