WILL IF AARON PINSON - Lunenburg part that became Mecklenburg


Page 223. Will. Whereas I, Aaron Pinson Sr of L, am very

weak in body -

To my son Aaron Pinson - 100 acres belonging to my land

whereon I now live, running up the River to a mulberry

tree which William Royster and my sons know of, thence

straight out to the saw pitt line.

To my son Thomas Pinson - part of the land whereon I now

live, beginning at that certain mulberry tree that

Royster & my sons know, running up the River to the

"Mouth of Creek", thence up the Creek to a certain

Mockb Hicory, thence crossing over a point to a Branch,

thence running up the Branch to the Back Line,

containing about 150 acres.

To my son John Pinson - about 150 acres, joining whereon I

live, beginning at the Mouth of the Creek, running up

the River to a corner hickory, thence out to the Back Line.

To my son Thomas Pinson - 1 grey mare and a bay horse and a

cow and heifer. Said mare is the gift of his Godfather,

Christopher Ranbury.

To my daughter Elinor Pinson - a horse and horse colt, and a

cow and calf and heifer, they being the gift of her

Godfather, Christopher Ranburry.

To my son Thomas Pinson - 1 cow and calf, upon condition to

return 1 cow and calf to my grandson, Moses Grigg, upon

the day he shall come of age. I give Thomas 1 bed and

furniture whereon I am now lying.

After the expense of my funeral is discharged, whatever

goods and chattels I leave behind me, may be equally divided

among my children, after my worldly contracts are discharged.

Executors - my sons, Aaron Pinson and Thomas Pinson.

Signed Dec 26, 1757 - Aaron Pinson (A his mark).

Witnesses - Henry Phillip Hart, William Royster, Stephen Wiles.

At Mar 7, 1758 Court, the will of the deceased was

exhibited by both executors, and the same was proved by the

oaths of 2 of the witnesses, which was ordered to be

recorded, and on the motion of the said executors,

certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate of said

will, they giving security, whereupon they, together with

Richard Yancey and William Royster, their securities,

entered into bond for that purpose.

Page 225. Inventory of the estate of Aaron Pinson, deceased.

Includes: 1 horse gelding, 2 old beds and furniture, 1

feather bed and furniture, 1 fish gegg and harping iron.

Total: [about £ 32].

Per Court Order of Mar 1758, we have appraised the estate

of Aaron Pinson, deceased. Signed Mar 28, 1758 - John Jones,

Owen Franklin (O his mark), William Calbreath (X his mark).

A further inventory of that part of the estate of Aaron

Pinson, deceased, which could not be brought to

appraisement: 8 hogs, 5 sows and pigs, and 2 sows with pig,

21 shoats, 35 barrels, 3 bushels, and 3 pecks of Indian

corn. Recorded Apr 4, 1758.