Lesson Plans


Enumerate the learning goals of the lesson

A blueprint for the coordination of goals/teaching objectives – assessment methods –teaching strategies

Organizes classroom instruction plans into a cohesive and effective blueprint for success

Lay a plan of assessment and evaluation of effectiveness of the lesson

Summary Components

  1. National or State Science Education Standards that are covered in the lesson
  2. Main goals of the lesson:

What should students know at the end of this lesson that is important for them to remember years from now?

What is the relevance of this material to the student’s lives? Why should they care about learning this?

  1. Multiple Specific Instructional Objectives – Contain condition, performance, and criteria.

These objectives imply specific:

  1. assessment activity(s)
  2. teaching strategies
  3. student performance levels that are acceptable

Each of these will be expounded on later in the lesson plan.

  1. A list of the instructional strategies that will be employed in the lesson (explained in detail later).
  2. A list of possible alternative or misconceptions that will addressed during the lesson and how they will be addressed.
  3. A description of how you will adapt your lesson to those with special needs.
  4. Any materials that are needed during the lesson

videos, web urls, lab or demonstration materials etc.

  1. A list of any safety concerns and/or classroom rules that are needed to protect the students.

Body of the Lesson Plans – Assessment and Teaching details

  1. A specific plan for pre-assessment to determine what your students already know.[1]
  2. A list of exactly what teaching and learning activities both the teacher and the student will be doing during the lesson. This should Include a time frame for each teaching and learning activity
    This might include any of the following:[2]
    A list of questions you might ask
    Videos you might show –explain the purpose of the video and why you are using it
    lecture material
    Links to PowerPoint presentations you have prepared
    Activities the students will be involved in and the purpose of those lessons
    A description of any formative assessments that will be done during the lesson.

*Be sure to include how the lesson will be designed to meet the needs of all learning styles and of students who have learning or physical disabilities.

  1. Lesson Closure – explain how you will wrap up the lesson and assess who knows what at the end of the day.
  2. Include a description of the Summative Assessment that will be connected to this day’s material. What will the student do and how will you grade the assessment?

References for specific lesson plan ideas and further elucidation of their purpose and usefulness.

Ten steps to developing a quality lesson plan

How to Write a Lesson Plan

Lesson Planning Guide

What should be in a good lesson plan

[1]Do not simply ask questions of the class as a whole- (gather some data that will help you plan your lesson better). When should this pre-assessment be done?

[2] Give specific information and explain the purpose of each part of the teaching plan