Geology Map Observations

Each Person in your group needs to complete this assignment!

Part 1 (10 Points)

Get into the groups according to the number on your map.

Answer the questions about the map that was assigned to you.

  1. What is your scientific specialty?(circle one)

Seismology VolcanologyGeography Geochronology

  1. What information is your map telling you about the world?




  1. What do each of the colors on the map represent include units?




  1. Make 5 observations describe any patterns that your map shows. Use the world map to help you describe where in the world you are writing about. EXTRA CREDIT: Find more then 5 patterns

Example: There is a string of volcanoes to the west of Alaska.

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______

Part 2 (10 points)

  1. Get in your letter group. You should have 4 different maps in your group now.
  2. Each member of the group is going to share what he/she learned from their map in Part 1. You should be speaking to your group, not copying the answers off their paper. Teachers initials______
  3. As you listen, write down what you learned and ask questions using the phrases for discussion.
  1. What patterns did you learn from the seismologist?




  1. What patterns did you learn from the volocanologist?




  1. What patterns did you learn from the geographer?




  1. What patterns did you learn from the Geochronologist?




  1. Find 3similarities in the patterns between all four maps? Extra crediT: Find more similarities

Example: There are volcanoes, earthquakes and shallow water in Iceland.






  1. The world is broken into plates like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. From your observations of the maps, draw what you think the puzzle pieces should look like on the world map provided to you.

Part 3 Group Presentations (10 Points)

Prepare your presentation.

Presentations must include

All 3 similar patterns your group found. (Part 2, #5)

How you found these patterns. (______Maps had ______in common.)

Your group’s proposed puzzle pieces (answer to #6) explaining why you drew the boundaries where you did.

  1. What similarities did the other groups find that where the same as yours?



  1. What similarities did the other groups find that where different from yours?



  1. Use the map on the following page to draw in the lines where you think the earth is broken up into seven different pieces.