The first week of this unit will be spent building an anthology of poems. The success of this unit depends on the teacher spending time before the unit starts selecting a wide variety of poems, most of which should contain figurative language and graphical elements, that will be used the first week as we immerse students in poetry.

Third Six Weeks 2014-2015
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Nov. 10
Report Cards Due
6th Read/7th Write DLA 10-14
DLA / 11
ML: What is Poetry?Define, but don’t give characteristics yet, we want kids to do some self-discovery.
Teacher will read aloud a poem at least twice, discussing what kids notice. Give kids hard copy and invite them to notice the layout or anything else. Repeat once or twice, depending on time. Students will return to seats and glue poems into notebooks, illustrate each, and write a short response to each poem. Alternately, students could simply put a copy of the poem into a binder or folder and complete the assignments. The idea is that students will have an anthology of poems. / 12
ML: Review yesterday and repeat using 2-3 new poems. Confer. / 13
ML: Same as previous two days, introduce 2-3 new poems. Confer.
Students will work in groups to complete a “Characteristics of Poetry” anchor chart based on what their anthologies. / 14
ML: Characteristics of Poetry. Confer.
Using students’ work from the previous day, the teacher will create a Characteristics of Poetry anchor chart. Students will then work independently to add poems of their choice to their anthologies. Partners share the poems added to their collections.
Because students will be collecting their own poems, teachers will need to decide before the unit how poems will be kept. Some ideas are:
  • selected poems are flagged and teacher copies later
  • poems are copied onto notebook paper or notebook
  • poem titles, book title and page numbers are recorded

ML: Review figurative language and imagery. Anchor chart with definition for both.
Review simile & metaphor. Confer.
Using mentor texts, teacher models identifying similes and met., and how they contribute to the meaning of the poem.
Students work in partners to identify in their poems, writing the examples on sticky notes or annotating in their anthologies, identifying how/why they / 18
ML: Personification and Hyperbole. Confer.
Depending on time, personification could be taught on Monday since personification and hyperbole are new terms. / 19
ML: Review simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole. Confer.
Students work independently to identify figurative language and discuss how it contributes to the meaning of the poem. / 20
Review & Confer / 21
Poetry Cafe
Students have an opportunity to share their favorite poems. Consider a poetry slam inviting students to actively participate through readings. Suggestion for unblocked campuses would be to join with a writing class during the same period so students can read the work they have been working on in writing. / 25
Discuss the test.
Read & Confer / 26
No School / 27
No School / 28
No School
Dec. 1
Progress Reports Due
ML: Mood & Tone in Poetry / 2
ML: Mood & Tone in Poetry / 3
ML: Mood & Tone in Poetry / 4
Review & Confer
8 / 9 / 10 / 11
EXAMS / 17
EXAMS / 18
EXAMS / 19