Department or Chair within the Faculty / DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE
Study level / 1st cycle
Course title / History 1: Classical Antiquity
Course code / GL 0501
Language of instruction / Croatian / English
Course description / During the course following topics will be introduced and discussed: introduction: time and space (historical, sociological and cultural frame of the period of the ancient world (Ancient Greece, Rome and Hellenism); theories about the establishing of theatre, ritual function of theatre, theatre conventions, drama conventions on the example of the greatest Greek authors (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes) and Roman authors (Seneca, Plautus, Terence); the most important and most influential genres (tragedy and comedy) based on basic theory text, the beginning of theory and critical opinion (Aristotle Poetics).
Form of teaching / Lectures, seminars, discussions on plays, certain topics, and visual materials (power point presentations, photos, pictures, videos, movies, theatre programmes). Students are also involved in discussions.
Optional: guest teachers will be invited to have a class or held a lecture on various topics connected with the main idea of the course (15 class hours). By attending it and finishing it successfully students can get 1 ECTS which will be included in 3 ECTS - the maximum number of ETCS that this course can have.
Form of assessment / Students have to attend classes regularly. In order to have their student's book signed they have to attend at least 80% of classes and go to theatre to see at least two theatre performances. Their work is assessed during the whole semester and they can obtain 100 points out of a maximum of 100 points:
16 points: active participating in classes (discussions etc);
24 points: 6 pop quizzes (to check whether students read plays, pop quizzes are taken before analysis of a certain play; every pop quiz has maximum 4 points);
60 points: 3 written examinations (each can have maximum 15 points) or 50 points.
A final written examination at the end of the course/semester includes everything that has been taught during the course – it is meant for those students who did not pass, take or who failed one or more of the earlier written examinations during the semester.
Optional: the oral (for students who want to get a better grade) – maximum 10 points, oral presentation (to get a better grade, maximum 10 points), write a paper (this is a chance to get a positive grade if a student didn't pass one of the pop quizzes).
Number of ECTS / 3
Class hours per week / Lectures-2, Seminars-2
Minimum number of students / 2
Period of realization / Winter semester
Lecturer / Sanja Nikčević
Alen Biskupović
Department Or Chair Within the Faculty s1