held on
Friday 17th October 2014
in the Kirkland Hall, Kirkland, Kendal
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
PRESENT: Abbot Hall, Ambleside, Arnside, Burneside, Crosthwaite, Endmoor, , Holme, Ingleborough,Kings Arms Hale, Kirkby Lonsdale, Levens, Lindale, Lower Holker, Milnthorpe, Netherfield, Sedbergh, Staveley, Subscription, Victoria and Windermere.
1.APOLOGIES: Apologies were received from Bowness, Burton, Hawkshead,Heversham and Langdale
The Minutes of the last Executive Meeting held on 25th October 2013 were accepted as a true record by Staveley and seconded by Victoria.
3. MATTERS ARISING. There were no matters arising.
4. Review of the 2014 season
a)Fixtures. The Secretary reported that it had been an extremely good season mainly due to the good weather with only three matches having to be re-arranged.
b)Divisions. No teams have withdrawn at the present time, but the Secretary requested that should a club feel that they may have difficulties in fielding a team next season, they should inform her as soon as possible. The Division Five fixtures after initial juggling went along smoothly.
c)Divisional Merits. Division 1- 12 points separated the top 10 in, in Division 2 and 3 top ten players were separated by 10 points, Division 4 top 10 separated by 9 point and 8 points separate the top 10 players in Division 5. This illustrates the high standard of play in the Kendal and District League.
d)Knockout Competition.This event was attended by 23 teams with 1 team withdrawing. The Secretary noted that numbers were entering had reduced this year and wonders how to get more teams entering. Heversham BC were thanked for hosting the final.
e)Players’ One-day Championships. Although the weather was variable at times, it was mostly fine and the competitions were a great success once again with only two people failing to turn up. There were many excellent comments from players, host clubs and officials which shows that it is a valued event which also helps clubs to raise money for their own funds. The Secretary thanked Ernie, Brian, Alan and John for attending at the various venues.
f)Super 32 Competition The new competition went well, Staveley BC were thanked for hosting the event. The weather was not kind however the competition was well received by involved. Good Media coverage from the Gazette and Lakeland Radio was given to the event and the sport. It was agreed the competition promoted the sport well and should continue.
g)League Website.The website has been used extensively by bowlers this season registering around 57,000 hits per month in April, growing to a maximum of 73,000 in May. Secretary thanked FMB for their sponsorship.
- Preview of the 2015 season and the formation of Division Six –
Applications to join the league have been received from Endmoor C, Milnthorpe C and Victoria D(66 teams presently making 69 teams).
The proposals circulated were discussed and it was decided to ensure the leagues are competitive. Aproposal was made by Staveley BC and seconded by Victoria BC “to create Division Six for the start of 2015. Division Five would consist of 12 teams and Division Six of 9 teams”. See below for proposed new leagues.
Division Five Division Six
Kirkby Lonsdale BBowness C
Ingleborough BWindermere D new 2014
Victoria CBurneside C
Arnside BSubscription D new 2014
Endmoor BLindale D new 2014
Windermere CStaveley C
Allithwaite CEndmoor C New
Lower Holker CMilnthorpe C new
Heversham BVictoria D new
Lindale C
Subscription C
Holme D
The bottom teams from this year sub leagues would form Division Six, the clubs represented who would become the new Division Six were asked for comments. All were in favour due to the range of teams last year.
The League season will start on the 7th April and end on 3th September with the Championship weekends being on the 19th and 20nd September. The Super 32 Competition will be on and the fixtures will be on the website after Christmas.
- Draft Budget for 2015
A draft budget had been prepared, a small loss of £9 for this year’s accounts, due to new Trophies being purchased. Next year’s budget predictions are similar to this, a loss of £59 being predicted due to new Championship Event trophy needed for the new Division Six. The league has £1500 in reserve and Treasurer felt that there would be no need to increase fees for 2015. The Treasurer and league recognised clubs need any spare monies kept within their clubs to help with running costs.
- Host clubs for 2015.
Applications to host have been received from Allithwaite, Arnside, Heversham, Holme, Kirkby Lonsdale, Ingleborough, Crosthwaite, Ambleside,Sedbergh, Windermere and Burneside.. The Secretary will organise a list of clubs who qualify and this will be voted on at the AGM.
- Notices of Motion- Amendment to Rule M5
Any team failing to provide a sufficient number of players to form a full team shall forfeit 21 points for each absentee. In the event of a member of the team being absent, the captain shall be allowed to play any other eligible club member, provided such substitute is present within one hour from the official start time of the match. A score of 2 1 10 win will be awarded to the player's average who was able to play. A score of 21 0 with W/O written to be recorded on the Match Report Sheet. Except in Division Four to Five(Six?) whereby 1 player will be allowed to play twice. (This means teams from divisions 4-6 can turn-up with 7 players without conceding a game by walkover). The opposing captain to select the player to play twice and this should be done before the game commences.
Proposed amendment to rule M5, whilst in favour we would like to see the final sentence to read. “The opposing Captain to select by random draw the player to play twice and he/she be listed immediately after his/her first listing (if number 1 be drawn randomly then he/she plays at 1 & 2 with others dropping down and if say number 5 be drawn then he/she plays at 5 & 6, with 6 & 7 dropping to 7 & 8). This should be done before the game commences”. – (otherwise it would seem likely that the lowest listed would be chosen regularly)
After discussion the above Notice of motion was voted against. The meeting not being able to reach agreement on which leagues it would covers and how the draw would be made
- Any other business.
It was proposed that the Fantasy Crown Green Bowling run by Alan Gilpin this year as a trial be part of the Kendal and District Bowling League programme.
Date of A.G.M. Thursday 27th November 2013.