Dnipropetrovsk National University (DNU) was founded in 1918 and at present it is one of the most famous and prestigious higher institutions of Ukraine. The Rector of DNU – Nikolay Polyakov, professor, honoured Worker in Science and Technique of Ukraine.

The university comprises 4 higher education institutions of the first and second level of accreditation, 17 faculties, 56 research laboratories, 3 research institutes (Biology, Geography, Power Engineering), the Faculty of Distance and Part-time Education, the Faculty of Additional Occupations, the Institute of Pre-college and Postgraduate Studies, preparatory courses, Regional Center of Continuous Education “Prydniprovye” including 12 colleges and technical schools, 60 schools, 21 lyceums and the gymnasia.

Academic and research processes at the University are provided at the level which is up to the best home and world standards. More than 1253 teachers including 154 doctors of science, professors and about 562 candidates of science, assistant professors work at DNU. Among the teachers of the university there is 1 Academician of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; 2 corresponding members of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; 10 academicians of Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine; 24 academicians of branch academies; 12 academicians and 11 corresponding members of academies overseas, 10 academicians of the Academy of Science of Social Technologies and Local Self-government

Being a big educational and research center, DNU provides training of all qualification levels: Master’s degree, Specialist’s degree, Bachelor’s degree. It prepares researchers and university teachers at the post-graduate and doctor ate courses. One can obtain the second higher education.Also gives the possibility to receive education in a chosen speciality at the Faculty of Distance and Part-time Education.

According to the decision of the Intersectorial Accreditation Collegium and to the order of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine Dnipropetrovsk National University has been accredited as a higher institution of the 4-th level of accreditation. Basing on the license the university provides training more than 15 thousand students in 103 specialities.

For the last years the foreign ties of the university were notably livened up. At present about 30 agreements and contracts on scientific-technical, educational and cultural cooperation with leading universities and research centers of Russia, Germany, France, Holland, Denmark, China and other countries are being realized.

The preparation of specialists for foreign countries has developed at DNU since 1989. In 1991 the Preparatory Department for Foreign Students was created. The citizens of India were the first to be its students. They also were the first students to study by contract base. Since 1994 DNU began graduating foreign students with Master’s Degree. The preparation of students with such a level is provided at 17 faculties of DNU. The groups of students from the countries of the Middle East were numerous enough. Lately the flow of China citizens has grown. The largest number of foreign citizens studied at the university in 2005/2006 academic year, namely 409 students including 83 students of the Preparatory Department and 7 post-graduate students from 17 countries of the world.

To provide more qualitative language and special training for the foreigners in 1989 the Dean Office for Foreign Students was created.

All academic activity with foreign students is regulated by the license of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine due to which foreigners can study by contract basis at the Preparatory Department and at the main faculties of DnipropetrovskNationalUniversity. Since 2003 according to the decision of the State Accreditation Commission the volume of licensed admission of foreign citizens to the Preparatory Department of Dnipropetrovsk National University has been set as 150 students of the Preparatory Department and to the main faculties – at the rate of the volume of licensed admission of DNU. Academic process at the Preparatory Department for Foreign Students is provided in accordance with the typical curriculum, approved by the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine.

Besides the Dean Office for Foreign Students the Chair of Linguistic Preparation of Foreign Students (LPF) and the sector of general disciplines are the part of the Preparatory Department. There students who don’t know Russian study it intensively during 10 months along with Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computing and other subjects at the rate which they would need for their future studies at the university. Organization of the whole academic process is assigned by the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, by working curriculaapproved by the Rector of DNU. Curriculum is a methodically based complex of sections, topics and a set of individual tasks which cover all component parts of the entrance examination programs approved by the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine. Some visual aids, individual tasks and adapted study textbooks and methodological literature are effectively used in studying process.

Students’ training is conducted entirely at the lecture rooms and laboratories of the university which are in the studies schedule. All the students of the Preparatory Department are provided with the hostel accommodation. 19 teachers including 2 doctors of science, 3 professor and 14 candidates of science, an assistant professor teach students the Russian language and some special subjects. After successful completion of the Preparatory Department students obtain the certificates according to the sample approved by the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine and can continue studying at the main faculties of our university and also at any higher education institution of Ukraine and other countries of CIS.

The list of directions, according to which the training of specialists with the bachelor educational-qualification degree is fulfilled:

Department / The direction of preparation
Department of Ukrainian and foreign philology and arts / -Fine arts
-Philology (Ukrainian language and Ukrainian literature)
-Philology (Russian language and Russian literature)
-Philology (English language and English literature)
-Philology (Chinese language and Chinese literature)
-Philology (Japanese language and Japanese literature)
-Philology (German language and German literature)
-Philology (French language and French literature)
Social- humanitarian department / -Sociology
-Sociological job
-Political studies
Departmentof systemsand means of mass-media / -Journalism
-Advertisement and connection with public
-Publishing and editing
Department of international economics / -International relations
-Human resource management and labour economics
-International economics
Department of economics / -Enterprise economics
-Economic cybernetics
-Practical statistics
-Accounting and audit
-Finance and credit
Department of history / -History
Department of psychology / -Psychology
-Special education
Department of law / -Jurisprudence
Department of physics, electronics and computer systems / -Physics
-Applied physics
-Micro and nanoelectronics
-Computer sciences
-Computer engineering
-Radio electronic instruments
Department of chemistry / -Chemistry
-Chemical technology
-Food technology and engineering
Department of biology, ecology and medicine / -Biology
-Ecology, environment safety and balanced nature management
-Laboratory diagnostics
Department of geology and geography / -Geography
Department of applied mathematics / -Applied mathematics
-Information science
-System analysis
-Program engineering
Department of mechanics and mathematics / -Mechanics
-Heat and power engineering
Department of physics and engineering / -Electrical engineering and electrotechnology
-Engineering physical metallurgy
-Engineering mechanics
-Applied mechanics
-Instrument engineering
-Radio engineering
-Engines and aircraft energy facility
-Aircraft and rocket production
-Systems of technical information security
-Mechanical engineering

The price for studying on the preparatory department (1 year): not less than $ 1000.

The price for studying on the major department (1 year): not less than $ 1500.

The list of documents necessary for enrollment

a) invitation to study in DnipropetrovskNationalUniversity;

b) passport (original);

c) ticket (air ticket, or a ticket for another vehicle) with an open date of returning to the native country with less than a year’s term;

d) copy of the education certificate with a transcript of the marks received;

e) document on the absence of HIV - infection;

f) a medical health certificate, certified by the official organ of health care of the country, which the foreign citizen arrived from, and issued no later than 2 months before leaving for studying to Ukraine;

g) notarized copy of a birth certificate;

h) 6 photos 3x4;

i) documents listed in points d; f; g; must be translated into Ukrainianor Russian, notarized according to the issuing country legislation and legalized.

Address: 72, Gagarina Avenue, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49010

Telephone: ( 056) 374-98-01 – admission department of DNU,

fax: (056)374-98-42.

Translation and foreign students training department,

tel. (056) 374-98-86;

e-mail:, ;

(056)374-98-16 – department of foreign students training.

The level of accreditation: 4-th

The license of the Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of Ukraineon training specialists for foreign countries: AB № 506589

Form of ownership: national

Subordination: Ministry of education and science, youth and sports ofUkraine

Foundation date: 1918

Oles Honchar

Dnipropetrovsk National


Specialists Training Department for Foreign Countries and Academic Exchanges