Brenda Schultz

Syllabus For Principles of Hospitality 2013-2014

Phone 281-641-6768

Email –


Monday and Friday from 6:30 to 7:00 AM

Other times can be arranged in advance

Class Participation

In order to better understand this class, participating in class discussions, group assignment, lecture, question/answer is a REQUIREMENT. This will help you to apply, analyze, synthesize, information provided.

Make Up Work

It is the RESPONSIBILITY of the STUDENT to complete ALL assignments. If students have missed classes(s) it is their responsibility to attend tutorial to make up assignments. Student(s) will have 2 days to make up any missed assignments due to Excused Absences. If a student fails to make up work she/he will receive a grade of zero (0).

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism

Cheating and plagiarism is the direct copying of words or ideas from a published source. For instance, reference books, textbooks, Internet. Be original and have confidence in your own work and do your best. Plagiarism is illegal and anyone caught will be given a zero (0) for the assignment, a discipline referral will be sent, and a parent conference may be requested.

Supplies Needed

USB Flash Drive, Pens, Paper, Spiral Notebook ( small this will be for daily warm-ups)

Class Rules

Be In your seat when the bell rings

Bring your supplies to class daily

Raise your hand to ask a question

Heading of Paper:

Top of paper on left side:

Student Name

Teacher Name

Class Title / period


Homework must be in the folder by the time the tardy bell rings

Students who access their emails (with-out teacher permission) and or play games on the computers will receive a Saturday class.


All assignments will be graded evenly. Tests, homework, daily assignments all count the same


The hospitality and tourism industry encompasses lodging; travel and tourism; recreation, amusements, attractions, and resorts; and restaurants and food beverage service. The hospitality and tourism industry maintains the largest national employment base in the private sector. Students use knowledge and skills that meet industry standards to function effectively in various positions within this multifaceted industry. Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.