7th/8th Grade Film Making
Mr. An
General Information
This trimester long exploratory class is intended to introduce and enhance students’ knowledge of creating digital films, as well as understanding the different ways in which individuals communicate and complete tasks. This class is project based and students are expected to work individually and in cooperative groups as assigned. Students must have parental permission to utilize the district computer network and have agreed to the Internet Acceptable Use Policy of the Issaquah School District.
✓ We will be using the following cameras and production tools:
o iPads
▪ iMovie
o Video Cameras
▪ Movie Maker
o District PCs
Materials Needed
● Flash Drive – 2GB or bigger - for transferring files and projects from home to school – and back again.
● Props/Costumes
Class Expectations
1. Be in your seat when the bell rings.
2. Do not speak when the teacher is giving instructions.
3. Monitors/iPads will be OFF during teacher presentations.
4. Students should always ask for help when needed.
5. Try to learn something new everyday.
6. Please treat others the way you wish to be treated.
7. Do your own work.
8. When you are in need of something, ASK for it politely by saying “May I please…”
Late Work
Late work will be accepted. All assignments are due the last day we work on them in class. I will accept work for 2 weeks after the due date. Late work will receive a penalty to the grade. Most assignments will be turned in electronically to the student’s network folder. It is the student’s responsibility to read, record and remember. If a student is absent, they will be given the same number of days missed to complete any missing assignments.
Each tardy will effect the students daily participation grade. Excessive tardiness will be dealt with in accordance with school rules posted in the classroom and by the administration.
The grade for this class will be based on a combination of scores from:
1- Daily assignments, class work, projects (50%)
2- Participation, behavior and attitude. (50%)
NOTE: Class participation will make up 50% of the student’s grade. Each student starts the day with 5 points (25 points for a full week), and will lose points for being absent or off-task. The off-task behaviors can include:
1. Using the Internet for ANYTHING (e-mail, games, picture browsing, shopping, etc.) other than the current assignment
2. Being out of your seat without permission
3. Being disrespectful to others in the room
4. Having your monitor on during teacher and student presentations
I can be reached at either: e-mail:
Phone/voice mail: 425-837-6928
Name______Period_____, Mr. An Film Making Class
Please fill out the information below and return this page to Mr. An for
10 assignment points by Wednesday, March 16 or sooner.
This signature portion indicates that you have read and understand the contents of the syllabus.
Print Student Name ______
Student Signature ______
Print Parent Name ______
Parent Signature ______
PG Movies Overview/Explanation: In addition to our film projects we will be viewing movies in class to demonstrate elements of film making in addition to viewing these movies while student(s) are editing/finishing film projects also. In doing so, we will watch movies that are of a PG rating. An example of this is the 1954 suspense classic Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock. Other movies we will be watching are Napoleon Dynamite (PG), Tron Legacy (2011, PG, Disney), Bedtime Stories (2009, PG, Disney), The Sandlot (PG), The NeverEnding Story (PG), and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (PG).
As a parent/guardian, by signing this, I give my student permission to view PG rated movies all trimester (including the 7 movies mentioned above) for the purpose of film making class as determined by the teacher Mr. An.
Parent Signature______
PG-13 or R rated movie(s) will not be shown in this class.
I would prefer my student does not view PG rated movies in class and would like an alternate activity for my student while such movies are being viewed in class.
Parent Signature______Date______
Please Have Your Student Return this to Mr. An no later than by Wednesday, March 16