Psyc350 Project Pre-Proposal:Variables & References:

Personal Success Data Set

Step #1 – Pick one of the following as your “Core variable”– make it bold & increase the font size.
  • Self-Consciousness Scale
  • Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale
  • Frequency of Self-Reinforcement Questionnaire
  • Internal Versus External Locus of Control Scale
  • Assertiveness subscale
  • Aggressiveness subscale
  • Emotional Reliance
  • Lack of Self-confidence
  • Assertion of Autonomy subscales
  • Facilitating subscale
  • Debilitating subscale
/ Step #2 – Find three references:
  • Each of these should contain the core variable (or a variable that is similar enough to be the basis for RH: about your core variable)
  • References must be peer-reviewed research articles (not books, encyclopedia chapters, book chapters or literature reviews, or websites)
  • These should be the same references that you use in the Introduction and Discussion of your research report
  • Give the proper APA reference below
Reference #1
Reference #2
Reference #3
Step #3 –Picking other variables for your project. At least some of these choices should correspond to variables from your three references, so you can use those references to support your research hypotheses (which you will specify during the next stage of the research project).Pick one variable from each column (Do not pick your “core variable”_ – make it bold & increase the font size.
Variable #1 Quantitative
  • What is your age ?
  • Approximately what was your families’ income during your senior year in high school?
  • How many years of formal education did you mother attend?
  • How many years of formal education did your father attend?
  • How many siblings do you have ?
  • How many times did you move as a child ?
  • What was the population of your hometown ?
  • What is your current GPA
  • What is the average number of credit hours that you take per semester?
  • During the school year, how many hours do you work at a job each week?
  • During the school year, how many hours do you study each week? Self-Consciousness Scale
  • Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale
  • Frequency of Self-Reinforcement Questionnaire
  • Internal Versus External Locus of Control Scale
  • Assertiveness subscale
  • Aggressiveness subscale
  • Emotional Reliance
  • Lack of Self-confidence
  • Assertion of Autonomy subscales
  • Facilitating subscale
  • Debilitating subscale
/ Variable #2 Quantitative
  • What is your age ?
  • Approximately what was your families’ income during your senior year in high school?
  • How many years of formal education did you mother attend?
  • How many years of formal education did your father attend?
  • How many siblings do you have ?
  • How many times did you move as a child ?
  • What was the population of your hometown ?
  • What is your current GPA
  • What is the average number of credit hours that you take per semester?
  • During the school year, how many hours do you work at a job each week?
  • During the school year, how many hours do you study each week? Self-Consciousness Scale
  • Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale
  • Frequency of Self-Reinforcement Questionnaire
  • Internal Versus External Locus of Control Scale
  • Assertiveness subscale
  • Aggressiveness subscale
  • Emotional Reliance
  • Lack of Self-confidence
  • Assertion of Autonomy subscales
  • Facilitating subscale
  • Debilitating subscale
/ Variable #3 Categorical
  • gender
  • ethnic/racial membership
  • type of family in which you were raised
  • your current plans for after college?

Variable #4 Categorical
  • gender
  • ethnic/racial membership
  • type of family in which you were raised
  • your current plans for after college?
/ Bonus Variable #5 Quantitative
  • What is your age ?
  • Approximately what was your families’ income during your senior year in high school?
  • How many years of formal education did you mother attend?
  • How many years of formal education did your father attend?
  • How many siblings do you have ?
  • How many times did you move as a child ?
  • What was the population of your hometown ?
  • What is your current GPA
  • What is the average number of credit hours that you take per semester?
  • During the school year, how many hours do you work at a job each week?
  • During the school year, how many hours do you study each week? Self-Consciousness Scale
  • Generalized Expectancy for Success Scale
  • Frequency of Self-Reinforcement Questionnaire
  • Internal Versus External Locus of Control Scale
  • Assertiveness subscale
  • Aggressiveness subscale
  • Emotional Reliance
  • Lack of Self-confidence
  • Assertion of Autonomy subscales
  • Facilitating subscale
  • Debilitating subscale
/ Bonus Variable #6 Categorical
  • gender
  • ethnic/racial membership
  • type of family in which you were raised
  • your current plans for after college?

Assignment grade out of 20 points ______

Index of Self-Esteem
Positive Affect
Negative Affect
Indecision and Double-Checking
Order and Regularity
Detail and Perfection
Obsessive-Compulsive Scale
Boredom Proneness
Personal Adjustment and Desire for Change
Negative Self-concepts
Low Self-Esteem
Authority Behavior Inventory