Monsters & Outsiders (ENGLISH 3045_YA Lit)

Date / Hood Project / Post / Reading
Tuesday, Feb. 2 / Introduction
Thursday, Feb. 4 / *Lawrence, Natalie. "What is a Monster?" Research. University of Cambridge. Web. Feb. 2, 2016.
*Turner, Victor. “Betwixt and Between: The Liminal Period inRites de Passage.”Reprinted fromThe Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society (1964).Symposium on New Approaches to the Study of Religion, pp4-20.Victor Turner Betwixt and Between
Tues Feb. 9 / NO CLASS
Thursday, Feb. 11 / CR Post 1 Due for Groups A, B, C, & D / *Till Packet (2 articles one fromSlateMagazineand the other from PBS’sAmerican Experience: Packet
*Trayvon Packet (1 article and a time line of headlines onThe Daily Beast)Trayvon Packet
*“Transcript of Grand Jury V. 5”State of Missouri v. Darren Wilson(September 16, 2014) Testimony. p195 line 20 - p230 line 4) Found online at
*Patton, Stacey. “In America, Black Children Don’t Get to Be Children”Washington Post(November 26, 2014) Accessed online at:
Tuesday, Feb. 16 / *Baxter, Kent. “Introduction.”The Modern Age: Turn-of-the-Century American Culture and the Invention of Adolescence.Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P., 2011. Introduction is here in 2 parts:Baxter Intro Part One ANDBaxter Intro Part 2
Thursday, Feb. 18 / CR Post 2
Group A / Library Presentation (Meet in room 135 on the first floor of the Library building; it’s next to the ID card office).
Tuesday, Feb. 23 / CR Post 2
Group B / *Frankenstein
Thursday, Feb. 25 / CR Post 2 Group C / *Frankenstein
Tuesday, Mar. 1 / CR Post 2 Group D / *Frankenstein
Thursday, Mar. 3 / Connecting to Present Group E / CR Post 2 Group E / *Frankenstein
Tuesday, Mar. 8 / CR Post 3 Group A / *The Outsiders
Thursday, Mar. 10 / *The Outsiders
Tuesday, Mar. 15 / History Presentation Group A / *The Outsiders
Thursday, Mar. 17 / CR Post 3 Group B / *The Bluest Eye
Tuesday, Mar. 22 / Monster Paper Group A Due / *The Bluest Eye
Thursday, Mar. 24 / History Presentation Group B / *The Bluest Eye
Tuesday, Mar. 29 / Connecting to Present Group C on The Outsiders & D on The Bluest Eye / GROUP MEET
Thursday, Mar. 31 / Monster Paper Group B Due / CR Post 3
Group C / *American Born Chinese
Tuesday, Apr. 5 / *American Born Chinese
Thursday, Apr. 7 / History Presentation Group C / *American Born Chinese
Monday, Apr. 11 / Last Day to Withdraw with a W
Tuesday, Apr. 12 / GROUP MEET
Thursday, Apr. 14 / Monster Paper Group C Due / CR Post 3 Group D / *A Lesson Before Dying
Tuesday, Apr. 19 / *A Lesson Before Dying
Thursday, Apr. 21 / History Presentation Group D / *A Lesson Before Dying
Tuesday, Apr. 26 / Spring Break
Thursday, Apr. 28 / Monster Paper Group D Due / Spring Break
Tuesday, May 3 / CR Post Group E / *Monster
Thursday, May 5 / *Monster
Tuesday, May 10 / History Presentation Group E / *Monster
Thursday, May 12 / Connecting to Present Group A on ALBD & B on Monster / GROUP MEET
Tuesday, May 17 / Monster Paper Group E Due / LAST DAY OF CLASS
Thurs-Fri, May 19-20
Sunday, May 22