Physics Test: Vectors Day 1

Do not write on the test.

Solve the following problems.

1.  You walk 45m south and 45m east. Compute the resultant.

2.  A ship leaves its home port expecting to travel to a port 750km due south. A severe storm comes up and blows the ship 175km due east off course. How far is the ship from its destination?

3.  Bill rows a boat at 12.0 m/s directly across a river that flows at 7.0 m/s.

a.  What is the resultant speed of the boat?

b.  If the stream is 175m wide, how long will it take Bill to row across?

4.  Kate is flying a plane due north at 320 km/h as a wind carries it due east at 67 km/h. Find the magnitude and direction of the plane’s resultant velocity.

5.  Sam applies a force of 115N on a heavy box by using a rope held at an angle of 63o with the horizontal. What are the vertical and horizontal components of the 115N force?

6.  You place a box weighing 408N on an inclined plane that makes a 43o angle with the horizontal. Compute the gravitational force, which is pushing the trunk down the incline.

7.  Bob is pulling on a rope attached to a log with 83N of force. Jake is pulling on a rope attached to the same log with 92N of force. Bob pulls the rope at an angle of 37o to the log. Jake pulls the rope at an angle of 125o . Find the equilibrant force of the log.

Physics Test: Vectors Day 2

Do not write on the test.

Solve the following problems.

8.  You walk 23m south and 23m east. Compute the resultant.

9.  Susan rows a boat at 14.0 m/s directly across a river that flows at 4.0 m/s.

a.  What is the resultant speed of the boat?

b.  If the stream is 155m wide, how long will it take Susan to row across?

10.  Ping Ling is flying a plane due north at 425 km/h as a wind carries it due east at 73 km/h. Find the magnitude and direction of the plane’s resultant velocity.

11.  Oscar, a camper, attempts to pull a stake out of the ground by pulling on a rope that is attached to the stake. The rope makes an angle of 73o with the horizontal. Oscar exerts a force of 75N on the rope. What is the magnitude of the upward component of the force acting on the stake?

12.  You place a box weighing 315N on an inclined plane that makes a 43o angle with the horizontal. Compute the gravitational force, which is pushing the trunk down the incline.

13.  Samantha leaves the office, drives 111 km due north, then turns onto a second highway and continues in a direction of 30o north of east for 72 km. What is the total distance she traveled?

14.  You slide a 430N trunk up a 20o inclined plane with a constant velocity by exerting a force of 350N parallel to the inclined plane. Find the perpendicular force of the trunk.

15.  Becky is pulling on a rope attached to a log with 76N of force. Jose is pulling on a rope attached to the same log with 103N of force. Bob pulls the rope at an angle of 34o to the log. Jake pulls the rope at an angle of 143o . Find the equilibrant force of the log.