Thermacell | Mosquitos

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Suggested Anchor Intro: / Mosquitoes that are capable of transmitting the Zika virus have been found to live in nearly all U.S. states, according to maps recently released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As we head outdoors to celebrate this 4th of July, that’s enough to make the prospect of a single mosquito bite downright frightening for many of us. Jack Trammell reports on technology you may want to make part of your common sense mosquito defense this holiday weekend.
Sound up full, NAT SOT: Mosquitoes buzzing.
VO: Mosquitos are a lot more than just annoying these days, they can be outright dangerous.
VO: Fending off mosquitoes used to be limited to using citronella candles, applying DEET to your skin, or covering up with clothing during the warmest months of the year.
VO: But Bernadette Cardona and Bret Vinson say they're enjoying a highly effective alternative - area repellents like this onethat literally creates a 15-foot by 15-foot zone of protection from mosquitoes and other biting insects.
Bill: 10:10:36 It constantly releases the repellent over a period of time while you’re enjoying the outdoors. 10:10:41
VO: Entomologist Dr. Bill Donahue demonstrates how it works by placing his arm in a cage of 200 hungry mosquitos that begin biting him immediately.
Then, to showthe effectiveness of the area repellent in an open area, he placesitwithin a few feet of the cage outdoors, and after 15 minutes, no mosquitos are flying or biting at all.
CG:William A. Donahue, Jr., Ph.D.
Sr. Scientist
Sierra Research Laboratories / Bill: 10:28:18 Area repellents are extensively tested. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires that they be tested against three different genera of mosquitos – Anopheles,Culex, and Aedes. Aedesaegypti are the yellow fever mosquito. They also transmit dengue, chikungunya, and now we’re hearing a lot about Zika virus. 10:28:37
VO: This Thermacell area repellent technology usesallethrin, a copy of a repellent that naturally occurs in chrysanthemum flowers.
A small butane cartridge heats a mat, releasing the repellent into the air. There is no candle, no open flame, and it’s virtually odorless.
CG:Bret Vinson
Enjoying mosquito-free outdoors
/ Bret: 15:12:01 Area repellents like these allow me to relax and enjoy my time outside with my family. 15:12:06
VO: Something that means a lot in this year of the Zika virus.
I’m Jack Trammell.