Structured Programs which support Enterprise Learning

This a sample set of quality enterprise programs offered by community and/or government organisations which could be integrated into teaching and learning programs.

Program / Description / Cost /
Young Achievement Australia (YAA)
1.  Business Skills / YAA is an independent not-for-profit organisation operating nationally.
YAA offer 2 programs:
Business Skills is aimed at Year 11 students. Groups of 20-25 students run their own business and take responsibility for their own business decisions under the mentorship of a host organisation. Students sell shares to raise capital, elect a management team before researching, producing and marketing a product. Accounts are kept and wages paid before the company is liquidated and profits returned to shareholders. The program is run over 16-24 weeks generally outside school hours. Students can achieve a Certificate II in Business. / Business Skills is free of charge to student participants and availability is dependent on sponsorship from the public and private sector.
2.  Business Enterprise / Business Enterprise is for Year 8, 9 and 10 students and introduces them to the world of business. It highlights the relationship between school and their working lives. This program is generally conducted in Commerce, Business Studies or Work Education classes. Teachers are provided with lesson plans and a workbook to assist implementation.
For further information on programs visit the YAA website – / Cost: TBA
Australian Business Week (ABW)
1.  Enterprise In School
2.  ABW OnLine
3.  State Program
4.  AusEE / ABW is a not for profit organisation and operates on a cost recovery basis.
ABW offers several programs:
The enterprise in school program is an intensive 5 day program involving a whole cohort of Year 10 or Year 11 students. Many schools use the program as a component of their peer support week or following the School Certificate examinations. Teams of 10 students are randomly selected to become a simulated company (IT, manufacturing or Hospitality) assuming the key roles of that company’s employees. Students work through a simulation making a series of business decisions. This culminates in the production and marketing of a product at a trade fair.
ABW OnLine is for students in Years 10 and 11. Students compete against other school teams worldwide. Students make decisions necessary to run a company in a simulated global marketplace. Students do all work online. It is aimed to complement other ABW programs.
The State Program involves individual students from Year 11 or 12 who are selected by application. This is a 5 day residential program hosted by leading universities. Students attend lectures, company meetings, outdoor team building activities, production of videos and trade displays. Throughout, students are assisted by business mentors. Winning students from each state then compete in the National Championship Program.
AusEE is for primary students and introduces students to enterprise education through an intensive 5 day learning experience. It is followed up with an extended program designed to be integrated into classroom curriculum.
For further information on all programs visit the ABW website – / There is a school program with a licence fee plus an additional charge for each student participating, paid at the completion of the program.
This can be paid by the student / parent or through sponsorship obtained individually by each student or collectively by a sponsoring body.
Australian Network of Practice Firms (ANPF) / A practice firm is a virtual business set up and run by students with support from teachers and a mentor business partner. Practice firms model their product and business on the mentors business. The focus is on business process rather than actual production.
Each practice firm is affiliated with the worldwide network of practice firms which trade regularly in a virtual economy with each other.
They also trade with the public at trade fairs which are held at the local, regional, state and national level.
Competencies from HSC VET courses, as well as outcomes from various other syllabi may be delivered and assessed in the practice firm.
For more information visit the ANPF website – / Cost of annual membership with the ANPF (regardless of student numbers) is $1,650.00. Schools receive manuals and regular newsletters and access to all ANPF facilities and other practice firms.
Best value is gained by timetabling students from different courses into the practice firm. This can be any year group K-12.
A designated ‘business’ location with office style furniture and computers is desirable.
EnergyAustralia Red Cross Youth Challenge / The EnergyAustralia Red Cross Youth Challenge invites young people, teachers and members of the community to take the challenge by finding a project that helps the community. Groups work together on a project gaining skills in project management, problem solving, research and communication.
The website lists available projects by regions or schools can come up with their own.
For further information visit the Youth Challenge website – / A membership fee of $2.00 per member or $33.00 for groups with 15 or more members per annum to be paid when registering.
EnergyAustralia Red Cross Youth Challenge Resource Kit $55.00
(includes Leadership Manual, Volunteering module and
worksheets for students).
Students receive Certificates of Participation, participation journal and regular newsletters.
Junior Red Cross / Junior Red Cross has been developed by Australian Red Cross as a means of involving 8-12 year olds in their school and local community, as they learn valuable leadership and life skills.
Junior Red Cross activities are based around 4 themes:
1.  Health and safety
2.  Service and the Community
3.  International Friendship
4.  The Work of the Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement.
The contemporary focus is on humanitarian education, including active citizenship and community participation.
There is a kit to assist implementation.
For further information visit the Australian Red Cross website – or
Mindshop Excellence / Mindshop Excellence is a 5 day work experience program aimed at Year 10 students. A team of 4-6 students visit a host organisation. Facilitators train students in business processes including teamwork, strategic thinking, mind mapping, flowcharting, cause and effect analysis, public speaking and self esteem. Students are given a real workplace issue to solve over the course of the 5 days. The team present their solution to management, staff, parents and teachers.
For further information visit the website / No cost to schools. Sponsored by host organisation.
Youth 2 Youth / Youth 2 Youth run skill-based workshops in school or outside school that equip young people with career, enterprise and business skills
The custom made programs are designed to be flexible unique, fun and engaging.
The programs range from half and one-day workshops to multi-day events.
There is a wide selection of workshops and talks aimed at helping young people with everything from how to start and run their own business or inspiring community project, to developing their enterprise and career skills, goal setting, re-defining 'success', project management, media skills, budgeting, student/youth council set-up, young women's tools for success. Click here to download the latest brochure which lists all workshops.
For further information visit the Youth 2 Youth website – / Costs negotiated according to program offered and number of participants
Lifeskills Micro-society / Lifeskills is a cross curricula program that can be integrated into existing curriculum – generally Stage 3 but can be expanded to Stage 4.
Using Lifeskills, schools establish a micro-society with its own parliament or other decision making body (often SRC). The micro-society is supported by a micro-economy with a bank operated by students using student designed currency. Students employ each other to staff the bank and the schools real dollar earning enterprises such as recycling cans or selling yabbies.
Students have the opportunity to save their school currency earned from their “wages”, entrepreneurial activities or environmental activities such as weeding, tree planting and destroying feral pests such as carp. They can spend their school currency on craft materials for their individual entrepreneurial activities or for organised events such as model car and boat races.
The materials in the school craft shop and the items for the popular student auctions are purchased by the teacher/coordinator from the profits of real enterprises such as recycling cans or selling yabbies.
A proportion of the profits determined by the students go to a charity of their choice.
Students participate in trade fairs to trade their goods and services at the local and state level. These are well supported by local business and community members. Maitland has strong links with the local Chamber of Commerce where students regularly attend meetings to showcase what they are doing. Businesses donate prizes for the school auctions.
Lifeskills resource was distributed to all DET primary schools in 2002
/ No cost to schools although costs involved for running different enterprises eg. craft materials
ASX Schools Sharemarket Game / ASX Schools Sharemarket Game is available to students in Years 7-12 and can be incorporated into the curriculum or can be played as an extra curricula activity.
Students form a syndicate (2-4 students). Each syndicate is provided with an imaginary $50,000 to invest in shares. This “hands on” experience of the share market will see students involved in internet “share trading” over a 10 week period. There are 2 games per year, one per semester.
Teachers need to register online to receive a password for their students.
For further information visit the ASX website – / No cost to schools
Education Foundation
1.  Back to School Day
2.  ruMAD
3.  Kids and Community / The Education Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation based in Victoria. Its aim is to strengthen public education with a focus on educational excellence and equality of opportunity. Their programs are starting to be offered nationally. Programs include:
Back to School Day which encourages schools to invite past students to go “back” to school for the day. Schools organise the day to meet the needs of the students. The aim is to inspire young people and to celebrate public education.
ruMAD is a program that focuses on creating and implementing student action projects (MAD projects) that will Make A Difference in the community. There is a manual (program) to assist implementation and great innovative ideas on the website.
Kids and Community sees schools and communities working together to move schooling beyond the traditional classroom and to provide challenging, real-life learning experiences for young people. Includes a “how to” manual.
For more information visit the Education Foundation website – / Schools meet the costs of any activities planned during the day.
No cost to schools.
Program available free to download from the website
The Real Game Series
·  Play Real (Years 3-4)
Make It Real (Years 5-6) / The Real Game series are career and life skills programs aimed at assisting students with goal setting and career decision making. During the programs students confront real life issues and have to make important decisions regarding their futures. / Each game requires teachers to have a Facilitators Kit priced from $225.00 - $280.00.
Also available are student folders, student handout pads, posters.
·  Real Game (Years 7-8)
·  Be Real (Years 9-10)
Get Real (Years 11-12) / A range of enterprising skills are developed throughout the programs as students are encouraged to make decisions for themselves
For more information visit the website – / All products are available for purchase from the website.
Principal for a Day Program / Principal for a Day is a unique not-for-profit national program which is a catalyst to strengthening relationships between government schools, business and the wider community.
By being a “Principal for a Day”, business and community leaders get a first hand view of a normal school day, including in depth management discussions with the principal, taking classes, talking with parents and staff.
Program results include improved physical, technical, financial and human resources, professional learning exchanges, curriculum development, career advice, industry and work experience visits and mentoring.
For more information visit the national website / No cost to schools
Sustainable Living Project / The Sustainable Living Competition is an annual national competition which rewards High School students (Years 7-12) for environmental projects undertaken in the classroom, individually or by entire school communities. The project should be an inventive and original solution to an environmental problem either locally or globally.
Free support and resources are available to assist teachers and students tackling environmental issues, and each year there are more than $30,000 worth of prizes to be won. The aim is to integrate the competition into classroom practice.
Entries close late October each year and winners announced December.
For more information visit the Sustainable Living website -
Austrade Export Plan Competition / This is a competition that enables students to achieve a number of learning outcomes associated with international trade and globalisation in an experiential learning environment.
This annual competition enables secondary students to study the steps that businesses follow to become exporters. The competition enables students to study a business in depth and explore the export potential in their local area. The students will gain an understanding of their export capabilities and potential markets. This project can also help to forge stronger links between schools and the local business community.
The competition is open from January to the third week in September each year (TBC)
The competition has been mapped to the NSW Business Studies syllabus on the website.
Austrade has developed a range of secondary teaching and learning resources in its “Exporting for the Future” program.
For more information visit the Austrade website – / Free class sets of resource booklets.
State and national prizes are awarded for winning student entries
CREativity in Science and Technology (CREST) / CREativity in Science and Technology (CREST) is an awards program that encourages and supports primary and secondary school students to choose, organise and undertake their own practical science or technology project.
CREST is a national, non-competitive program.
Students undertake science and technology research projects that involve creativity, perseverance and application.
The projects are offered at different levels and provide challenges for all abilities.
Links are made with industry or community workers so students gain an understanding of the role of science and engineering in the community.
Support materials are available.
This program can be integrated into classroom curriculum.
For more information visit the CREST website –
CPA Australia Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition / This competition is conducted by Business Educators Australasia and is open to all full-time secondary students. Prizes are offered at both a state and national level for individuals and groups of up to 6 students.
Students are required to present a creative idea for a small business as a business plan. The plan will comprise a description of their product/service or business idea and its potential, staff and management requirements, marketing plan, financial plan and summary identifying future prospects for the business.
Applications close August/September each year.
For more information visit the website – / There are no formal costs associated with this competition although the plan remains the property of Business Educators Australasia.
Ministers Young Designer Awards (MYDA) / MYDA is designed to support the mandatory Technology course for Stage 4 students throughout the state by providing young designers with an opportunity to develop and showcase their talent and creativity.
MYDA encourages students to look at the world around, to investigate products, systems and environments, and to design a successful solution in an area of interest to them.
The awards are open to students in Years 7 & 8, either as individual entries or as small groups (maximum of 6) entries.
The challenge offered to students is to develop a project that meets a clearly identified need. / For more information about MYDA visit the Curriculum Support and Board of Studies websites
Questacon Smart Moves Invention Convention / This competition is open to any Australian school student aged 14-18, who has an idea with potential for development in research and/or commercialisation,
The Invention Convention delegates get to form networks with other inventive students and learn from established Australian entrepreneurs about the business skills they will need to further their ideas. Mentors are selected for their background in innovation and entrepreneurship and their ability to relate to youthful delegates.
The five-day program includes:
·  development of the delegates' individual ideas
·  money management and marketing skills
·  intellectual property issues
·  networking & interviews with mentors and peers
·  information on exporting & commercialising ideas
·  guest speakers from the business and science worlds.
For more information visit the website – / Students will need to complete an online application form that details their idea.
Students selected to attend the Invention Convention will have all expenses paid
Brochures with hard copy application forms will be sent to all Australian secondary schools directed to Science faculty
