Anti Social Behaviour

Service Improvement Group Meeting

21 June 2017


Item / Action
Minutes from last meeting / Distributed and accepted / Distribute papers for consideration 10 days prior to next meeting
Guest speaker / Larry Phillips, CCTV Manager spoke to the group about his role. LP advised he provides an annual report with outcomes of the work they do as it is not possible to do this on an individual basis due to data protection issues. LP explained CCTV started in September 1995 with 18 cameras originally to watch car parks following damage caused to vehicles. Following expansion, CCTV now have 75 cameras around the Tamworth area. These are public CCTV cameras and have resulted in no thefts from Tamworth car parks in the last 12 years. There are no public cameras on Ventura as this is a private retail park.
CCTV works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There is one officer during the day and 2 officers through the night. The CCTV office is in an undisclosed location and has 27 monitors to watch. Everything is recorded at 8 frames per second and there are 4 spot monitors (2 per officer). This allows the officer to bring the footage closer to them to view at 24 frames per second. The cameras in the town were designed so they can watch each other to enable better angles. The cameras can also zoom in to allow better descriptions with one camera while another camera provides an overview of incidents. LP advised that last year, CCTV participated in 600 arrests.
The team have access to a police radio for quick communication allowing 2 way reporting between police and CCTV. The team has vast experience and know the best locations to watch depending on the time of day/night/week/season. There are 10 cameras at the depot with a separate monitor and these are attached to an alarm system. There are no CCTV cameras inside the High Rise blocks.
Another radio connects CCTV to the Town Safe radio systems linking them to shops and pubs in Tamworth. Businesses i.e. nightclubs can pass on information about rowdy people trying to gain access and is useful for highlighting dodgy notes going around. CCTV can see but it can’t hear what is happening.
The Community Warden radio system is also linked to the CCTV office. All cameras are zoomed out for an overall picture but wardens can request the cameras zoom in for specific information i.e. car registration details where an offence is being committed. This radio system has GPS so calls for assistance can be tracked to the nearest camera.
CCTV are available all hours and will assist officers such as Environmental Management Officers who visit licensed premises out of normal working hours. This gives confidence to staff who may come into confrontation. In addition, LP advises numerous females have been saved from sexual assaults. They also watch the emergency services particularly ambulances that may be a target for drugs.
The Street Angels, a voluntary service organised by the church goes out on weekend evenings to look after people who may be the ‘worse for wear’ after an evening out. They are provided a radio connected to CCTV so they know the best place to be to assist people in the town.
All cameras have been changed to domes so that potential offenders can’t see which area is being filmed. Each camera has a privacy zone so they cannot watch inside buildings. Staff in the CCTV office have a sixth sense and, in the main, know who to watch. During large police operations, the council will work with the police to gain intelligence. This requires specific RIPA authorisation. LP advised this is very much a hidden service but clearly a very valuable one. Larry nominated his team to the Public CCTV Managers Association and they won the Best CCTV Operators Award and Larry won the award for Management and Innovation. He is clear that the priority of CCTV is to look after the people of Tamworth and keep them safe. The group thanked Larry for his time. / Suggestions for next meeting include Julia Gibbs, PC Andy Russell (ASB Officer), Tenancy Sustainment Officer
Factsheets / New Factsheets produced about Dog Fouling, Domestic CCTV and BBQ’s. Officers make regular requests and have asked for factsheets around ‘sharps’ and NSP’s. / The group suggested a factsheet around the Prevent agenda.
JG to send out last 2 factsheets with minutes.
Review of ASB Policy and Procedure / The Corporate ASB Policy including housing’s policy is due to go to CMT (Corporate Management Team) for approval. After that, it will need to be approved by Cabinet / Awaiting Cabinet approval for ASB policy
Service Improvement Plan / The Service Improvement Plan is updated ongoing when actions are completed. / JG to send up to date plan out with minutes
Performance / 1st quarter due at the end of this month / Provide quarterly
Training / Discussed the option of basic Housing Law Training for residents. All attendees interested. / Remaining places to be offered to councillors. Training arranged for 31/7/17.
Neighbour Relations Service / Service Level Agreement signed with same provider as last year and extended for use by the Community Safety Partnership due to the high success rate and best bid on In-Tend. / This item can now be removed from the agenda.
Witness Support Charter / Attendees have requested a copy of this document / Send document to attendees and remove item from agenda
Focus Groups / At the members’ request, individual complainants dissatisfied with the service were invited to interview. Out of 8 dis-satisfied customers over the last 6 months, 2 attended. As a result, their case has been reviewed and any learning actions passed to the manager. / This item can now be removed from the agenda
Any Other Business / ·  Noise App – new triage system for recording noise nuisance complaints was discussed and TBC will purchase for £500 and pay subscriptions of £600 for the first year.
·  Online incident diary – is now back for use on the website to record incidents in ongoing cases. Reports go instantly to the case officer
·  Guide To – JG has provided officers with guides to possession and injunction along with the forms to use to make enforcement actions easier. The next guide will focus on Community Protection Powers and prosecutions
·  Costs – JG advised we are now able to record the costs of anti-social behaviour by case and by case officer. / Other competitors to be checked out before moving forward with the Noise App. Business case to be provided
IC asked if the system has the option for the customer to print it off and/or get a return receipt. JG to check
Date and time of next meeting: / To be arranged