Effective Date: 20/03/2017
- Please complete the appropriate section of this application form to apply for UNBS Management Systems Certification and all other sections. You will then be contacted for us to establish the full details about your organisation and the proposed scope of certification.
- For each management system there is an annex (list of documents) required to be attached to the application.
- The UNBS Management System Certification schemes are operated in accordance with the UNBSterms and conditions.
- The person making this application or requesting changes to the registration must hold executive authority within the corporate structure that includes the facility(s) for which the application is being made. Certification cannot be granted to a third party. Where the application form or notification of a change is signed by an authorised representative instead of a member of the applicant company a letter from the applicant company appointing them must be included with the request.
- The requirements for transfer of an accredited management system certification to UNBS are based on IAF ‘Mandatory Document for the transfer of Accredited Certification of Management Systems’ (IAF MD 2). The durations of any audit is based on IAF ‘Mandatory Document for Duration of QMS and EMS Audits’ (IAF MD 5), ISO/TS 22003 and the UNBS procedure for determining audit time duration (CERT/OP/12).
- For a single site organisation, the certification activities shall be relevant only to that site. However, if a company operates on several sites or auditable functions are performed at more than one location which is to be included within the certification request then:
- The Stage 1 process shall focus on the main (controlling) site (for new certifications)
- The contract shall determine the initial site sampling to be used for the Stage 2 Audits to enable Certification and the remaining sampling required for the period of certification (usually 3 years).
- The Applicant shall appoint an individual who shall be the liaison for all the sites
- UNBS certification will only be granted when the audits of the agreed sample of sites have been completed and with any Major nonconformity resolved.
- UNBS must be advised of any intention to withdraw or add locations to the certification.
- Certificates are issued in the name of the Applicant Company which is thereafter referred to as The Holder. Certificates also include the address of The Holder, the reference to the Standard used for Audit, the scope of the certification, the locations included within the scope, and any conditions for its validity.
- Once issued, Certificates are not transferable (except to another certification body), they can only be updated and reissued (with audits if applicable).
- Certificates are normally issued with an expiry date 36 months from the date of issue. To avoid the risk of the certification lapsing the re-certification audit should be conducted in sufficient time to ensure any major audit findings can be cleared by UNBS a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the certificate expiry date.
- UNBS maintains the following records; all Applications, Recommendations, Notifications, and Certificates after the last significant file activity, for a period of 5years. Audit Schedules, and Audit Reports, are also retained for 5 years.
- You shall keep the following records for a minimum of 5 years:
- All relevant details on the Certified Management System.
- Details of any amendments to the Certified Management System.
- Reports from UNBS resulting from the initial audit of the quality system and any subsequent audits, either surveillance, re-assessment or unannounced.
- A record of all complaints and remedial actions relevant to the quality system
- When completed, a signed copy of this document should be delivered, e-mailed, or mailed to UNBS at the addresses below.
Please select service applied for(tick)
Initial Certification / Re-Certification / Scope Extension / Other
Please indicate the scheme applied for:(tick)
US ISO 9001 / GMP/GHP / US ISO 22000
US ISO 14001 / US 130 (HACCP) / OHSAS 18001
Others (please state) / US ISO 27001
Company Details
Registered Name of Company: *
Registration number of company: * / Please attach certificate of registration of business
Company Tax Identification Number (TIN) Number *
Capacity of Organisation*
(Net turn-over) / Business Sector:
Physical Address: (Location) *
Distance in Km from UNBS Standards House: * / Postal Address:
Other Details:
Contact Person’s name: * / Telephone number/office line: *
Position held: * / Mobile Number
Official Email: *
Name of CEO/Managing Director: * / Telephone Number: *
Do you have any outsourced processes that will affect conformity to requirements? (Yes/No) * If Yes, please specify:*
Number of Shifts and Shift Times (if applicable): *
Do shifts perform different activities? (Yes/No)If yes please specify*
Do you have any seasonal activities that impact on operations? (Yes/No) If yes, please specify:
Please list any statutory and regulatory requirements to your product(s)/service(s) *-Additional sheet may be attached if space is not sufficient.
Participation in any other Certification schemes:* Please attach copies of certification documents
Language preference*- All certification activities will be in English Note: Interpreter requirements will be as arranged by the audit client.
Please specify:
Has consultancy relating to the management system to be certified been provided and if so, by whom? *
B.1 Details of location(s) to be audited.
Please provide an organisation chart with a breakdown of numbers for each function and fill in the table below.This information is required for the purposes of calculating the number of days required to carry out the audit. The time allocated for the performance of all audits will be in accordance with the latest Mandatory guidelines provided by the International Accreditation Forum.
UNBS reserves the right to extend the audit time if we subsequently discover that the data supplied differs to that found whilst carrying out the audit.
Note: for shift work, this may involve a review of shift personnel, over and above the normal 9am to 5pm operational activities. [IAF MD5 requires us to provide a formal justification for not auditing each shift].
How many locations are to be included within the scope of the certification?
Audit location (s) Identification Table
Site Identification name / Location (District, Town, Street (rd.) Distance in Km from UNBS / Processes/ Activities / Number of Employees
Permanent / Part-time / Temporary
Skilled / Un-skilled
For Part-time employees please specify number of hours per day.
Are most staff involved in repetitive processes? Yes/ No Please explain
For Integrated Management Systems, Please declare the level of integration using a scale of 0-100%. Consider the following aspects.
1. An integrated documentation set, including work instructions to a good level of development, as appropriate; Yes/ No
2. Management Reviews that consider the overall business strategy and plan; Yes/ No
3. An integrated approach to internal audits; Yes/ No
4. An integrated approach to policy and objectives; Yes/ No
5. An integrated approach to systems processes; Yes/ No
6. An integrated approach to improvement mechanisms, (corrective and preventive action; measurement and continual Improvement); Yes/ No
7. Integrated management support and responsibilities. Yes/ No
What is your declared level of integration using a scale of 0-100%?
If this application is for multiple locations do you require Multi-Site certification for;
a)Sites operating under a common quality management system under the control of your head office?
b)Each individual site listed?
B.2.1 What is the scope of your management system?
State all the business activities and the products or service for which certification is required. This wording will appear on the approved certificate
B.2.2.Exclusions from scope of certification:(Consider both business processes and standard requirements)
B.2.3.Justifications for exclusions above:
B.2.4 About your processes
Where manufacturing is part of the scope to be audited, is the production process: / Yes/No
B. 3. Please answer this question only if you are applying for recertification
What changes have happened in your organization’s management system since the last surveillance audit? Tick all that apply below.
Scope of certification (e.g Additional processes/Additional sites/ Additional products/services etc)
Management (organizational structure) / Changes to legislation / Other
If Yes, explain and attach relevant documentation
When will you be ready for a full audit? Please indicate date - Day/Month/Year
This section is to be completed and signed by the CEO or an authorised representative of the company:
I hereby confirm on behalf of ………………………. (the Company), that the information contained in this document is correct, any changes in circumstances will be notified to UNBS in writing, and we accept and agree to abide by the following documents (latest revisions, as may be amended from time to time):
a)Terms & Conditions UNBS Certification (all Schemes)
b)Certification Fees policy
The Accreditation to be held by UNBS is maintained by way of regular audits which are carried out by the Accreditation Body personnel. Part of this audit process includes witnessing the audits conducted by UNBS personnel and from time to time, we may require your assistance by allowing the Accreditation Body to witness our audit on your Organisation.
Name: / Position:
Signature: Date: / Seal/stamp
Part C: For Official Use Only
C.1 To be filled by Certification Administrator
Are all applicable fields in section A & B filled out completely? / YES / NO
Are all respective attachments and information required in section B provided? / YES / NO
Have applicable fees been paid and payment evidence provided? / YES / NO
System Certification File Number allocated to File: / Sector Code:
Name & Signature of Person Receiving Application:
Date Received: / Time Received:
C.2.To be Filled by Head Systems Certification
Case Officer Allocation:
Name: / Signature
C.3 To be filled by Client Case Officer
Date file received: / Time file received / Application expiry date
The proposed scope is accurately defined consistent with the products/service of the applicant and the management system / YES / NO
Does UNBS have the capability of certifying the scope? / YES / NO
Is technical expertise required for the scope of certification? If Yes, Please explain.
Application review decision / Accept Application: / Reject Application:
Justification on decision
Re-certification Application review (Applicable to re-certification applications only)
Do the changes in the client’s management system necessitate the conduct of stage 1 audit? / YES / NO
Justification on decision above:
Audit Time Determination
How much time is required to complete the audit? (Please attach filled Audit time determination form CERT/SC/ F11)
General Comments:
Name and Signature of Client Case Officer: / Date:
Auditor Allocation (To be filled by Head Systems Certification)
Name(s) / Auditor type / Designation / Signature
Lead Auditor
Technical Auditor
Auditor in training
Justification for audit team selected:
Name & Signature of Head of Systems Certification: / Date of allocation:
Received by Lead Auditor (Signature) / Date received by Lead Auditor:
Uganda National Bureau Of Standards, Plot 2 – 12, Bypass Link, Bweyogerere Industrial & Business Park, Kyaliwajala Road,
P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda Telephone: 0417 – 333 250, 0417 – 333 251, 0417 – 333 252. Toll-free 0800 133 133. Website: Email:, Page 1of6