Minutes of the C.A.P.S. and Hawthorne Neighbors Meetings

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

C.A.P.S. Meeting

Meeting began late with introductions of the Beat officers of 1924.

It was reported that there was a robbery at TabuTabu and at 7-11 – both during the day. Thefts from autos are big right now. Thieves are looking for GPS, iPods and chargers, laptops, and presents. Keep ALL in your trunks. Much of the meeting was devoted to a problem a woman had with police response to a 911 call she had placed. After much discussion (with no satisfaction) the CAPS Rep took her information and promised to look into the case. Statistics were not available again. The January CAPS may move to the Lincoln/Belmont Library.

Hawthorne Neighbors Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm.

The Slate of Officers was accepted. The new officers are:


Vice-President:Kevin McIntyre

Treasurer:Jim Maciejewski

Secretary:Virginia Carstarphen

Mary Kate Rohan, the new Director of Community Outreach for the 44th Ward was introduced and welcomed.

Kathleen Herrmann from CTA explained its new under L parking program. There are 30 spots identified between School and Roscoe. Rent would be $75 for residents and $85 for businesses. Leases would be month to month and would be managed by Standard Parking – towing will be provided. Members supported the idea but asked – how would they be advertised, who has priority, who decides, who monitors? The answer given – whom ever you want. HN is not particularly interested in being in charge of this program but wants to be an active participant in setting up the parameters. We will contact the Alderman’s office for further discussion.

Sam Sanchez from John Barleycorn’s presented their proposal for a PPA (Public Place of Amusement) license. It would allow them to charge a cover and to have live music. He said that it would remove the bad crowd and the long lines. While there would be live music, groups would only be allowed to use the house sound system. HN members were sympathetic to their concept but felt that we don’t have enough information about the long-term effects of this license on Clark Street. Also raised was the issue of cooperation with the bar owners organizing to help monitor/police activities. We will contact the Alderman for further information.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.