Unit: Counting and Number SenseGrade: 1

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Establishing Daily Routines
(Daily Routines may include choral counting, counting or other rhymes and chants,
number of day counted on calendar, number line, with pennies, straws, etc.) / Establishing Daily Routines / Establishing Daily Routines / Exploring Math Materials
(Teachers may wish to integrate some lessons on working with partners, working with a group and working alone as students explore math materials) / Exploring Math Materials
Introduction to Math Workshop / Review: Counting by 1s to 10 and Number Meaning/Formation
to 10 / Locating Numbers 0 – 10 on Number Line / Comparing Numbers 0 - 10 / Review: Counting by 1s to 20 and Number Meaning/Formation
to 20
Locating Numbers
0 – 20 on Number Line / Counting by 1s to 20 Starting With Any Number Less than 20 / Comparing Numbers 0 - 20 / Using >, =, < Symbols to Compare Numbers / Using >, =, < Symbols to Compare Numbers
Using >, =, < Symbols to Compare Numbers / Finding One More/One Less / Finding More or Less by Hopping on a Number Line / Finding More or Less by Hopping on a Number Line / Unit Assessment
Unit Resources
End of Unit Outcomes:
(Based on Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for Mathematics/Common Core State Standards) / At end of unit students will be able to:
  • 1.NBT.1 Count to 20, starting at any number less than 20. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral (numbers through 120 will be addressed in later unit).
  • 1.NBT.3 Compare numbers 0-20, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and < (numbers through 120 will be addressed in a later unit).
  • 1.OA.5 Preview the relationship of counting to addition and subtraction (though at this point it is only through moving on a number line; further work with addition and subtraction will come in the next units).

Everyday Math (2004/2007) lessons with components connected to concepts and skills addressed in this unit: /
  • 1.1 Daily Routines
  • 1.2 Investigating the Number Line
  • 1.3 Tools for Doing Mathematics
  • 1.4 Number-Writing Practice
  • 1.5 One More/One Less
  • 1.10 Working in Small Groups
  • 1.11 Exploring Math Materials
  • 2.2 Numbers All Around

Everyday Math games connected to concepts and skills addressed in this unit: /
  • Monster Squeeze (introduced in 1.2)
  • Penny-Dice Game (introduced in 1.3)
  • Bunny Hop (introduced in 1.5)
  • Top-It (introduced in 1.6)

Everyday Math Routines connected to concepts and skills addressed in this unit: /
  • Choral Counting (introduced in 1.1)
  • Class Number Line (Number of Day) (introduced in 1.1)
  • Keeping Track of Attendance (introduced in 1.2)
  • Working with a Partner (introduced in 1.3)
  • Using Slates (introduced in 1.4)
  • Working in Small Groups (introduced in 1.10)

Resources available on K-5 Math Teaching Resources found at /
  • Missing Number Grids
  • Teens on the Ten Frame
  • My Double Ten Frame Riddle
  • Show One More
  • Show One Less
  • One More on the Ten Frame
  • One More/One Less Scoop
Note: See also materials found for K Number Activities
Resources available on Thinkfinity/Illuminations found at /
  • Building Numbers Up To Ten
  • Let’s Count to 20
  • Ten Frame

Resources available at the Library of Virtual Manipulatives and Other Online Interactive Tools /
  • Interactive Number Line

Possible literature connections: /
  • Anno’ s Counting Book by Mitsumasa Anno
  • Two Ways to Count to Ten by Ruby Dee
  • The Great Pet Sale by Mick Inkpen
  • Let’s Count by Tana Holban
  • Fish Eyes by Lois Ehlert,

DRAFTJuly 2012