Exhibit A


  1. Noshack, mobile home or manufactured home to be placed or erected on the premises. No permanently fixed or attached trailers, or tents. Permanent residential structure must be no less than 900 square feet.
  1. No commercial livestock feeding operations of any kind shall be conducted on said premises and livestock kept on said premises for personal use, 4-H, or FFA projects shall be limited to no more than one animal per acre ,excluding chickens, hens, turkeys, and other fowl (2 per acre for fowl, in addition to the above) . No hogs other than the 4-H or FFA project animals shall per permitted on said premises
  1. No Central Texas Electric Coop vapor lights, Street lights, street type lighting, vapor lighting, halogenic, flood lights shall be used on property. This does not include inside structures, as long as the structure is enclosed with walls and a roof. These types of lighting shall be contained within the structure.
  1. Any subdividing of tracts shall be done in accordance with Llano county Subdivision ordinances. Any parcel can only be divided once and both parcels must be at least 10 acres in size.
  1. Agriculturaland Residential purposes only, no commercial or manufacturing activities permitted.
  1. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon said premises, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to any adjoining property. i.e. motorized racing,
  1. No trash dumps, pits or land fills shall be permitted on the premises. All trash, garbage and debris shall be promptly removed from property.
  1. No used car lot. - inoperable vehicles must be stored out of view from any neighboring property and no closer than 100' to any property line
  1. No commercial/large scale mining activities. a). Exception - unless all property owners , within the "625 acres", agree in writing.