Charter School Site Visit Protocol

Revised August 2017

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

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This document was prepared by the
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Jeff Wulfson

Acting Commissioner

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

75 Pleasant Street, Malden, MA 02148-4906

Phone 781-338-3000 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 800-439-2370

Table of Contents


Types of Site Visits

Components of Site Visits

The Site Visit Report: Findings and Ratings

Preparing for the Site Visit

Site Visit Structure – Major Components of the Day

Site Visit Schedule

Appendix A Site Visit Checklist for School Leaders/Designees

Appendix B Charter School Performance Criteria

Appendix C Types of Visits

Appendix D Required Documents

Appendix E Conducting Site Visits to Schools with Multiple Campuses and Networks

Appendix FStudent Demographic Information

Appendix GSite Visit Code of Conduct


In conducting site visits, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Department) is carrying out the requirements of the charter school regulations (603 CMR 1.00) which outline the ongoing review of charter schools. Site visit reports, generated by the Department, are important components of the body of evidence used by the Commissioner and Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (Board) in making a renewal determination for each school.

Site visits take place at least once during a charter term and may be conducted at additional times when deemed necessary by the Department. Site visits vary in length depending on the size, location, age, and/or specific conditions of a particular school. They are one of the means by which the Department documents each charter school’s performance and progress over time, corroborating and augmenting the information reported each year in the school’s annual report. The Charter School PerformanceCriteria (Criteria)[1] form the foundation of this process and are the basis on which this Site Visit Protocol was written. During the site visit, the school is assessed on a subset of the performance indicators contained in the Criteria (see Appendix B). The Criteria expand upon and give definition to the three areas of charter school accountability defined in 603 CMR 1.00:

The purpose of a site visit is to gather and document evidence about a charter school’s performance in relation to the Criteria for accountability purposes.[2] Evidence gathered during the site visit process will ultimately be used to make a renewal determination for the school. Please see the memorandum, Considerations for Charter Renewal, for more details. However, accountability decisions may be required prior to renewal processes if evidence points to deficits in the school’s performance; this may include the imposition of conditions, probation, or revocation in the most serious circumstances (See 603 CMR 1.00). Site visits and subsequent site visit reports are not intended to provide specific technical assistance or other advice to the school. The site visit is also not intended to directly assist schools in making decisions about how to improve academic programs or operations.

Purpose of the Site Visit Protocol (Protocol)

This Protocol is designed to be a resource for charter school leaders, external site visitors, the Department staff, and contracted vendors who may conduct site visits for the Department. It articulates the types of visits, site visit processes, roles and responsibilities of all parties, and expected outcomes. The Protocol is meant to provide useful information about site visits so stakeholders and visitors know what to expect and how to prepare. Familiarity with the Protocol will help visits run smoothly. At the end of the document, in Appendix A, is a checklist to assist schools in preparation for the site visit.

Types of Site Visits

The Department does not visit all schools on an annual basis. Site visits are conducted as frequently as necessary for accountability monitoring. The length and scope of site visits may vary depending on the school’s age, size, location, and/or status (conditions or probation). Visits may also vary in length and scope if certain special considerations apply. Special considerations include, but are not limited to:

  • Trending low academic achievement results for all students or subgroups of students, or a sudden drop in academic achievement
  • Concerns about a school’s financial health
  • Significant leadership or board turnover
  • Complaints, dependent on the volume and severity
  • A pending or recently granted Board-approved amendment request
  • A school replication

The table below outlines each type of site visit and under what circumstances they might occur. Please refer to Appendix C for a detailed description of each type of visit, Criteria typically assessed, the length of visits, sample schedules, and focus group requirements.

Type of Visit / Approximate Length / Typically Eligible Schools / Criteria Typically Addressed
Year One (Opening Procedures)*
*Please note: Year One Spring visits follow the Core Criteria Protocol below / 0.5 - 1 day /
  • Schools in the fall of their first year of operation
/ Not applicable
Full Criteria / 1 – 2 days /
  • Schools in the first twocharter terms
Please note: Visits to schools in their first charter term, large schools, and schools with more than one campus may receive longer site visits. Please see Appendix E for additional details. / 1, 2, 3 (if applicable),
5, 6, 7*, 8, 9, 10
*Unless special considerations apply, Criterion 7 will only be reviewed at Full Criteria Site Visits in the first charter term
Core Criteria / 0.5 – 1 day /
  • Schools in the spring of their first year of operation, with the addition of any Criteria related to areas of concern in the Year One Opening Procedures visit
  • Schools in their third year of operation, with the addition of any Criteria which received a Partially Meets or Falls Far Below from the Year Two visit
  • Schools in or beyond their third charter term without special considerations
Please note: Schools with more than one campus may have somewhat extended visits due to size. / 1, 2, 3 (if applicable), 5, 6.2, 6.4, 8.3(if applicable), 9, and 10
Year 21+ / 0.5 day /
  • Schools in or beyond the 21st year of operation with a strong history of performance evidenced by the successful completion of four charter terms without special considerations.
/ 1, 2, 3 (if applicable), 5, 6.2, 6.4, 8.3, 9, and 10
Targeted / 0.5 – 1 day /
  • Schools on conditions or probation
  • Schools requiring a visit for a sub-set of the Criteria
  • The Department also reserves the right to conduct a targeted visit if special considerations apply
/ Based on conditions, probation, or areas of concern
Full and Core Criteria Renewal Inspections / 1 – 2days /
  • Schools in their fifth year of each charter term
Please note: These visits are conducted by contracted external teams or Department staff in accordance with a separateRenewal Inspection Protocol. / Full Criteria Renewal Inspection Visit: 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9
Core Criteria Renewal Inspection Visit: 1, 6.2, 6.4, 8.3(if applicable), and 9

Please note, the above is a guide to the typical site visits conducted by the Department. Additional site visits may be scheduled as needed by the Department. The length and type of site visit and required elements will ultimately be determined by the Department. The Department will provide adequate notice to all schools of any scheduled visits but reserves the right to visit schools unannounced at any time during the charter term.

Components of Site Visits

Scheduling visit dates

The Department typically conducts site visits between October and May. During the summer prior to the site visit, the Department will notify schools of planned site visit dates and outline the type of visit to be conducted. If the Department’s proposed date creates a serious conflict for the school, the Department and school will work to find a mutually agreeable alternate date. However, planned visit days are generally not changed unless a serious conflict exists. Once the school leader confirmsthe day(s) of the site visit, s/he should relay that information to all relevant stakeholders and ensure that the day(s) selected have regular programming. No testing, field trips, or other events outside of the normal academic program should be conducted on the day(s) of the visit.

Pre-visit planning and preparation

The Department assumes that the school leader will act as the coordinator and liaison for site visits; however, the school has the option of designating another person to assume this role. Should a designee be assigned, the Department assumes that the designee will communicate all relevant information back to the school leader and school stakeholders. The visit coordinator should be knowledgeable of the school’s schedule, be able to communicate quickly with various stakeholders, and work with colleagues to resolve any scheduling issues. The Department works with the designated person to ensure that key documents are provided to the site visit team approximately four weeks prior to the visit. A list of pre-visit documentation for each type of visit can be found in Appendix D. Documents will be compiled and provided to each site visit team member prior to the visit, enabling team members to orient themselves to the school prior to the visit. Additional site visit preparation includes setting the schedule, organizing the appropriate stakeholders for focus groups, and coordinating logistics.

Onsite documents

The school will be asked to provide (on the day of the visit) a number of documents to serve as evidence to support findings. For details regarding required documentation for all types of visits, see Appendix D, Required Documents.

Visit team members

All site visit teams are led by a Department staff member. The team leader facilitates the day and coordinates additional visitors, who may be Department staff and/or external volunteers. External volunteers who participate in site visits bring additional expertise to the team that may include fiscal management, governance, curriculum or instructional experience, or an area specific to a school’s mission. All team members are subject toa Criminal Offender Record Information(CORI) check.

The day of the visit

During the site visit, the team’s work is guided by the Charter School Performance Criteria (Appendix B). Team members conduct focus groups, interviews, observe classrooms, conduct a document review, and meet to formulate preliminary findings. Further, classroom observations are informed by the school leader’s written description and oral confirmation of the common practices at the school and the Department’s classroom observation forms. The full criteria site visit classroom observation form can be found on our website: Instructions for providing common practices for core criteria and Year 21+ classroom observations forms will be sent to the school as part of the pre-visit document request.

Creation of findings

The site visit team is charged with gathering evidence and data that show the school’s progress toward meeting the performance indicators set out in the Criteria. In the afternoon of the visit’s final day, the team reflects on the evidence and data collected and creates preliminary findings or observations. These findings may be used to rate the school on its performance relative to the Criteria, depending on the type of visit the school is receiving.

End of visit report-out

At the end of full and core criteria, and targeted sitevisits, the team leader shares a brief report-out guided by the Criteria. The team may present concerns to the school leader prior to the report out.The report out includes findings in a subset of the Criteria and typically consists of two findings, but no ratings. The purpose of the report out is to share general information regarding the subset of the Criteria that is reported on, but will not provide any details. The team leader’s statements do not make suggestions for improvement or direct the school to change operations or programs. Following the report out, the school may ask questions about the site visit process and next steps; however the team cannot answer any questions about the evidence or findings at this time. Please note that any analysis presented during the initial report-out is preliminary and that not all of the Criteria will be addressed; during the site visit report writing process the team leader will conduct additional analysis of available evidence. The final report will contain ratings and findings of a sub-set of the Criteria as dictated by the kind of visit (see Appendix C). Year 21+ visits will share observations at the end of the visit.

Site Visit Report

After the visit, the Department prepares a written report that presents the team’s ratings, findings, and the supporting evidence; or a written memorandum with observations for Year 21+ schools. Site visit team members review the report or memorandum to ensure that it is factually accurate and reflects the collective thoughts of the team. The team leader incorporates the team’s corrections and issues a draft report or memorandum to the school. The school has one week to report factual inaccuracies or other feedback to the Department or to request a conversation about the findings and/or ratings. These factual corrections are made and a final report or memorandum is issued to the school. The Department may, from time to time, provide links to Departmental resources related to the Criteria in the report or memorandum. If the school chooses, a response to the site visit report or memorandum may be submitted in writing to the Department. This response and the site visit report or memorandum becomes a permanent part of the school’s record. The site visit report or memorandum and all additional documentation become a part of the body of evidence that the Commissioner and Board consider when the school enters the renewal process.

The Site Visit Report: Findings and Ratings

The Charter School Performance Criteria are presented in the three guiding areas of charter school accountability defined in the current regulations, 603 CMR 1.00: faithfulness to charter, academic program success, and organizational viability. The Criteria guide the gathering and analysis of evidence obtained during each type of site visit.

Each resulting site visit report will contain findings or observations relating to the Criteria. Findings are statements that describe the school’s performance in terms of the Criteria. Findings synthesize the site visit team’s analyses of evidence collected from multiple sources prior to and during the visit. Observations may address some, but not all, aspects of the Criteria or Key Indicators.

In order to communicate clearly in the site visit report for full, core and targeted site visits, the Department uses a rating scale to summarize a charter school’s performance against the Criteria. Ratings will capture school performance at the time of the site visit. In the site visit reportas described for each type of visit in Appendix C, each Criterionwill be accompanied by a rating: Falls Far Below, Partially Meets, Meets, or Exceeds[3].

Rating / Description
Exceeds[4] / The school fully and consistently meets the criterion and is a potential exemplar in this area.
Meets / The school substantiallymeets the criterion and/or minor concern(s) are noted.
Partially[5] Meets / The school meets some aspects of the criterion but not others and/or moderate concern(s) are noted.
Falls Far Below / The school falls far below the criterion and/or significant concern(s) are noted.

Additionally, the site visit report will include appendices that contain data regarding Criteria 2 (Access and Equity), 5 (Student Performance), and 10 (Finance). Data collected and summarized in the appendices is used to provide or supplement ratings for Criterion 2. See Appendix B for a full list of Charter School Performance Criteria and a general list of questions that will guide the team’s inquiry during the site visit. For a complete list of types of site visits, typically assessed Criteria, and information regarding findings and ratings, please see Appendix C.