President: LtCol (Retd) Robbie Silk MBEChairman: Mr Allan Adam

Hon Secretary:Mrs Wendy Adam Treasurer: Mr Ray Hansen MBE

Members in Attendance: 20

Unit Members in Attendance: 19

Minute 1:

Apologies:The Chairman received apologies fromMr Dave Howard, Mrs Brenda Howard, Mr Steve Graham, Mr Neil Williams, Mr Dave Taylor, Mr Mike Hewitt and Mr Dennis Rensch


Minute 2:

The Chairman spoke to the meeting on the following points:-

  1. AGM at next Month’s Meeting 1 September 2016:
  2. It will be the 30th Anniversary of the Branch changing from the Colchester RMPA to the Colchester & East Anglia RMPA. The Chairman is going to hold a small celebration on the night and proposed that each member and their partners receive their first drink free on the night. Branch voted Carried.
  3. The Branch will be looking to fill three posts this year due to the following:
  1. Mr Ron Holroyd has decided to stand down as Welfare Officer and Corps Journal Notes writer after at least 36 years in the post.
  2. Mr Brian Drake has decided to stand down as the Branch’s Webmaster. We are looking for someone with good IT skills to take over this role. The elected member will receive the package to carry out the website from Mr Drake.
  3. Mrs Wendy Adam wishes to standing down from the role of Secretary due to current situation regarding her illness.

Any person wishing to carry out any of the above positions should make the Chairman aware prior to the AGM

  1. Annual Dinner 29th October 2016: The Annual Dinner menus have been sent to all members and unit reps. Please return your menu choice to the chairman by the next meeting. A table plan has been organised and members are requested to fill out this by the October meeting. Tables are for a maximum of eight persons. It is hoped that Unit members from the three Messes will attend this year, as it will be the 70th Anniversary of the RMPA. News received this Month PM (A) Brig David Neal will be unable to attend the function. The Chairman and President are looking to invite either the High Sheriff of Suffolk or the Commandant of the RoyalChelseaHospital as the new Guest of Honour.
  2. Royal Albert Hall Trip 12 November 2016: The Chairman confirmed that the Branch has managed to obtain 48 tickets for the Royal Albert Hall. These tickets are for Branch and unit members at this time however; if we cannot sell to Branch members then the Chairman will sell to other RMP and other guests like the Rotary club etc. The cost of the tickets will be £25pp and the cost of the transport will be £15pp

Minute 3:

The Treasurer read out the Treasurers report for the August Meeting.

Our financial position remains in a healthy state, now, with both our accounts showing substantial balances even after considerable sums of money have been paid out this month, mainly for the weekend away in Corton Hall in September, but more about that in a moment. As reported last month a number of members have already made payments towards the Annual Dinner on Saturday 29th October 2016, which is much appreciated, however could I again ask that all balances for this function are received by me by the Branch Meeting on 6th October, as this will give me the chance to bank all monies and cheques and for them to be cleared before we have to pay the catering bill on the night. You will also see on the sheet for the Treasurers Account that we have had to pay out £430.00 for tickets for the Royal Albert Hall in November and I anticipate that I will be receiving bills from other members for tickets that they have purchased on behalf of the Branch. Add to this a bill for the coach company of £575.00 and you will see that our funds will very quickly be depleted. Therefore, for this visit can I please ask that all monies to be paid in by the Branch meeting on 3rd November, so that I can bank and ensure that all cheques are cleared before I have to start paying money out.

I now return to the subject of the payments to Corton Hall. Our Chairman visited that venue on 7th July to pay the balance due for those attending but despite giving some 2 months’ notice that we needed to cancel 13 rooms, which I am sure they will have little difficulty selling, they levied £780.00 on the final account for these cancellations. At the present time, this sum is owed to our Chairman. My feeling is that we should now write to Corton Hall expressing our disappointment at the levy charged and seek at least a refund of some of this levy. I have drafted a letter along these lines, which the Chairman has agreed with.

As at 28th June 2016, the accounts stood as

Treasurers Account £2,346.11

Charity Account £508.87

Minute 4:

The President Report

  1. Congratulated and thanked Mr Ron Holroyd and Mr Drake for their sterling work for the Branch over the years
  2. Passed on his best wishes and speedy recovery to Mrs Wendy Adam and was sad to see her stand down from the post of Secretary
  3. Letter sent to Lord Petre congratulating his on his award of Knight Commander of Victorian Order.
  4. Letter sent to PM Brig David Neal requesting his presence at the Branch’s Annual Dinner.
  5. Thanked the Unit members for their continued support
  6. Thanked the ladies for their continuous supply of sandwiches for the monthly meetings

Minute 5:

The Unit RepSsgt Gaz McCallumSpoke to the Branch members on the following:

a. AATF called – 10 Pax on 3 hours’ notice to move (Sudan) 10 Pax on Route signing Colchester – South Surney

b. 156 Pro Coy RMP on BBC news WRT the current threat.

c. LCpl Haywood – at Headley court and into week 3 of her recovery programme.

d. Welcome back to the unit – Sgt Griffin and Cpl Green.

e. 2 x JNCO’s going on Sandhurst instructors Cadre (Cpl Henry / Cpl Clifford).

f. 1 MP Bde Golf Comp will be going ahead shortly.

g. Welcome to Kendrew Det.

h. LCpl Seabrook has volunteered to carry out the next quiz for the Branch

Minute 6:

Proposals from the floor

  1. The Chairman advised the members that an Ex Corps Member CQMS Colin Carnall was producing a second book about Redcap Insignia and Collectables Revisited. A copy of his first book was donated for the Branch Raffle by Mr Dan
  2. Mr Ron Holroyd and Mr Drake volunteered to supply the sandwiches for the AGM next month

.Meeting closed 2023hrs

Any Other Business

1.The Chairman would like to thank the unit members for their assistance during the August Meeting Cpl Samuel Cpl Clifford Cpl Henry LCpl Alcroft