Outcomes & Evidence

Progress Inventory*

Minor in Leadership Studies

Center for Student Leadership Development

Memorial Union

University of Rhode Island


Date Enrolled: SEPTEMBER 2009

Date of Graduation: MAY 2013

*The Outcomes & Evidence Progress Inventory is the intellectual property of the Center for Student Leadership Development (CSLD) at the University of Rhode Island and cannot be reproduced in part, or in its entirety, without the written permission of the acting Assistant Director of the CSLD.

Outcome Category: Self-Leadership

Outcome / Target class / Additional Experiences / Descriptive notes regarding learning and practice
1. / Student will demonstrate autonomy and a minimized need for approval / HDF 290 / Picking classes on my own / When I first picked classes for my fall semester of freshman year at URI, I immediately talked with my parents to review and make sure I was making the right decisions for my classes. As my semesters progressed at URI, I found myself not asking my parents for their advice on my classes, but referring to my academic advisor for advice on the classes offered for my major and minor. I did this because I realized that my parents were not fully aware or knowledgeable about the courses I was questioning them on and they were giving me poor advice. I realized that the person who could best answer my questions was my academic advisor who specialized in my specific major in the College of Business. As I gained a bond with my advisor, she informed me that I was relying on her too much for advice and that I am completely capable of picking classes without her approval. After freshman year, I was able to pick all of my classes on my own for my major and electives. I realized that I did not need approval from my parents and only needed the okay from my advisor to make sure I was on course with my major. This was a moment of me becoming self-governed for the first time in college with minimized need for approval from others.
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2. / Student will demonstrate personal, organizational, and academic examples of self-discipline / HDF 417 / URI Greek Affairs Fundraising and Budgeting Internship / After becoming so involved in the URI community, I quickly realized that I would need to make many sacrifices in order to be so involved. While taking the HDF 417 course, I had both a job and an internship on-campus. My job is paid while my internship is un-paid. Ideally, I would rather work to make money, but I had to exercise self-discipline and give up hours at work in order to complete my 3-credit un-paid internship. I also exercised self-discipline socially by choosing to stay in to study for the weekend rather than going out with my friends.
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3. / Student will demonstrate the ability to manage emotions / HDF 290 / Attending sorority convention
Calming down an angry parent / My sorority, Chi Omega, held a national convention for presidents to attend at our national headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee this year. At the weekend long convention, I participated in seminars and activities that taught presidents how to deal with all of the emotions we could face in the upcoming year. We learned how to handle our emotions in situations with sorority members, campus staff, other Greek life members, as well as sorority member’s parents. All of this information became very helpful when I was given a situation where I had to talk with a very angry parent of a sorority member. The parent was concerned with a recent decision I had made, and wanted to put her “two sense” in on the topic, and eventually the parent turned the conversation into an argument. However, as I learned at the convention, I had to manage my emotions as a leader and make sure to ease and resolve the argument. I had to put the phone down for a minute to take a breath and collect my thoughts to make sure that I wouldn’t respond negatively. In the end, the end of the phone call settled all of the problems and I was able to effectively handle my emotions.
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4. / Student will demonstrate knowledge of stress management methods / CSV 302 / URI 101 Mentor / The task of a URI 101 Mentor is to facilitate and manage a classroom of URI freshmen. We address topics on basic knowledge of URI, Diversity, Involvement, and most importantly self-management. Our most important unit in CSV 302, which is the class for URI 101 Mentors to learn effective ways to teach their URI 101 class, was self-management because freshmen students find themselves in a balancing act with their workloads in college. This important unit in CSV 302 taught me to balance my time between my most important day-to-day necessities, which personally are sleep, classes, studying, eating, cleaning, showering, and commitments. By realizing and recognizing these main focuses I was able to designate the amount of time I wanted to give to each group.
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5. / Student will demonstrate the ability to manage stress / CSV 302
HDF 417 / Yoga class
URI Greek Affairs Fundraising and Budgeting Internship / Through gaining knowledge on how to manage my stress through my CSV 302 class, I was able to realize that my outlet for managing stress was to be active. I found that my favorite and most beneficial form of activity to manage my stress is done practicing yoga. This form of meditation allows me to silence everything around me and to become calm for a 30-minute period each day. I set up my yoga mat in my room, lock my door, and put in a yoga DVD to help me relax and take the stresses of life away. Each person is capable of managing their stress; they just have to find their way of doing so, which for me is done by doing yoga.
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In my Spring 2012 semester I was taking 18 credits, had a part-time job, was the President of my sorority, had an internship, and attempted to maintain a social life all in one short semester. I was consistently running around campus trying to complete my day-to-day schedule, while attempting complete internship work and class work on time. As stated above, my usual means of stress management is yoga; however, I didn’t have time for yoga classes this semester and had to resort to finding another way to manage my stress. While at my internship during my Spring 2012 semester, I was often alone in the office and was left by myself to complete large tasks and projects, which unfortunately brought upon me a lot of stress. I quickly realized that playing classical music in the office was the best way to calm my nerves and to regain focus in order to complete my tasks in the least stressful way that I could.
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6. / Student will express a personal code of leadership / membership ethics / HDF 417 / Chi Omega
Order of Omega / I’ve learned a lot of valuable skills about others and myself while being an active Chi Omega sister. Through our Chi Omega Symphony, our six purposes, and our ritual I have truly gained insightful knowledge about not only the Fraternity, but also about myself. My favorite line in the symphony is “to keep her welfare ever at heart that she may be a symphony of high purpose and helpfulness in which there is no discordant note”. This to me is the true importance and meaning of the Chi Omega Fraternity because it states that if all Chi Omega’s follow the symphony, then true help and goodness will be rewarded to them. Our symphony, six purposes, and ritual allow each member to guide their life through Chi Omega’s beliefs and morals. Through formal recruitment I ended up unintentionally memorizing our symphony and truly made a connection to the words that I had memorized. As a Chi Omega sister, I of course knew the importance of our symphony, but had not fully understood how it affected me personally until formal recruitment this fall. I realized that if I chose “to keep her welfare ever at heart” then I would change myself to be a true leader and unique individual.
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The Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of Greek organizations. The Order of Omega recognizes juniors and seniors who have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and involvement within their respective organization and within the Greek, campus, and local community. While being a member of the organization, I have enhanced my personal code of leadership by recognizing, encouraging, and strengthening my values and beliefs. I have recognized my values on scholarship and my belief that scholarship is my first priority. It has helped me to encourage others to improve their academics and grade point average in hopes to become a future member of the Order of Omega. Lastly, it has helped me to strengthen my bond and connections with my peers within the Greek community at URI.
(Evidence Included)
7. / Student will demonstrate practice of the personal code of ethics / HDF 417 / URI Greek Affairs Fundraising and Budgeting Internship / My internship revolved around the Greek community at URI. I had to deal with many different sororities and fraternities, all of which have different beliefs and values. In every decision that I made, I had to keep in mind the different values of the organizations while at the same time staying true to my personal code of ethics and values.
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8. / Student will express a personal values statement / HDF 417 / Top 5 VIA / My personal values include leadership, having the capacity to love and be loved, teamwork, diligence, and social intelligence. These values were given to me after completing an in-depth questionnaire on the VIA Strengths website for my HDF 417 class.
(Evidence Included)
9. / Student will demonstrate practice of the personal values statement / HDF 417 / URI Greek Affairs Fundraising and Budgeting Internship / My values are leadership, social intelligence, capacity to love and be loved, teamwork, and diligence. I utilized each of these values in my internship. I showed leadership by taking control of a situation and making sure that I worked well with my group to succeed. For example, I was completing a fundraising project proposal and came across some questions and concerns. I consulted the PR intern and she confessed that she too was facing the same issues with her proposal. Together, we were able to offer advice and both create proposals that interlinked and benefited each other. I showed social intelligence by helping my supervisor with tasks that ordinarily wouldn’t involve my intern position. However, I knew that my supervisor was stressed out and needed assistance in order to organize his thoughts and efforts. I also utilized my value of industry and diligence through completing and organizing one of my campaigns. The campaign is a slate campaign to raise money for the Greek LEAD Fund at URI, which benefits Greek leadership opportunities. The project entailed a lot of work and commitment, but since I’m a diligent individual I have to finish what I start even if it means taking over a large portion of my time.
(Evidence Included)
10. / Student will demonstrate the ability to lead a project from start to finish (follow-through) / CSV 302
HDF 417 / URI 101 Mentor
URI Greek Affairs Fundraising and Budgeting Intern / In being a URI 101 Mentor, we learn in our CSV 302 class that the process of being a mentor is a semester long project. This project is filled with planning and creating a weekly lesson plan, facilitating a group of incoming freshmen at URI, assigning papers, grading papers, and most importantly being a role model for the students. As our final in the class, we create a PowerPoint project that displays all of our lesson plans and activities we held for the students throughout the semester. The project started on the first day of URI 101 and ended beyond the last day of the URI 101 class. It was a semester long project that required information from within the class as well as outside of the classroom.
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On my first day at my internship, I was trained for a period of an hour about the previous intern’s work thus far and about what my projects were for my semester as the intern. I was given two main projects to maintain and was asked to create and propose one of my own projects to my supervisor. The project that I created is called “The 2012 Fundraising Campaign”. The whole idea of 2012 is to encourage each member of each chapter to raise $20.12 for the Greek Lead Fund. The incentive that I offered to the chapters that raised the most money would be a pizza party along with other perks that would be given during Greek Week. I created the project and hope that it will be an annual fundraising event that the succeeding interns will carry on.
(Evidence Included)
11. / Student will describe goals and objective statements regarding personal issues, career issues, and community issues / HDF 417 / URI Greek Affairs Fundraising and Budgeting Internship Training / In my life, I have realized that my goals and statements change with the people I meet and the situations I am put in. However, with my personal life I try and make sure that I always take from other people the good in them and work to help them in whatever way I can. During my internship training, I discussed this in depth with my supervisor to assure that I had a clear understanding of my goals and objectives for myself as well as for my internship.
12. / Student will show evidence of goals and objectives that were planned and achieved / HDF 417 / Chi Omega Officer Training
URI Greek Affairs Fundraising and Budgeting Internship / In order to be on the Executive Board in Chi Omega, you must complete a mandatory executive board training session before each term. This training session is two days long and is filled with activities and presentations to help us prepare for our positions. The main focus of the training is on setting goals and objectives for the upcoming year and semester. As the new President, I held this training session for the rest of my board and had them compile a list of goals and objectives that they each hoped for individually and also as a group. All of us created our own list and discussed what they were and how we were going to achieve them. As the semester continued, goals and objectives were achieved and met. As a de-briefing for the end of the semester, I held an executive board meeting to look at our lists and make sure that each goal and objective was met. If the goals were not yet met, I made sure that the officer was to achieve the goal before the end of the semester.
(Evidence included)
During my internship training, I was given a list of projects and tasks that I was expected to complete by the end of the semester. However, the tasks and projects were very vague and I quickly realized that I would need to make my own list of goals and objectives in order to complete the tasks successfully and on time. Once I made my list of goals and objectives, I consulted with my supervisor to receive feedback. Each week we briefly discuss my efforts towards achieving the goals and objectives. Through time-management and organization, I have already completed many of my goals and objectives even though I am only halfway through with the semester.
(Evidence Included)
13. / Student will show knowledge of the “Hierarchy of Needs” theory by Maslow / HDF 290 / I learned about this theory during my professor’s presentation on the topic in my HDF 290 class. Abraham Maslow is a psychologist who developed the Hierarchy of Needs model in the 1940s. This model consisted of 5 basic needs that must be met in order for self-actualization to be experienced. The Hierarchy of Needs theory is taught in most psychology and development classes because of the relevance to everyday life; in order to move up the pyramid, the bottom need must be met. The five basic needs were:
  • Physiological Needs:
  • Need for water, warmth, exercise, sleep, food, shelter, stimulation, activity, clothing, etc.
  • Security Needs:
  • Need for security/protection from harm, physical safety, economic security, freedom from threats, protection against hunger, order/law, limits, stability, etc.
  • Love and Belonging Needs:
  • Need for belonging, to receive/give love, appreciation, friendship, affection, feeling of being part of a group, identification with a successful team, etc.
  • Esteem Needs:
  • Need for achievement, status, responsibility, reputation, lf-respect, personal worth, autonomy, recognition from others, uniqueness, etc.
  • Self-Actualization:
  • Need for purpose in life, meaning, realizing all inner potentials, personal growth and fulfillment, reaching full potential, etc.
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14. / Student will show application of Maslow’s theory to own life / HDF 290 / I learned about this theory during my professor’s presentation on the topic in my HDF 290 class. I believe that I have experienced self-actualization because I have four basic needs that lead up to self-actualization. My physiological needs include water, exercise (even though I don’t exercise as much as I should be), sleep (even though I sleep less that the average 22 year old), shelter, clothing, and most importantly food. My security needs include protection from harm, physical safety (like wearing my seat belt), and protection against hunger, which derive from my religious beliefs. My love and belonging needs include my boyfriend and the love that I give him and the love that I receive from him. I also receive love from all of my best friends and my sisters in Chi Omega, which is my identification with a successful group. My esteem needs include receiving achievement awards like President of the Year and Robert A. Rainville leadership award nominee. These awards validate recognition from others of my efforts. Lastly, I have experienced self-actualization because I try to live my life with purpose and meaning so that I can make a difference in the world.
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15. / Student will describe personal leadership style and/or personality style including strengths and weaknesses and examples of application (Sources = Leadership style inventories, the L.P.I., StrengthsQuest, Type Focus (MBTI), LAMP, and other career inventories, etc.) / HDF 417 / URI Greek Affairs Fundraising and Budgeting Internship / My strengths are organization, leadership, creativity, desire, and enthusiasm. I actively utilize each of these strengths on a daily basis while at my internship. I am always enthusiastic, while professional at the same time, while at my internship. I feel that having enthusiasm and a positive attitude can only make for a more positive work environment, which leads to more accomplishments and happier co-workers! My internship requires me to be conscientious of my time-management and organization because I currently have 4 different tasks/projects that I am working. In order to successfully complete my tasks I have to organize them constantly so that my supervisor can easily see my accomplishments. I also have to be creative while at my internship. The projects that I have been asked to complete have been around for some time, but I wanted to switch things up a bit and introduce a new fundraising project for Greek Life, which I am currently working on a proposal for. I have shown leadership by taking control of a situation and making sure that I work well with my group to succeed. For example, I was completing a fundraising project proposal and came across some questions and concerns. I consulted the PR intern and she confessed that she too was facing the same issues with her proposal. Together, we were able to offer advice and both create proposals that interlinked and benefited each other.
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Outcome Category: Leadership Theories