DCMS Windows Application Training Manual on Non Domestic Consumer Creation <Version 1.0>

DCMS Windows Application

Training Manual


Non Domestic Consumer Creation

Version 1.0

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Copyright: HPCL 2010




1.1Related Processes

2.Non Domestic Consumer Registration

2.1.Creating a new connection for a non domestic consumer in DCMS Windows System at Distributor’s office by Distributor

2.1.1.Registering a non domestic customer for a new connection

2.1.2.Verification Details

2.1.3.Allotment List Display

2.1.4.SV (Subscription Voucher) Generation

2.1.5.Pending SV Generation

2.1.6.Enrollment – Additional Cylinder Connection

List of figures

Figure 1: Screen of Consumer Enrollment under Non Domestic Consumer management

Figure 2: Screen after the enrollment is over

Figure 3: Screen for Enrollment Verification

Figure 4: Screen for searching Verification Detail through an LOV Screen

Figure 5: Screen for Allotment List Display

Figure 6: Screen for printing Safety Form

Figure 7: Screen of SV Generation

Figure 8: Screen after saving the SV

Figure 9: Screen for Additional Cylinder Connection for Non Domestic Consumer

  1. Introduction

DCMS is a system, demanded by HPCL management to remain leader in LPG business in India.This Non Domestic Consumer Creation manual will help you and provide guidelines for successfully registering a non domestic consumer.


When thenon domestic consumers go for a new connection (through distributor’s office or through consumer portal), theyneed to register themselves. During registration they need to get associated with a distributor. From a distributor front desk this is done automatically, otherwise it is a part of consumer responsibility. The generated registration number is handed over to the Consumer with the potential waitlist number (if applicable).

1.1Related Processes

  • Enrollment of the consumer
  • Verification of the consumer
  • Allotment of the consumer
  • Generation of subscription voucher of theconsumer.

The processes are described below:

There are two types of Non Domestic Consumers:

  1. Non Domestic – Exempted (NDE)
  2. Non Domestic – Non Essential (NDNE)
  1. Non DomesticConsumer Registration

You can do consumer registration through following method:

A. Create Consumer registration in DCMS Windows System at Distributor’s office by Distributor.

B. Create Consumer registration in Consumer Portal by Consumer.

2.1.Creating a newconnection for a non domestic consumer in DCMS Windows System at Distributor’s office by Distributor

2.1.1.Registering a non domestic customer for a new connection

You will create the registration for a non domestic consumer, who wants a new connection in this screen.

To open the screen:

  1. Click on the ‘+’ sign of Consumer Management→‘+’ sign ofNon Domestic ConsumerManagement→ Consumer Enrollment.You are displayed the following screen.

Figure 1: Screen ofConsumer Enrollment underNon Domestic Consumer management

  1. The screen includes the following fields.All the fields that are red in color are mandatory and can't be left blank in all the pages that follow.


Field Name / Description
Enrollment No. / The Enrollment No. of the consumer is auto-generated and it will be displayed after saving the registration.
EnrollmentDate / The date of enrollment of the customer. You should enter the date. It must on or four months before the present date.
EnrollmentStatus / The registration status of the consumer. It auto generated and displayed in this field.
Name of the Organization / Enter the name of the non domestic consumer.
Building No / Enter the house/building no of the consumer.
Area / Select the area, where the consumer’s address belongs, from the drop down list.
Street / Enter the street or locality of the consumer. This field is directly fetched from the database.
Town / City / The city or town of the consumer. You should select this field from the dropdown list for Registered Company Address and it will be directly fetched from the database for Supply Address.
State / The state of the consumer. This field will be selected from the dropdown list in Registered Company Addressand it is fetched from the database for Supply Address.
Pin / Enter the pin code of the consumer.
Contact Person / Enter the name of the person to be contacted at the company’s address or supply address.
Office Phone1 / Enter the office phone no of the consumer.
Office Phone 2 / You can enter an alternative office phone no. in this field.
Mobile / You should enter the mobile no of the consumer.
Email / You should enter the email address of the consumer.
Type Code / It is a drop-down list. You should select one of the type codes from the drop down list for the consumer.
Nature Code / After selecting the type code this field gets activated. It is a drop down list. Distributor should select whether the customer is a Non Domestic Exempted or Non Domestic Non Essential from the list.
Package Code / This drop down list gets activated after selecting the nature code. Distributor should select one of the packages from the list, according to the consumer choice.
Cylinder Count / You should enter the no of cylinders in this field.
Regulator Count / You should enter the no of regulators in this field.
Document Type / You can select one of the document types for identity proof of the organization.
Document No / You should enter the document no of the selected document.
Document Type / Select one of the document types as Business Document of the customer.
Document No / Distributor should enter the document no of the selected document.
Excise Registration No.
ECC Code
Name of Range

To register a new customer:

  1. Enter the Name of Organization, Building no., Street, State, Town / City, Pin and the Contact Person Name for the Registered company.Also enter the Building No., Street, Area, Pin and Contact Person name in Supply Address.If both the addresses are same then click on the checkbox for Make Both Address Same.The Enrollment Date should be on or four months before the present date.Distributor have to fill Area Definition screen of Distributor Data module before coming to this page, otherwise the drop down list of area wil be empty.Select an area from the dropdown list.
  2. You must enter one of the contact no.
  3. Select the type of connection from the dropdown list in Type Code field.
  4. Then the Nature Code will be activated and you can select any option from the dropdown list.
  5. Select an option for the Package Code from the dropdown list which will be activated after selecting the Nature Code. It is different for different Nature Code.
  6. You need to enter the Cylinder Countand Regulator Count.No of cylinder and no of regulators can be upto 999 for a Non Domestic consumer.
  7. You need to select the Doc Type for identity Document and Business Document from the dropdown list. Enter the Doc No. for each fields.
  8. In other information section, you need to fill the compulsory fields.You may or may not enter values in other fields.In the field labeled Excisable if you select Yes from the options in the dropdown list, then you need to enter proper values for the input fields named Excise Registration No., ECC Code and VAT No.
  9. Click on Save button after entering all the required details. It will show a pop-up message “ Enrollment done successfully“.Then the following screen appears with an Enrollment No. and Enrollment Status as New:

Figure 2: Screen after the enrollment is over

  1. After saving,the Verification Details button will be activated.You should click on this button for verifying the consumer.

2.1.2.Verification Details

After registering anon domestic consumer successfully, when you will click on the Verification Details button, you will get the following screen for verifying the enrolled consumer.

Figure 3: Screen for Enrollment Verification


Name / Description
Enrollment no. / Automatically fetched from the database. Need not to be filled. When you want to search other consumers, you have to click on clear button and press F9. A LOV screen will appear. You can search enrollment no from there and view about the verifications of other consumers in verification status flow.
Consumer Name / Automatically fetched from the database. Need not to be specified by the distributor.
Unique Consumer ID / Automatically fetched from the database. Need not to be filled in by the distributor.
Current Verification Status / Under this, there are four types of verification status. The checkboxes of these statuses are automatically marked after doing each kind of verification status. Need not to be filled in by the distributor.
Type Of Verification / It is a drop down list. Distributor should select one of the verifications from the drop down list, which he wants to do. Bold fields in Current Status Verification are mandatory to do.
Verified By / The name of the distributor will be fetched from the database. Need not to be filled in by you.
Remark / you should put remarks in this field.
Pass/Fail / These are two radio buttons. You should select pass if the verifications are ok.
Verification Status Flow / After doing each type of verification, that verification details will be updated automatically to this table.

To verify the details of a non domestic customer:

  1. Select the type of verification to be done for the customer from the dropdown.
  1. Specify the Verification Date.It should be on or after the date of Registration.
  1. Give some remark and select one of the radio buttons whether Pass / Fail.
  1. Click on Update button after entering values to all input fields.It will show a pop-up message “Registration Verification Data Saved Successfully”.The bold fields in current verification status are mandatory to be passed.After doing each type of verification, that verification details will be updated automatically to this table.
  1. After updating the Clear button will be activated.Click on Clear button for clearing the fields under current verification Status.
  1. After clicking the Clear button the Search button gets activated,which you can use to search and modify the verification details of other registered customers by giving the Registration no. or Unique Consumer ID.
  1. Press F9. It will display an LOV screen in which you need to enter a number in Search String and click onFind. You can view the list of customer details here. Select the customer whose verification details you want to search and click OK→Search.

Figure 4: Screen for searching Verification Detail through an LOV Screen

  1. Click onClose button to close this screen.

2.1.3.Allotment List Display

In this page, distributor can see all the allotted non domestic consumers and also can generate an safety form.

To open the screen:

  1. Click on Allotment List inNon Domestic Consumer Managementwhich is present in the Consumer Management module of the menu bar.. It will show the Connection Allotment list of the non domestic customers as follows:

Figure 5: Screen for Allotment List Display


Name / Description
Type / Here the type code will be fetched from the database, which distributor has mentioned at the time of enrollment of the consumer.
Enrollment No / Here the Enrollment No. of the consumer will be fetched from the database, which has generated after successful registration.
Enrollment Date / Here the Enrollment date, when the registration has done, will be fetched from the database.
Reference No / Here the reference no, will be fetched from the database.
Name / Here the consumer name will be fetched from the database, which you have mentioned at the time of registration.
Source / Here the source, how the registration has done, through portal or distributor terminal, will be displayed.
Safety Form / There should be a Print Safety Formbutton in this field for generating a safety form.
  1. After successful registration and document and safety verification, a consumer will be allotted and displayed in this list, otherwise his/her name will not be in the list.
  1. Click on Print Safety Form button for printing a safety form, it will show a print preview of the form and a popup ‘safety form generated successfully’.

Figure 6: Screen for printing Safety Form

  1. Click on Close button to close the screen.

2.1.4.SV (Subscription Voucher) Generation

A subscription voucher will be generated for a non domestic consumer through this screen.You can generate SV for a consumer only whenthe safety form is printed .

To open the screen:

  1. Click on SV Generation. You will be displayed the following screen:

Figure 7: Screen of SV Generation


Field Name / Description
SV Type / It may be of two types: New Connection or Additional Cylinder Connection. You need to choose the option from the dropdown list. By default it is ‘New Connection‘.
Enrollment No. / Press F9 or you can type the Enrollment no of the consumer. If you press F9, a Loss of Value (LOV) screen will appear. From that screen you can search the Enrollment No. of the consumer and fill this field.
Unique Consumer ID / After specifying the Enrollment No.you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the unique consumer id, if you have mentioned it at the time of registration.
Enrollment Date / After specifying the EnrollmentNo. distributor should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the date of enrollment of the consumer.
SV No / SV No will be auto generated and Displayed in this field after generating SV successfully.
SV Date / SV date will be the System generated date.
Cur. Statn S. No. / Distributor should enter the stationery no in this field.
Type of Non Domestic Consumer / Here you select the option from the dropdown list whether Commercial or Industrial. Then select the corresponding category from the dropdown list next to it.
Consumer No. / It is a system generated field. After completion of the SV Generation it will get generated.
Type Code / After specifying the enrollment no you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the Type code which is mentioned at the time of registration.
Nature Code / After specifying the enrollmentno you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the nature code which is mentioned at the time of registration.
Document Type / After specifying the enrollment no you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the Document type of address proof which you have mentioned at the time of registration.
Document No / After specifying the enrollment no you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the Document no of address proof which is mentioned at the time of registration.
Document Type / After specifying the enrollment no distributor should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the Document type for Business document which is mentioned at the time of registration.
Document No / After specifying the enrollment no you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the Document No. of Business Document which is mentioned at the time of registration.
House/Building No / After specifying the enrollmentno distributor should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the building no.for both the registered company and supply address which is mentioned at the time of registration.
Area / After specifying the enrollment no you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the area for supply address, which is mentioned at the time of registration.
Street Name / After specifying the enrollment no distributor should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the street for both the registered company and supply address, which distributor has mentioned at the time of registration.
City/Town / After specifying the enrollmentno distributor should click on fetch button. It will fetch the city/town.
State / After specifying the enrollment no you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the State.
Pin / After specifying the enrollment no you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the Pin code, which is mentioned at the time of registration.
Contact person / After specifying the enrollment no., click on Fetch button. It will fetch the name of the person to be contacted for both the registered company and supply address which is mentioned at the time of registration.
Office Phone 1, Office Phone 2 / After specifying the enrollment no you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the office phone no.s, which are mentioned at the time of registration.
Mobile / After specifying the enrollment no you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the mobile no, which is mentioned at the time of registration.
Email / After specifying the enrollment no distributor should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the email address, which distributor has mentioned at the time of registration.
Cylinders (Code) / After specifying the enrollment no you should click on Fetch button. It will fetch the Cylinder code, which is mentioned at the time of registration.
Cylinder (Quantity) / The quantity of the cylinder is auto generated and displayed here.
Cylinder(Deposit Amount) / The deposit amount for the cylinder is fetched from the database.
Regulators(Code) / Select the regulator code from the drop down list.
Regulators(Quantity) / The quantity of regulators is fetched from the database.
Regulators(Deposit Amount) / The deposit amount for the regulators is fetched from the database.
Total / The total amount of the cylinder and regulator are displayed here.
Preferred Delivery Day / Select the day for delivery from the drop down list.
Remark / Distributor should enter some remark.

To generate SV for a customer:

  1. Select the SV Type as New Connection.
  2. Click on Enrollment No. and press F9 or you can type the enrollment no of the consumer, a Loss of Value (LOV) screen will appear. From that screen you can search the enrollment no of the consumer and fill this field by the method mentioned above.
  3. Click on Fetch button.
  4. Select theType of ND consumerfrom the dropdown list and their category from the dropdown list next to it.
  5. You can insert or modify values in the active input fields.
  6. Select the SV generation date which should be on or after the date of Safety form generation.
  7. Select the type of regulator from the dropdown list and put some remarks. You may select a preferred day for delivery.
  8. Click on Save button after a valid input. You will get a message in the pop-up screen saying “Subscription Voucher generated successfully”.Thus after saving miscellaneous information,you can create a SV successfully.Then this SV details is listed in the Pending SV screen for cash memo generation,which is present in Order Fullfillment module.