Muscular System: Chapter 8 Study Guide:

1. The skeleton Cannot move itself, that job is preformed by the ______.

2. Muscle tissue consists of cells that are specialized for ______.

3. What are the three types of muscle tissue and where in the human body would you find each type?
A. ______
B. ______
C. ______

4. Thick filaments of skeletal muscle are composed of a protein called

5. Which muscle tissue is described by the following words; Involuntary; single large nucleus, and are not striated. ______

6. Thin filaments of skeletal muscle are composed of a protein called

7. The type of muscle that bends a joint is called a ______.

8. The type of muscle that straightens a joint is called a ______.

9. Skeletal muscle in made of elongated cells called ______.

10. Which muscle tissue is described by the following words; Voluntary, Striated, large cells with more than one nucleus ______.

11. What attaches muscles to bones? ______

12. These type of muscles have opposing or opposite functions ______.

13. Type of muscle that pumps blood through the body ______.

14. Skeletal muscle fibers are grouped into dense bundles called ______.

15. These types of muscles have the same function, or work together to perform a particular function are called ______.

16. Skeletal muscles are joined to bone by tough connective tissue called ______.

17. Muscle fibers consists of bundles of threadlike structures called ______.

18. Thin actin filaments are anchored at their midpoints to a structure called the ______.

19. A group of fascicles are bound together by connective tissue to form a ______.

20. Muscles contractions require energy, which is supplied by ______.

21. The more stationary bone that a muscle connects to is called the ______.

22. The more movable bone that a muscle connects to is called the ______.

23. ______is a physiological inability of a muscle to contract.

24. ______is a temporary lack of oxygen.

25. The ______is the functional unit of muscle contractions.

26. What is the difference between isometric and isotonic contractions? Give an example of each.

27. What are the two types of isotonic contractions? Give an example of each.

List the steps of muscle fiber contraction in the correct order:

1. Sarcolemma is stimulated by neurotransmitters to releases Calcium ions.

2. ATP energy released and cross bridge is broken. The repeated breaking and forming of bonds is the continued contractions of the sarcomere.

3. Muscle contractions are instigated by nerve impulses at a Neuromuscular junction.

4. A lack of Calcium ions allows Troponin and Tropomyosin to block the Myosin-binding sites on the Actin, preventing a cross bridge to form.

5. Myosin heads bind to actin forming a cross bridges and Myosin moves actin towards z band shortening the entire sarcomere for contraction.

6. Neurotransmitters are released from the axon terminal of the motor nerve across the synapse into the membrane of muscle tissue (the sarcolemma)

7. Calcium ions bind to troponin and tropomyosin changing their shape allowing the actin binding site to be