TELEPHONE: 401-841-2015/FAX: 401-841-7381
Associate Dean of Academics for Electives and Directed Research (Since Feb 2000)
Professor, National Security Affairs (Strategy, Force Planning and Defense Economics) (Since August, 1987)
Contributing Editor, National Review Online (Since October, 2001)
Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute (Since August 2001)
Adjunct Fellow, Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy, Claremont CA (Since August, 1997)
Adjunct Fellow, Ashbrook Center for Public Policy, Ashland University, Ashland Ohio (Since August, 1997)
Editor-in-Chief, Strategic Review (February, 1990-August 1997)
Adjunct Professor of International Relations, Boston University (September, 1992-August 1997)
Consultant, Center for National Security Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico (1988-1993)
Consultant, J-5 Strategy, the Joint Staff, Washington DC (1993-1995)
Senior Visiting Fellow, Center for Naval Analyses, Alexandria, Virginia (April 1987- August 1987)
Director of Legislative Affairs for Defense Programs (Nuclear Weapons), US Department of Energy, Washington, DC (October 1985-April, 1987)
National Security Adviser to Senator Robert W. Kasten, Jr. (R-Wisconsin), US Senate, Washington, DC (January 1983-April 1985)
Ph.D. Political Philosophy, University of Dallas, 1982
M.A. Economics, University of Oklahoma, 1976
B.A. Education, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1968
1987- Naval War College, Newport RI
Core Curriculum
Strategy and Force Planning
Civil-Military Relations, Congress and National Security, Macroeconomics, The American Founding, Statesmanship of Abraham Lincoln, Sea Power and Maritime Strategy, Strategy and Military Geography, The American Civil War
1993-1997 Boston University, Boston MA
Department of International Relations
Sea Power and Maritime Strategy, Introduction to Security Studies
1990-1994 Marine Corps University, Quantico, VA
Adjunct Faculty
Resources for Defense, The Central Pacific Campaign of World War II
1991-1993, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
2000-2001 Department of Political Science
Political Ideology, American Political Thought, The American Presidency
1988-1991 Salve Regina College, Newport RI
Graduate Management Program
Macroeconomics, Microeconomics
Graduate Program in International Relations
Political Economy of International Relations
Doctoral Program in the Humanities
Modern Literature and the Human Condition
1985-1986 Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
Department of Politics
Graduate: Congress and National Security;
Undergraduate: American Political Thought
1983-1988 Marine Corps Command and Staff College, Quantico, VA
Adjunct Faculty
Soviet Defense and Foreign Policy
1979-1981 University of Dallas, Irving TX
Department of Economics
Introduction to Economics, Law and Economics, Labor Economics
Department of Politics
American Government
Commissioned, US Marine Corps, 1968. Service in Vietnam as an Infantry Platoon and Company Commander, 1968-69. Twice wounded in action and awarded the Silver Star Medal. Served as Artillery Battery Commander and Battalion Operations Officer. Taught Field Artillery Tactics at the US Army Field Artillery School, Fort Sill. Oklahoma. Transferred to the USMC Reserve, 1977. Served as Action Officer, Joint Strategic Branch and Emerging Issues Branch, Plans Division, Headquarters Marine Corps, 1987-1992. Promoted to Colonel, 1990. Graduated "With Highest Honors" from the College of Naval Warfare (Top-Level School), Naval War College, 1991. Reserve Augmentee, J-5 Strategy, the Joint Staff. Retired on 1 September, 1994.
Defense: US Military Strategy and Force Planning; Civil-Military Relations; The Defense Budget; Planning Maritime and Power Projection Forces; Land Forces; Economics of National Security; Southwest Asia/Middle East; Congress and National Security, Strategic Geography
Non-Defense: Political Philosophy; American Political Thought; The American Civil War; Politics and Literature; Economic Policy
LANGUAGES (Reading Competence)
Latin, Classical Greek, Spanish
PUBLICATIONS - See attached list
REFERENCES - Furnished on Request
Sword of Republican Empire: A History of American Civil-Military Relations, (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, forthcoming).
“Abraham Lincoln: Democratic Statesmanship in War,” Steven Kautz, ed., Abraham Lincoln and Democracy in America (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, forthcoming).
“The Marine Corps in Review (2006)” US Naval Institute Proceedings, May, 2007.
“Continuity, Not Change,” Journal of International Security Affairs, Spring 2007.
“A Winnable War: The Argument Against the Orthodox History of Vietnam,” The Weekly Standard, January 15, 2007
“How We Fight,” National Review, December 4, 2006.
“Rumsfeld, the Generals, and the State of US Civil-Military Relations,” Naval War College Review, Autumn, 2006.
“Lessons Learned,” National Review, August 7, 2006.
“Do We Still Need the Services? The Limits of Jointness,” Armed Forces Journal, June 2006.
“A Balanced Force Structure to Achieve a Liberal World Order,” Orbis, Spring 2006.
“A Brutal Constant,” National Review, April 10, 2006.
“Transformation: The Changing Requirements for Victory on the Battlefield,” The Weekly Standard, January 23, 2006.
“Fighters, Not First Responders,” The Weekly Standard, October 24, 2005.
“Boots on the Ground,” National Review, October 24, 2005
“Lost Victory: Creighton Abrams Might Have Won the Vietnam War,” The Weekly Standard, August 1, 2005
“Commentaries on Article I, Section 8, Clauses 12-16 of the United States Constitution,” Matthew Spalding and David Forte, eds., The Heritage Guide to the Constitution (Washington DC: The Heritage Foundation, 2005)
Co-Editor, Strategy and Force Planning (Newport: Naval War College Press, 1995, Second Edition, 1997, Third Edition, 2000, Fourth Edition, 2004).
“They Charge War Crimes,” National Review, May 3, 2004.
“Strategy and the Logic of Force Planning,” Strategy, Security, and Forces Faculty, eds., Strategy and Force Planning, Fourth Edition (Newport: Naval War College Press, 2004).
“Transforming Transformation: Force Planning Implications of the War in Iraq,” Strategy, Security, and Forces Faculty, eds., Strategy and Force Planning. Fourth Edition (Newport: Naval War College Press, 2004).
“Two, Three, Many Fallujahs, The Weekly Standard, December 6, 2004
“Alexander Hamilton: Champion of American Enterprise,” Matthew Spalding, ed., The Founders’ Almanac (Washington, DC: The Heritage Foundation, 2002).
“How Much is Enough? Force Sizing Without the Two Major Theater War Standard,” Armed Forces Journal, June 2002.
“Power, Sovereignty, and Freedom in a World of Globalization,” Richard Ebeling, ed., Globalization: Will Freedom or World Government Dominate the World Marketplace? (Hillsdale, MI: Hillsdale College Press, 2002).
“The Real Gulf War Blunder,” The Weekly Standard, June 5 2000.
"Thinking About Strategy," Strategy and Force Planning Faculty, eds., Strategy and Force Planning, Third Edition (Newport: Naval War College Press, 2000)
"George Washington and the Strategy of the American Revolution," Gary Gregg and Matthew Spaulding, eds., Patriot Sage: George Washington and the American Political Tradition (Wilmington: ISI Books), 2000.
“US Maritime Strategy and the Cold War,” Stephen J. Cimbala, ed., Mysteries of the Cold War (London: Ashgate Publishers, 1999).
“In Defense of Classical Geopolitics,” Naval War College Review, Fall, 1999.
“It’s Time to Face the Gender Paradox,” US Naval Institute Proceedings, July 1998.
“Technology, The RMA, and Future War,” Strategic Review, Spring 1998)
“Organizing for Failure,” Armed Forces Journal, June 1998.
“An Overview of US Military Strategy: Concepts and History,” Strategy and Force Planning Faculty, eds., Strategy and Force Planning, Second Edition (Newport: Naval War College Press, 1997).
“Some Politico-Military Implications of Naval Forward Presence,” Dan Goure, ed. Naval Forward Presence: Present Status, Future Prospects (Washington, DC: CSIS, 1997).
“The Use and Abuse of Jointness,” 1997 MajGen Richard C. Schulze Memorial Essay, Marine Corps Gazette, November 1997.
“Goldwater-Nichols: A Ten-Year Retrospective,” Marine Corps Gazette, December 1996.
"Strategy and Resources: Trends in Defense Budgeting," Williamson Murray, ed., American Defense Annual, 1995-96 (New York: Brassey's, 1995).
"The Evolution of U.S. Military Strategy Since World War II: An Overview," Strategy and Force Planning Faculty, eds., Strategy and Force Planning (Newport: Naval War College Press, 1995).
"The Political Economy of National Defense," Strategy and Force Planning Faculty, eds., Strategy and Force Planning (Newport: Naval War College Press, 1995).
"The Banality of Incompetence: Robert McNamara's In Retrospect," The World & I, September, 1995.
"Civilian Control: A National Crisis?" Joint Force Quarterly, Autumn/Winter 1994-95.
CoEditor, Fundamentals of Force Planning, 3 Volumes (Newport: Naval War College Press, 1990, 1991, 1992).
"Vietnam as Military History," Joint Force Quarterly, Winter 1993-94.
"The Future of the US Navy: Doctrine, Technology, Organization and Force Structure," A Report for the Center for National Security Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory (1993).
"Toward A Maritime Grand Strategy: Paradigm for a New Security Environment," Strategic Review, Spring, 1993.
"Why Planning Naval Forces is Different," Defense Analysis, Vol. 9 No.1, May 1993.
"The United States Marine Corps in 1992," US Naval Institute Proceedings, May, 1993.
"Women in Combat: Equal Opportunity or Combat Effectiveness," Marine Corps Gazette, November, 1992.
"The Political Economy of National Security" (coauthor), Fundamentals of Force Planning, Volume 3, 1992.
"The Lessons of the Gulf War," Strategic Review, Winter, 1992.
"Strategic Nuclear Force Planning" (coauthor), Fundamentals of Force Planning, Volume 2, 1991.
"The Marine Corps and the New National Military Strategy," Fundamentals of Force Planning, Volume 2, 1991.
"Congress and the Defense Budget," The Public Interest, Summer, 1990 .
"Force Planning in an Era of Uncertainty," Strategic Review, Spring, 1990.
"Expand the MilitaryIndustrial Complex? YesPreparedness Requires It," Orbis, Fall, 1989.
"A Nuclear Test Ban as Arms Control," Comparative Strategy, April, 1989.
"The Tritium Crisis: Energy Department's Time Bomb," Armed Forces Journal, March, 1989.
"DOE's Unilateral Disarmament," National Review, 24 February, 1989.
"The United States Marine Corps: Retrospect and Prospect," The Journal of Defense and Diplomacy, JulyAugust, 1988.
"Marines in a Major European Conflict," James George, ed., The Marine Corps: The View from the Late 1980s, Center for Naval Analysis, 1988.
"Amphibious Operations in the Context of a Naval Campaign in the Baltic Approaches" (SECRET), (coauthor), CNA Scientific Analysis, 1988.
"Critiquing the CriticEdward Luttwak and US Maritime Power," Marine Corps Gazette, December, 1987.
"Alexander Hamilton on Natural Rights and Prudence," Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 14, Numbers 2 and 3, 1987.
"Executive and Legislative Influences on US National Security Policy," Millet et al , The Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: A Critical Analysis, PergamonBrassey's, 1986.
"The Hollow Promise of JCS Reform," International Security, Winter, 19851986.
"Defense Reorganization: Proposals and Issues," Marine Corps Gazette, February, 1986.
"American Strategic Culture and CivilMilitary Relations: The Case of JCS Reform," Naval War College Review, MarchApril, 1986.
"The Survival of NATO," US Naval Institute Proceedings, June, 1985.
"Congress' Role in Defense Mismanagement," Armed Forces Journal, April, 1985.
"Flawed Strategic Thinking," Marine Corps Gazette, March, 1985.
Strategy and Politics, Occasional Paper of the Rockford Institute, June, 1984.
"Grenada, Nicaragua and International Law," This World, Number 9, October, 1984.
"A Further Note on Certain of Alexander Hamilton's Pseudonyms," Journal of the Early Republic, Fall, 1984.
"Postwar Defense Reforms," The Public Interest, Summer, 1984.
"Arms Control: Tracking Soviet Violations," Defense Science, April, 1984.
"Vietnam and the Just War Tradition," This World, Number 7, January, 1984.
Numerous articles, op-eds, and book reviews for such publications as The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the New York Post, National Review, The Weekly Standard, The Jerusalem Post, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Times, The Claremont Review of Books, and The Civil War Book Review.